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Методическая разработка По проверке лексико-грамматических навыков на английском языке для студентов 1-2 курса ФКСиС и ФИТУ Дневной формы обучения Computer Science Translating With Focus on Grammar
Минск 2004
УДК 802.0 (075.8) ББК 81.432.1 я 73 М 54
Составители: Л.С.Карпик, Н.Г.Касперович, А.И.Рогачевская, Р.К.Образцова, Л.Е.Синкевич, Д.А.Пархоменко, Р.Т.Максимчук, Н.Г.Субботкина, Р.И.Коваленко.
Предназначена для проверки навыков по английскому языку у студентов 1-го курса ФКСиС и ФИТУ. Цель разработки — способствовать развитию и закреплению навыков перевода технических текстов. Методическая разработка содержит комплекс упражнений, предназначенный для совершенствования навыков перевода.
УДК 802.0 (075.8) ББК 81.432.1 я 73
© Коллектив авторов, составление, 2004
© БГУИР, 2004 PASSIVE VOICE Образование страдательного залога Пассивную форму (Passive Voice) глагола можно отличить от активной (Active) благодаря наличию вспомогательного глагола bе перед причастием II от смыслового глагола: bв + Participle II (-ed, 3-я форма)
Перевод страдательного залога 1 Страдательный залог при переводе на русский язык может быть передан: а) кратким страдательным причастием прошедшего времени с суффиксом –н или –т (с вспомогательным глаголом быть или без него), т.е. русским страдательным залогом; б) глаголом на –ся в соответствующем времени, лице и числе; в) глаголом действительного залога в соответствующем времени, 3-м лице мн.числа, являющимся частью неопределенно-личного предложения: The experiments were made last year. a) Опыты (были) проведены в прошлом году. b) Опыты проводились в прошлом году. c) Опыты проводили в прошлом году. 2. Предложения с сочетаниями “модальный глагол + инфинитив страдательного залога” рекомендуется переводить со словами можно, нужно, следует и др.: The problem mustbe solved. Эту проблему нужно решить. 3. Страдательный залог с подлежащим it переводится неопределенно-личным предложеним: It was Thought... - Думали, полагали... It was known... – Известно... 4. При переводе английских предложений с глаголом в форме страдательнога залога часто используется обратный порядок слов (русское предложение начинается со сказуемого): New technique has been developed. Была разработана Новая методика. ИНФИНИТИВ (THE INFINITIVE) Инфинитив – неопределенная форма глагола, отвечает на вопрос что делать? или что сделать? Показателем инфинитива является частица to. Формы инфинитива
Функции инфинитива
Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив в функции подлежащего. 1.Today it’s common to see terminals that include telephones, PCs and larger computers. 2. To know a foreign language is necessary for the computer specialist 3. It is important to realize that video RAM (VRAM) must meet higher performance specifications than regular RAM. 4. It is necessary to define the tasks of this program. 5. To help our comrades is our duty. 6. To solve this problem is extremely important. 7. It is important to remember that disk drives are mechanical devices. 8. To introduce a microprocessor that is not downwardly compatible with previous models is very risky. 9. To study this program requires much knowledge. 10. New computer systems have such good audio systems that it is possible to listen to music while you work, have the computer tell you when the printer needs paper, play games that include sound, or compose music on the computer. 11. To explain this simple fact is not so very easy. 12. To obtain these data is necessary for carrying out further experiments. 13. To translate the text without a dictionary is difficult. 14. To train highly qualified programmers is extremely important for the development of computer science. 15. To study this programming language requires much knowledge.
Упражнение 2. Найдите в следующих предложениях инфинитив в функции сказуемого. Переведите предложения. 1.The purpose of the computer is to transform data into information. 2. Using computers has both positive and negative effects on our lives. Our goal is to take advantage of the positives and either reduce the negatives or deal with their results in the best way for you. 3. The biggest challenge in making a workgroup effective is to ensure that its members can communicate more easily among themselves. 4. One important task performed by the operating system is to control the execution (running) of programs. 5. Information must be relevant, timely, accurate, concise and complete in order to be useful. 6. Procedures are the steps that you must follow to accomplish a specific computer-related task. 7. Computers may displace workers by automating tasks that people used to perform or by enabling fewer workers to perform tasks more efficiently. 8. You can use software to instruct computer hardware to do a variety of tasks that involve processing data. 9. The transistor was to change the way computers were built. 10. The first step in developing a program is to define the program.11. The communication channels must be as wide - and as clean – as possible to accommodate a large number of complex signals. 12. Virtually all countries have recognized that to be part of the world economy, they must be part of the world communications system. 13. Users can put the information on their Web pages onto the intranet, and all interested parties can access the information, read it, and download it without wasting the paper to copy it, or the time to make and circulate the copies. 14. To read a graphics file, you must use a program that recognizes the file’s format. 15. In order to connect a monitor to a microcomputer, you must have a graphics adapter board (also known as a video card).
Упражнение 3. Найдите и переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выступает в функции дополнения. 1. You need to understand some fundamental concepts about how computer systems are set up and how they work. 2. Computers consist of hardware, the physical parts of the computer, and software, the programs that tell the computer what to do. 3. You must transfer the information to a storage device, such a disk drive, if you want to keep the information permanently. 4. Computers also ease your daily activities by brewing your coffee, printing your newspaper, and helping you write your letters and pay your bills. 5. Only in the 1950s it became business to produce and consume computer languages. 6. When a modem attempts to establish a connection, it automatically negotiates the modem on the other end. 7. Windows and the graphical user interface made it possible to create value-added files – spreadsheets with charts, word processing files that used different fonts and sophisticated formatting. 8. Most users want to use applications with which they are already familiar, and there is no reason not to do so in a networked computing environment. 9. Many officials want to ban the Internet entirely, but others insist that doing so would leave the countries technologically hobbled. 10. Perhaps the easiest way to enter data is with the touch of a finger. 11. Pen-based computing is just beginning to gain widespread acceptance. 12. Once the program is complete, it needs to be implemented - installed on a computer and made to work properly. 13. Performance monitors help maximize the system’s performance by keeping track of what is happening with the various hardware devices. 14. Although a computer can operate perfectly without a printer, it is certainly helpful to the user to have one.
Упражнение 4. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на особенности перевода инфинитива в функции определения. 1. The capability to process data can be used in a variety of ways. 2. A useful model to describe the relationship between data and information is called the systems model. 3. Efforts to pack more transistors on one chip have led to such a development as Intel’s Pentium Pro microprocessor. 4. Multiprogramming is the capability of a computer to switch between programs requested by different users and to execute the programs concurrently. 5. The instructions to start the computer are stored in read-only memory chips, which are not volatile. 6. When an organization wants to offer communications services to others, it submits a tariff to the government. The tariff is a list of services and charges for the services to be offered. 7. Bandwidth refers to the capacity of a communications channel to carry data or information. 9. Disk drives can store large amounts of data and have the capability to directly access a file or record. 10. Just as CDs have revolutionized the music industry, optical discs have the potential to change secondary storage media. 11. Depending on the volume and type of material to be scanned, you can use drum scanners, flatbed scanners, sheet-fed scanners, and even small handheld scanners. 12. New sound cards even include the possibility to have the computer read a text file to you while you continue working. 13. To test or debug a program, you must create sample input data that represent every possible way to enter input. 14. One program often cannot read data created in another program unless the receiving program has the capability to translate the other program’s code. 15. In the early days of the PC revolution, the computer placed the means to gather, organize, and publish information into the hands of more people than any other previous publishing medium. 16. CD-ROM provides an excellent way to distribute large amounts of data at low cost.
Упражнение 5. Переведите предложения, в которых инфинитив выступает в функции обстоятельства. 1. Because computers have moved into society so rapidly and so completely, you need basic computer skills just to pursue your career goals and function effectively in society. 2. You need computer literacy, sufficient computer knowledge to prepare you for working and living. 3. Today’s complex computer programs, such as Microsoft Word, consist of many separate programs that are designed to run together. 4. In California, for example, a forest ranger uses an electronic spreadsheet to analyze data concerning endangered animal populations. 5. A database program creates an electronic version of a card file - and the program gives you the tools you need to organize this file and to retrieve information. 6. Mainframe computers are large, expensive computers designed to meet a large organization’s computing needs.7. High-level languages were developed to make programming available to most people. 8. To be useful, information must be relevant, timely, concise, accurate and complete. 9. The first computing device could have been as simple as a set of stones used to represent bushels of wheat or herds of animals. 10.To make computers more user friendly (easier to work with), companies developed graphical user interfaces. 11.Computers that use artificial intelligence will have some attributes associated with human intelligence, such as capabilities to decode and respond to natural language(a human language such as English), to reason and draw inferences, and to recognize patterns in sensory input. 12.To interpret the incoming information properly, each computer needs to know whether the other computer is using even parity or odd parity. 13. Minicomputers are smaller than mainframes but still large enough to meet the computing needs of a medium-sized or small organization. 14. To link two computers through the telephone system, a hardware accessory called modem is necessary. 15. To use a bulletin board, you use your communication program to call the bulletin board telephone number. ПРИЧАСТИЕ (THE PARTICIPLE)
Причастие является неличной формой глагола и обладает признаками как прилагательного (иногда наречия), так и глагола. В английском языке имеются следующие формы причастия:
Participle I указывает на то, что действие, выраженное им, совершается одновременно с действием, выраженным глагом-сказуемым: reading – читающий, читая. Действие, выраженное Participle II, всегда носит страдательный характер, т.е. направлено на предмет или лицо, с которым связана эта форма: written- написанный. Perfect Participle указывает на законченность действия по отношению к основному действию в предложении, выраженному сказуемым: having written – написав; having asked – спросив. Participle I и Perfect Participle в страдательном залоге указывают на то, что действие, выраженное причастием, направлено на лицо или предмет с ним связанный: being written – будучи написанным; having been written будучи (уже) написанным. V. Образование сложных форм герундия и их перевод. Формы герундия
Indefinite Gerund – передает действие, одновременное с действием сказуемого; Perfect Gerund – передает действие, которое происходит раньше действия сказуемого; Active Gerund – подлежащее само совершает действие, выраженное герундием; Passive Gerund – действие герундия (который стал сказуемым в придаточном предложении) переходит на подлежащее. Например: We know of the work being Мы знаем, что эту работу вы - carried out in his laboratory. полняют в его лаборатории. We know of the work having Мы знаем, что эту работу вы - been carried out in his labo- полнили в его лаборатории. ratory. Герундиальные обороты Герундий с относящимися к нему словами образует герундиальные обороты, которые обычно начинаются с предлога, притяжательного местоимения или существительного в притяжательном (иногда общем) падеже. Герундиальные обороты можно разделить на две группы: зависимые и независимые.
Notes: 1. Must has no other forms. To express past perfect infinitive can be used sometimes. 2. Had to is the past form of must which refers to a past obligation. 3. Need is used in its negative form to express the lack of necessity.
Упражнение 3. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение модального глагола must либо его эквиваленты и форму инфинитива после них: 1. The data must have been lost. I don’t see it anywhere. 2. To use a CD-ROM, you must have a computer equipped with a CD-ROM drive. 3. You mustn’t interfere with the program work. 4. To read this graphics file you must have used a program that recognized the file’s format. 5. The user must create sample input data that represents every possible way to enter input.
Note: Should/Ought to have no other forms. To express past perfect infinitive can be used sometimes.
Упражнение 4. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение модальных глаголов should/ought to и форму инфинитива после них: 1. It determines which operations should be carried out and in what order. 2. They ought to have tested new applications. 3. Make sure your last command is finished. You should see the prompt on the screen. 4. The batteries should not be kept uncharged. 5. What kind of data ought to be typed?
Notes: 1. Need can be used in different forms with and without “to” after it. 2. Needn’t and don’t need to are different. - We generally use needn’t when the authority comes from the speaker and don’t need to when the authority doesn’t come from the speaker. - To talk about the past, we use needn’t and Perfect Infinitive (means: you did but it wasn’t necessary) or didn’t need to.
Упражнение 5. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение модального глагола need и форму инфинитива после него: 1. Most memory chips are now mounted on boards, you needn’t have checked for other ports. 2. Nonvolatile media are needed to store programs and data when the power is off. 3. The smaller size reduced the distance electrical signals needed to travel. 4. The fields need not be contiguous in memory, nor do they need to be part of a structure. 5. You can insert the executable code you need to “clean up” at an embed point.
Notes: 1. Have to can be used in all forms (present, past, future). 2. The difference between must and have to is that with must the speaker is giving his own feelings, while with have to he is just giving facts. 3. Mustn’t and don’t have to are completely different. “You mustn’t do something” means “it’s necessary that you do not do it”. When “you don’t have to do something” means “it is not necessary to do it; you don’t need to do it”.
Упражнение 6. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение модального глагола have to и форму инфинитива после него: 1. You don’t have to push buttons; these actions occur under the direction of the program you are using. 2. If the program is designed to be sold commercially, the documentation will have to include directions for the user to install the program and begin working with it. 3. You have to remember which entity (set of fields) you described as “left” and which ones as “right”. 4. You won’t have to compete with other users to gain access to the system. 5. Because of its cost, new information had to be stored in appropriate archives and libraries for use by others.
Note: Perfect infinitive after be to can express a planned or agreed action which didn’t happen.
Упражнение 7. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение модального глагола be to и форму инфинитива после него: 1. An alternative way of expressing the instructions is to use mnemonic codes. 2. In industrial situations, the ability to inspect and, if necessary, reject quickly is desirable if further errors are to be prevented. 3. One of the main objectives of research and development in this field was to provide techniques and equipment capable of helping to control this “information explosion”. 4. An alternative to bit slice microprocessors for complex systems is to use several microprocessors together. 5. Zip drives are not to be confused with zip files.
Упражнение 8. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на значение модальных глаголов will/would и форму инфинитива после них: 1. During POST, DMI/ESCD would not be updated. 2. There will not be any warning message in this situation. 3. The system boot would not stop for a disk error. 4. Quick Load pops up a dialog telling you it will create the file. 5. You would then add the procedure to the Application Tree with the Insert Procedure Command.
Note: Modal verb shall is rarely used in technical language.
Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и формы инфинитивов после них: 1. This must have given rise to the development of this type of motherboards. 2. Usually the computer’s instruction book will fully describe the effect of pressing the control or escape keys. 3. The device might have been added to the list. 4. The starting point of designing a program should be the output. 5. The requirement may have been met in the previous experiment. 6. Sometimes you may need to use the plastic springs to isolate the screw from the motherboard surface. 7. Whether your system can run under these specific bus frequencies properly will depend on your hardware configurations. 8. Before you can use you new disk for storing information, you must format them. 9. You should never alter or delete a configuration file. 10. The system boot would not stop for any error that might be detected.
Упражнение 10. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и следующие за ними инфинитивы: Design for Decision Throughout this book I must have been critical of people who produce beautiful thoughts with little or no data behind them. Some readers may have felt that the decision-maker (принятие решения с использованием ЭВМ ) is a cold-hearted, even grim, method of making decisions. These readers might admit that a machine may be all right for making the scientific decisions or even commercial decisions, but they may have felt that Statistical Decision had no place in their world, that it is meaningless insofar as personal, governmental, or international decisions are concerned. I disagree with this point of view. I think that Statistical Decision must have played a useful role in a wider class of decisions which have a direct influence on all of us. I certainly do not consider Statistical Decision to be a panacea. It is one method among many methods of reaching decisions. It is not necessarily the best method; there are situations in which intuitive procedures lead to more effective decisions than any existing Decision-Maker. In fact I think that most people must have already used many of the principles in making their decisions. You may have felt that such concepts as mathematical expectations were new and unfamiliar. However, I am sure that you have had to make decisions on the basis of expectations, when you have had to combine probabilities and desirability (though you may not have used these names).
Упражнение 11. Поставьте следующие предложения в прошедшее время не меняя их смысл, где это возможно, и переведите их: 1. Programs which the control unit operates must be in internal memory in order to be processed. 2. It is allowed to alter some features. 3. They are to discuss the results of their pilot research at the next meeting. 4. Drawings can be stored on a hard or floppy disk. 5. Before you start giving these instructions, however, you might like to know how to quit MS-DOS. 6. Also the memory cells could be given symbolic names instead of referring to them by their actual numeric (binary) addresses. 7. Anyone will be able to operate this menu driven program. 8. The costs of microelectronic would continue to decrease and we have not yet seen any significant departure from this law. 9. Each type of logic circuit may be implemented as a microelectronic circuit using microelectronic transistors and resistors. 10. You need to consider and make decisions on the following aspects.
Упражнение 12. Выберите вариант перевода, соответствующий приведенным сообщениям:
Упражнение 13. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами, русские эквиваленты которых даны в скобках: Hard disk … (может) be divided into one to four separate sections, called partitions. Partitions separate your hard disk into individual areas, and each partition … (может) contain a different operating system. To prepare your hard disk for the MS-DOS operating system, you … (должны) create a partition for MS-DOS, called a DOS partition. You … (можете) create a DOS partition on your hard disk by using a menu driven utility called fdisk. You … (должны) use fdisk if you want to create or delete an extended DOS partition. You … (должны) to follow all the instructions to get the required results.
Упражнение 14. Прочтите текст и заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу модальными глаголами и данными в скобках инфинитивами а правильной форме: Peripheral Equipment The microcomputer … (to communicate) with the outside world, so that programs and data … (to enter) into its memory and processed information … (to display) or (to transmit) in some form to the microcomputer user. There are various types of peripheral equipment that … (to attach) to microcomputers including keyboards and paper tape readers for input, and visual display units (VDUs) and printers for output. Information … (to output) from the microcomputer on to magnetic tape or disk for storage and re-entered when required. Different sensors and actuators … (to link) to the microcomputer for controlling instruments and machines. СОСЛАГАТЕЛЬНОЕ НАКЛОНЕНИЕ
Сослагательное наклонение – это форма глагола, выражающая желание, предположение, сомнение или нереальность выполнения действия. Формы сослагательного переводятся на русский язык сочетанием глагола в прошедшем времени с частицей “бы” (чтобы, если бы и т.д.)”.
If I were there I should ring you up. -- Если бы я был там, я бы позвонил тебе. I wish she would win the game. – Мне бы хотелось, чтобы она выиграла игру. If I knew her address we should --Если бы я знал ее адрес, мы бы написали write to her. ей. It is necessary that he should go -- Необходимо, чтобы он поехал туда. there. III. Условные предложения
Методическая разработка Дневной формы обучения
Составители: Л.С.Карпик, Н.Г.Касперович, А.И.Рогачевская, Р.К.Образцова и др.
Корректор Е.Н Батурчик Компьютерная верстка
Подписано в печать Формат 60х84 1/16 Бумага Печать Гарнитура Усл.печ.л. Уч. – изд. л. 4,0 Тираж 600 экз. Заказ Издатель и полиграфическое исполнение: Учреждение образования “Белорусский государственный университет информатики и радиоэлектроники” Лицензия ЛП № 156 от 30.12.2002 Лицензия ЛВ № 509 от 03.08.2001 220013, Минск, П.Бровки, 6 Методическая разработка по проверке лексико-грамматических навыков на английском языке для студентов 1-2 курса ФКСиС и ФИТУ Дневной формы обучения
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