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Referendums for an elected mayorСодержание книги Поиск на нашем сайте
Provisions in the Local Government Act 2000 required councils in England and Wales to hold binding referendums if, following consultation, local people indicated that they wanted to directly elect a mayor under the new executive arrangements. Councils may choose to hold a referendum, but local residents can also force a referendum with a petition signed by at least five per cent of registered voters in the area. Although the Government has powers to direct a local authority to hold a referendum in certain circumstances, in June 2002 it announced that it would not intervene in cases where it did not agree with the judgement made by a council following consultation. Comprehension Task 1. Translate the words and their derivatives. To differ – different – difference – differentiate – differentiated – differently To establish – established – establishment To perform – performance – a performer –performing To lead – a leader – leadership – leading To execute – execution – executioner – executor To arrange – arrangement – arranged –arranging To announce – an announcer – announcement To judge – a judge –judgement To consult – a consultant – consultation – consultancy – a consultee – consulting Task 2.Find the synonyms to the words from list A in the list B. A: To choose; chairman; important; occasion; area; existing; special; to be confused. B: Particular; chief, to take up; case; territory; crucial; to be mixed up; current. Task 3. Give the Russian equivalents to the following English words and word-combinations from the text. Ceremonial duties; granted by royal authority; to act as a presiding officer; have opted for a style of executive; to force a referendum with a petition; certain circumstances; announced; it would not intervene; following consultation; arrangement; are based on one of three executive frameworks. Task 4. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian words and word-combinations. Существует 2 типа мэров с различными ролями; общественные события; известны как Лорд мэры; встречает важных посетителей; работать в соответствии с конституцией, которая отражает местные особенности; существующая система комитета; референдум; подписанную по крайней мере 5 % зарегистрированных избирателей в этой области. Task 5. Define if the following sentences are true or false. 1) Some districts have the ceremonial title of borough or city, granted by royal authority. 2) Ceremonial mayors wear a silver chain of office and a red rose on special occasions. 3) New decision-making structures for local authorities in England and Wales were introduced in the Local Government Act 2001. 4) The Mayor of London has more strategic powers than other elected mayors. Task 6. Answer the questions to the text. 1) Which two kinds of mayors can you point out from the text? 2) What is the role of ceremonial mayors? 3) What do ceremonial mayors wear? 4) How is the presiding officer of the council in Scotland called? 5) What are the elected mayors responsible for? 6) Who is the best known elected mayor? Task 7. Sum up the contents of the text.
Text 7 Political parties Vocabulary to evolve - развивать, превращать to merge - сливать to oppose - возражать Chief Whips - «Главный кнут» counterpart - двойник, аналог forthcoming - предстоящий, грядущий donation - дар, пожертвование Plaid Cymry [‘plaid ‘kәmri] - партия валлийских националистов
Sinn Fein [ʃin ‘fein] - Ирландская республиканская партия Ulster Unionist Party - Партия сохранения Северной Ирландии в составе Соединенного Королевства, юнионистская партия Respect - политическая партия социалистов в Англии и Уэльсе
Task 1. Scan the text and try to presuppose its main idea.
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