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UNIT 1 Automobile Production



UNIT 1 Automobile Production

Словарь урока

construct конструировать producer промышленник (тот, кто производит)
construction конструкция production производство
constructor конструктор put into mass production запустить в масс.производство
deal with иметь дело с rapid acceleration приемистость
dependable breaks надёжные тормоза quality качество
design проектировать, проект require требовать, просить
designer проектировщик rigid quality control жесткий контроль качества
develop разрабатывать science наука
development разработка scientist ученый
driving safety безопасность управления silent gearbox бесшумная коробка передач
ease of maintenance простота техобслуживания smooth-acting clutch плавное сцепление
efficiency эффективность, КПД solution решение
engineer инженер stable on the road устойчивым на дороге
handling эксплуатация, уход steering system система рулевого управления
ignition system система зажигания subject to tests подвергать испытаниям
fuel consumption расход топлива technician техник
long service life долгий срок службы technologist технолог
manufacture производить technology технология
manufacturer промышленник, изготовитель truck грузовой автомобиль
manufacturing производство work out разрабатывать
mechanics механик undergo tests проходить испытания
produce производить unit узел, агрегат

Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите интернациональные слова.

Specialist, automobile, industry, production, phase, technology, process, test, mass, fact, service, comfortable ecological, method, type, corrosion, material, optimal, problem, mechanism, control, system.

Прочтите и переведите текст, а затем выполните следующие за ним упражнения.

Automobile Production

I study at the college, at the automobile-construction department. When I graduate from the college I shall become a technician. All specialists in automobile industry dealing with manufacturing automobiles (cars or trucks) must know that the production of the automobile comprises the following phases: 1. designing; 2. working out the technology of manufacturing processes; 3. laboratory tests; 4. road tests; 5. mass manufacturing (production).

Why is it necessary to know all these facts? It is important to know them, as before the automobile is put into mass production it should be properly designed and the car must meet up-to-date requirements. What are these requirements?

The automobile must have high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of handling and maintenance, pleasant appearance. Also it must be comfortable and ecological. In order to obtain these qualities the specialists should develop up-to-date methods of designing cars using new types of resistant to corrosion light materials. Also it is important to know computer sciences because computers offer quick and optimal solutions of the problems. Besides they are used for better operation of mechanisms in cars.

Before the car is put into mass production the units of the car are subjected to tests in the Works laboratory and then the car undergoes a rigid quality control in road tests. Why are these tests required? What qualities are required of the automobile? They are needed because the modern automobile must be rapid in acceleration, have smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems, dependable ignition system, low fuel consumption and be stable on the road.

Послетекстовые упражнения. The exercises to be done after reading the text

Упражнение 2. Найдите и выпишите из текста слова, относящиеся:

а) к производству автомобиля; б) к характеристикам автомобиля. Дайте их русские эквиваленты.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы:

1. What department do you study at? 2. What will you become after graduating from the college? 3. What should automobile specialists know? 4. What phases does the production of the automobile comprise? 5. What requirements must modern automobiles meet? 6. Why are automobile units and mechanisms subjected to laboratory and road tests? 7. What qualities are required of the automobile? 8. Why are computers used in cars?

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски предлогами и переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. After graduating... the college I shall deal... manufacturing cars. 2. The production... the automobile comprises five phases. 3. Specialists... automobile industry should develop up-to-date methods... designing cars. 4. In producing automobiles new types... resistant... corrosion light materials should be used. 5. All cars undergo a rigid quality control... tests. 6. The car is put... mass production after laboratory and road tests. 7. Technicians must know the technology... manufacturing processes... cars.

UNIT 2 Components of the Automobile

Словарь урока

accessories вспомогательные устройства gearbox коробка передач
as well также heater отопитель
axle shafts полуоси hood капот
body кузов in turn в свою очередь
brakes тормоза include включать в себя
chassis шасси lubricating (lubrication) смазка
clutch сцепление measure измерять
conditioner кондиционер pedal педаль
consist of состоять из power train (transmission) силовая передача
cooling охлаждение power plant силовая установка
device устройство propeller (cardan) shaft карданный вал
differential дифференциал rear axle задний мост
disengage отключать, отсоединять release the engine отсоединить двигатель
engage включать, соединять running gear ходовая часть
engine двигатель source of power источник энергии
fenders крылья speed скорость
final drive главная передача speedometer спидометр
fix крепить springs рессоры
flywheel маховик tachometer тахометр
frame рама wheel колесо
fuel топливо wheels and springs колеса с рессорами
frame with axles рама с осями windshield wipers стеклоочистители

Упражнение 1 Прочтите и переведите интернациональные слова.

Automobile, chassis, electric, system, control, differential, ventilator, cylinder.


Прочтите и переведите текст, а затем выполните следующие за ним упражнения.

Components of the Automobile

The automobile is made up of three basic parts: the power plant, or the engine, the chassis and the body.

The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels rotate and the car move. It includes fuel, cooling, lubricating and electric systems. Most automobile engines have six or eight cylinders

The chassis includes a power train (power transmission), a run­ning gear, steering and braking systems as well.

The power train carries the power from the engine to the car wheels.

The power transmission, in turn, contains the clutch, gearbox, propeller or cardan shaft, final drive, differential, rear axle and axle shafts. The running gear consists of a frame with axles, wheels and springs.

The body has a hood, fenders and accessories: the heater, stereo tape recorder, windshield wipers, conditioner, speedometer and so on.

UNIT 4 Chassis


Словарь урока

adjust attach be capable breather channel саг springs check crankshaft decrease the speed driven wheels driving wheels engine crankshaft fastening bolts final drive fit properly flywheel frame free travel friction device gear gearbox gear lever greater portion of the car weight hold the car position   регулировать прикреплять быть способным канал сапуна рессоры автомобиля проверка коленчатый вал снижать скорость ведомые колеса ведущие колеса коленчатый вал двигателя крепежные болты главная передача подгонять должным образом маховик рама свободный ход фрикционное устройство шестерня коробка передач рычаг коробки передач большая часть веса автомобиля удерживать автомобиль в нужном направлении housing in turn incomplete disengagement level malfunction mount move up and down power transmission rear wheels running gear run out self-demeshing of gears steering wheel support tighten torque tractive effort travelling speed trouble trunnion cross unit universal-joint forks wash within the range картер, корпус в свою очередь неполное отключение (сцепления) уровень неполадки, неисправная работа устанавливать двигаться вверх и вниз силовая передача задние колеса ходовая часть износ саморазъединение шестерен рулевое колесо (руль) поддерживать, (опираться на) закреплять, затягивать крутящий момент тяговое усилие скорость езды неисправность крестовина кардана узел, блок, агрегат вилки кардана промывать в пределах

Упражнение 1. Переведите слова на русский язык, обращая внимание на суффиксы.

to transmit — transmission; to connect — connection; to found — foundation; to move — movement.

UNIT 5. Frame.

Словарь урока

alignment attach body channel section conventional frame cross members extremely rigid fasten firm structure frame heavy steel to insulate integral (unibody) frame выравнивание прикреплять кузов полая секция общепринятая рама поперечины очень жесткая скреплять, закреплять крепкая (прочная) конструкция рама прочная сталь изолировать рама, выполненная воедино с кузовом longitudinal members pad provide reinforce rivet rubber insulator(pad) strengthen strong support suspension system twist to weld withstand strains лонжероны   подушка обеспечивать укреплять, усиливать заклепывать резиновая прокладка усиливать прочный опора система подвески кручение сваривать выдерживать нагрузки

Упражнение 1. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на суффиксы.

То found — foundation; frame — frameless; to construct — construction; structure — structural - structurally; to attach — attachment; to vibrate — vibration; to insulate — insulation; usual — usually.

UNIT 6 Clutch

Слова урока

at rest саг wheels clutch connect control disconnect gear fix friction device friction disc (plate) frictional force в покое колеса автомобиля сцепление соединять управлять отсоединять шестерня; передача крепить (устанавливать) фрикционное устройство фрикционный диск сила трения hard-wearing material is engaged is disengaged press down the pedal pressure disc principle of operation release release the engine run idly running engine start the car износостойкий материал включено (подсоединено) отключено нажимать на педаль нажимной диск принцип действия отпускать отсоединить двигатель работать вхолостую работающий двигатель завести автомобиль

Упражнение 1. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на суффиксы и префиксы. Connect - disconnect - connection - disconnection; operate - operation; friction - frictional; engage - engagement - disengagement.

UNIT 7 Gearbox

Словарь урока

assemble axis axle breather channel characteristic feature constant-mesh gearbox disassemble drain hole fixed axes forward speed gear gearbox gearbox casing gearing get into trouble epicyclic gearbox   cобирать ось вал канал сапуна характерная особенность К. передач с постоян зацеплением шестерен разбирать сливное отверстие неподвижные оси передняя скорость шестерня, передача коробка передач картер коробки передач зубчатое соединение попасть в беду эпициклическая коробка передач   in direct line low gear lubrication oil level ordinary gearing repair repairing shop reverse drive road conditions rotate bodyly secure shifting sliding-mesh gearbox   stand thin oil top gear соосно первая передача смазка уровень масла стандарт.зубчатое соединение ремонтировать ремонтная - мастерская задний ход дорожные условия вращаться корпусом обеспечить безопасность переключение К.передач со скользящими шестернями стенд легкое (жидкое) масло четвертая (прямая) передача

Упражнение 1. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на суффиксы.

Move - movement, construct - construction - constructional, arrange - arrangement,

history - historical - historically, wide - widely, vary - various, simple - simply, body - bodily.


The gearbox is placed between the clutch and the propeller shaft. The principal function of the gearbox is to vary the speed of the car movement to meet the road conditions. The gearbox provides four forward speeds and one reverse, as follows: 1. First or low gear; 2. Second gear; 3. Third gear; 4. Fourth or top gear; 5. Reverse gear.

There are many constructional arrangements of gearboxes, which can be classified as follows:

1. Sliding-mesh type; 2. Constant-mesh type; 3. Epicyclic (planetary) type.

The sliding-mesh type is the simplest one and is the oldest historically. The constant-mesh type is the most widely used type. They are termed "ordinary" gearing, the characteristic feature of which is that the axes of the various gears are fixed axes. The gears simply rotate about their own axes.

The characteristic feature of epicyclic (planetary) gearing is that one gear rotates about its own axis and also rotates bodily about some other axis.

To secure the several speeds of the car the clutch shaft is mounted in direct line with the gearbox shaft. The gearbox shaft carries on it the sliding gears which are used for shifting to secure the forward speeds and the reverse drive.

Послетекстовые упражнения The exercises to be done after reading the text

Упражнение 2. Подберите из правой колонки соответствующие окончания предложений из левой колонки.

1. The principal function of the gearbox is.... 2. The gearbox provides.... 3. Gearbox can be.... 4. The sliding-mesh gearbox is 5. The constant-mesh gearbox is.... 1. sliding-mesh type, constant-mesh type and planetary type. 2. the simplest one and histori­cally oldest. 3. to vary the speed of the car. 4. four forward speeds and one reverse. 5. the most widely used.

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы.

1. Where is the gearbox situated? 2. What is the function of the gearbox? 3. What speeds does the gearbox provide? 4. What type of gearboxes do you know? 5. Why is the clutch shaft mounted in direct line with the gearbox shaft?


UNIT 8 Brakes

Словарь урока

air brakes band brake brake fluid brake pedal brake shoe brakes are applied braking effort common axle depend disk brakes divide drum brakes electric brakes foot brake force (cause) force the fluid hand brake пневматические тормоза ленточный тормоз тормозная жидкость тормозная педаль тормозная колодка тормоза срабатывают тормозное усилие общая ось зависеть дисковые тормоза разделять барабанные тормоза электрические тормоза ножной тормоз заставлять подавать жидкость ручной тормоз   hydraulic assisted brakes leakage master cylinder mechanical brakes namely performance poor proofness push down on the brake pedal release safety shoe brake slow sticking tightness wheel cylinder under pressure тормоза с гидравлич. приводом утечка главный цилиндр механические тормоза именно работа плохой, слабый стойкость нажать на тормозную педаль отпускать, разъединять безопасность колодочный тормоз замедлять заедание, прилипание герметичность колесный тормозной цилиндр под давлением


Brakes are used to slow or stop the car where it is necessary. It is one of the most important mechanisms of the car as upon its proper performance the safety of passengers depends. Car brakes can be divided into two types, namely: drum brakes and disc brakes. The drum type may be either a band brake or a shoe brake. Depending on their functions, the automobile has foot brakes and hand brakes (parking brakes). According to their mode of operation, the brakes are classified as: mechanical brakes, hydraulic brakes, airbrakes, electric brakes. Brakes are controlled by the brake pedal.

Most braking systems in use today are hydraulic. This system consists of a master cylinder mounted on the car frame and wheel cylinders. When the driver pushes down on the brake pedal, it forces the piston to move in the master cylinder and brake fluid is delivered from it to the wheel cylinders. The piston movement causes brake shoes to move and the brakes are applied (the brake shoes are pressed against the brake drums). The air brake uses compressed air to apply the braking force to the brake shoes. Electric brakes use electromagnets to provide the braking effort against the brake shoes. Formerly brakes were applied only to the two rear wheels, but now all cars are equipped with all-wheels brakes. Today many improvements are being made in brakes.

Troubles in Braking System

The basic troubles of the braking system are as follows: 1. poor braking action; 2. sticking brake shoes which would not return to the initial position after a brake pedal is released; 3. non-uniform braking of the left and the right wheels on a common axle; 4. leakage of brake fluid and air leakage in the hydraulic brake; 5. poor air tightness of the pneumatic brake control. What to do: 1. Check the action of the foot and hand brakes and leak proofness of the brake hoses connections, components of the hydraulic and pneumatic controls of the brakes, as well as of the vacuum-power system. 2. Inspect the friction linings, wheel-brake springs, master and wheel cylinders of the hydraulic brake, and the air compressor of the pneumatic brake using a test manometer to check it.

UNIT 9 Steering system

absorb air bag ball joint bending excessive for this purpose front wheels guide the car hose hydraulic pump in turn injury leakage lever leverage linkage means of turning поглощать подушка безопасности шаровой шарнир изгиб чрезмерный для этой цели передние колеса управлять автомобилем шланг, рукав гидравлический насос в свою очередь повреждение утечка рычаг рычажный механизм соединение средство поворота   pitman arm pitman shaft pivot rack and pinion assembly   rack and pinion type steering gear recirculating ball steering gear   steering box steering column steering gear assembly steering knuckle arm steering wheel swing (swang, swung) tie-rod worm and sector type   рулевая сошка рулевой вал шарнир рулевой механизм с рейкой и шестерней реечно-шестеренчатый механизм рулевой механизм с шариковой гайкой картер рулевого механизма рулевая колонка рулевой механизм рычаг поворотного кулака рулевое колесо поворачиваться поперечная тяга рулевой механизм с червяком и сектором

Упражнение 1. Прочтите слова и сопоставьте их с русскими значениями.

column, spindle, system, hydraulic, pump, reservoir, popular, type, effective, effectiveness, effectively, energy, function, to deform, deformation.

Упражнение 2. Переведите слова, обращая внимание на суффиксы и префиксы.

Rotate — rotation, apply — application, move — movement, develop - development, drive — driver, form — reform — deform — deformation, guide — guidance.

Steering System

To guide the car, it is necessary to have some means of turning the front wheels so that the car can be pointed in the direction the driver wants to go. The steering wheel in front of the driver is linked by gears and levers to the front wheels for this purpose. The front wheels are on pivots so they can be swung to the left or right. They are attached by steering knuckle arms to the rods. The tie-rods are, in turn, attached to the pitman arm.

When the steering wheel is turned, gearing in the steering gear assembly causes the pitman arm to turn to the left or right. This movement is carried by the tie-rods to the steering knucle arms, and wheels, causing them to turn to the left or right. The steering system incorporates: the steering wheel and column, steering gear, pitman arm, steering knuckle arm, front axle, steering knuckle pivot, tie-rods.

There are several different manual steering gears in current use, such as the rack and pinion type and the recirculating ball type. The rack and pinion steering gear is widely used. Another manual steering gear which is popular in imported cars is the worm and sector type.

The steering wheel and column are the source of injury to the driver, air bags and other devices being developed now to safe the life of a driver.

Energy-absorbing columns must stop the steering wheel and column from being pushed to the rear as the front of the car is crushed in an impact. Energy-absorbing columns must also provide the driver with a tolerable impact as he moves forward and strikes the wheel with his chest.

Рис. 4. Steering System:

1. steering wheel - рулевое колесо

2. steering column, steering mast — рулевая колонка

3. steering gear - рулевой механизм

4. steering arm, steering lever, (steering) pitman arm — рулевая сошка

5. steering knuckle - поворотная цапфа, поворотный кулак

6. steering knuckle lever, steering knuckle arm - рычаг поворотного кулака

7. single tie-rod - неразрезная поперечная рулевая тяга

8. steering knuckle lever, steering knuckle arm—рычаг поворотного кулака

9. drag link, steering gear connecting rod, steering drag rod—продольная рулевая тяга


Послетекстовые упражнения The exercises to be done after reading the text

Упражнение 3. Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы.

1. What mechanism is necessary to guide the car? 2. How is the steering wheel connected to the front wheels? 3. Why can the front wheels be swung to the left or to the right? 4. What does the manual steering system incorporate? 5. What types of manual steering gears in use do you know?

Упражнение 4. Переведите на русский язык, обращая особое внимание на герундий.

1. То guide the car it is necessary to have some means of turning the front wheels. 2. The steering wheel in front of the driver is linked by gears and levers to the front wheels for turning the car in the direction the driver wants to go. 3. Without using the steering system the car moves only in the direct position. 4. Manufacturers can use rack and pinion type steering gear without choosing another type because "rack and pinion" type steering is very dependable. 5. Energy-absorbing columns must stop the steering wheel from being pushed to the rear when the front of the car is damaged in an impact.

Упражнение 5. Переведите текст, пользуясь словарем.


UNIT 1 Automobile Production

Словарь урока

construct конструировать producer промышленник (тот, кто производит)
construction конструкция production производство
constructor конструктор put into mass production запустить в масс.производство
deal with иметь дело с rapid acceleration приемистость
dependable breaks надёжные тормоза quality качество
design проектировать, проект require требовать, просить
designer проектировщик rigid quality control жесткий контроль качества
develop разрабатывать science наука
development разработка scientist ученый
driving safety безопасность управления silent gearbox бесшумная коробка передач
ease of maintenance простота техобслуживания smooth-acting clutch плавное сцепление
efficiency эффективность, КПД solution решение
engineer инженер stable on the road устойчивым на дороге
handling эксплуатация, уход steering system система рулевого управления
ignition system система зажигания subject to tests подвергать испытаниям
fuel consumption расход топлива technician техник
long service life долгий срок службы technologist технолог
manufacture производить technology технология
manufacturer промышленник, изготовитель truck грузовой автомобиль
manufacturing производство work out разрабатывать
mechanics механик undergo tests проходить испытания
produce производить unit узел, агрегат

Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите интернациональные слова.

Specialist, automobile, industry, production, phase, technology, process, test, mass, fact, service, comfortable ecological, method, type, corrosion, material, optimal, problem, mechanism, control, system.


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