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Сейчас мы научимся спрашивать о том, что произойдёт в будущем. 1. Диалог: учитель-учитель. - Will you go to school tomorrow? -Yes, I shall. - Will you go to Moscow next week? - No, I shan't. - When will you go to Moscow? - Next month. 2. Диалог: учитель-ученик. - Will you go home after classes? - Will you play hockey in the evening? - When will you have diner? - Will you help your mother after dinner? - When will you do your homework? 3. Чтение и запись образцов. Грамматическое обобщение. a) Next summer I shall travel to Wales. My sister will go to Wales too. We shall go together. Our father and mother will go to see Ireland. Учитель читает эти образцы и предлагает учащимся сказать, как образуется форма будущего времени в английском языке. Учащиеся, безусловно заметили, что shall и will вспомогательные глаголы, что shall употребляется с первым лицом единственного и множественного числа, а в остальных лицах употребляется глагол will. b) Will Nick ski tomorrow? Yes, he will (He'll ski). Where will he ski? He'll ski in the forest. Will Ann ski with him? No, she will not. (She won't ski with him). Следует обратить внимание учащихся на то, что в устной речи (при разговоре) вспомогательные глаголы shall u will сокращаются до - 'll. I'll do this. You'll see them. Отрицательная форма сокращается до shan't, won't. We shan't go there. He won't come here. Демонстрация схемы Simple Future Tense
III. Первичная автоматизация грамматической структуры в речи. Коммуникативные упражнения: а) имитация; б) подстановка; в) парафраз. 1. Say that you will do the same. I'll go home after school. (I'll go home after school too). I'll watch TV in the evening. I'll go to the cinema next Sunday. I'll ski in the forest tomorrow. 2. Say that you won't do it either. I won't go to school on Sunday. (And I shan't go there either). Lena and Masha won't ski after classes. Ann won't play tennis tomorrow. My brother won't travel to Wales next summer. 3.Say that I am wrong. Tanya will go to Moscow tomorrow. (You are wrong. Tanya won't go to Moscow tomorrow). Petrov will be on duty tomorrow. We'll get up at 6 o'clock on Sunday. We'll go to the cinema after classes. 4.Answer my questions and ask me the same. Will you ski next Sunday? Yes, I hall. (No, I shan't) And will you ski next Sunday? Will you play computer games in the evening? Will you listen to music today? What will you do in the evening? Where will you go tomorrow? When will you go to see your friends? 5. Say that you won't do this and will do something else instead. I'll ski on Sunday. (I shan't ski. I'll skate). I'll watch TV in the evening. (on Sunday). (play compute games). I'll sing at the party. (dance, play the piano, play the guitar). I'll go to see Ireland next summer. (Greece, South England, St. Petersburg). IV. Домашнее задание. 1.Придумайте и напишите 3 предложения в будущем времени (утвердительное, отрицательное, вопросительное). 2. Упр.3- 2 p.244-245; АВ 74-2. 3. Grammar in Focus p. 244, Grammar Support p.325-326. V. Подведение итогов.
Счастливый английский. Книга 1: Учебно-методический комплект для 5-6 классов средней школы. Авторы: Т.Б. Клементьева, Б. Монк. UNIT 2 NICE TO MEET YOU Situation: At the Airport. UNIT 3 MEET THE FAMILY Situation: A New Friend at Home. UNIT 4 WOULD YOU LIKE A CUP OF TEA? Situations: At Table. Breakfast Time. UNIT 5 AT HOME Situation: In the Hall. Тема урока (ролевая игра): "Welcome to Oxford" Цель урока: Развитие речевого умения (диалогическая речь). Сопутствующая задача: Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков. Языковой материал: а) образцовые микродиалоги из учебника; б) диалогические единства, фразы, клише: excuse me; are you from; nice to meet you; welcome to...; thank you; this is...; let me introduce you to...; here it is; here is...; there is/are... over there; this way, please; with pleasure; would like; let's...; have you got...; I'd like...; it's time...; to lay the table; would you like...?; could you pass me...?; help yourself to...; my pleasure; thanks a lot; и другие. Оснащение урока: Макет автобуса. Предметы, необходимые в разыгрываемых ситуациях: (чемодан, сумка, телефон, подарки, ключи, фотографии, чайный набор, фотокамера и т.д.) Книга для учащихся УМК Happy English (5-6)
I. Организация класса и речевая подготовка. 1. Беседа. Учитель излагает условия ролевой игры. T.: Two families: the Claydons - an English family and the Smirnovs a Russian family, will meet in Oxford. You know that Alexander and Mike are pen-friends. In one of his letters Mike invites Alexander and his family to come to Oxford, where Mike lives with his family. So the Smirnovs will go to Oxford on an exchange visit for the first time. Перечисляются все роли, представляются участники. The Smirnovs: Mr. Smirnov, his son Alexander, his daughter Olga, Alexander's cousins Vera, Inna, Julia from Moscow. The Claydons: Mrs. Claydon, her sons Mike and Terry, her daughter Barbara, Mike's cousins from London Linda and Helen. The correspondent from the newspaper. Роль Mrs. Claydon исполняет учитель. Учащиеся прикрепляют к одежде карточки, на которых написаны имя и фамилия. II. Развитие диалогической речи. T.: Now let's fly to London. Situation: At the Airport. Mike: Excuse me. Alexander: Yes. Mike: Are you from Moscow? Alexander: Yes, I'm. I'm Alexander. Mike: I'm Mike. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Britain. Alexander: Thank you. Mike: Mum, this is Alexander, my pen-friend from Moscow. Alexander: Let me introduce you to my family. This is my father Mr. Smirnov, my sister Olga and my cousins from Moscow Vera, Inna and Julia. Mike: This is my brother Terry, my sister Barbara, my cousins from London: Linda and Helen. Correspondent: Excuse me. My name is Mr. Bill. I'm a correspondent from the London newspaper. I know that you are from Russia. Could I have an interview? Проводится беседа в форме: P-1 Þ P-2, P-3 и т.д. Варианты вопросов: What's your name? How old are you? Where do you live? What are your hobbies? What's you favorite school subjects? What are you going to do here? What would you like to see? Correspondent: Thank you very much. Welcome to Britain. Mrs. Claydon: Oh, it's time to go home. Look! This bus will take us home. Демонстрируется макет автобуса. Дети показывают, что едут в автобусе. Situation: In the Hall. Mrs. Claydon: This is our house. Let's get off. Come in please. This is the hall. Mike (объясняет): Here is the light switch. There is a telephone over there. There are keys over there. Гости задают вопросы to Mike, разговор ведётся в форме: Mike Þ P-1, P-2, P-3 и т.д. Is the bathroom upstairs? Is the living-room downstairs? В вопросы включаются слова: the kitchen, the bedroom, the study, the balcony, the cellar. Situation: A New Friend at Home. Mrs. Claydon: Let's go to the living-room. This way, please. Sit down here. Let's talk about our families. Look! Here are some photographs. Barbara could you tell Alexander and his family about our family, please? Barbara: Yes, with pleasure. (Рассказывает о своей семье). Mrs. Cladon: Now we would like to know about the Smirnov's relatives Проводится беседа в форме: P-1, P-2, P-3 Û P-1, P-2, P-3. Возможные варианты вопросов: Have you got a grandmother (a grandfather)? What is her/his name? How old is she/he? Where was she/he born? Does she/he have any hobbies? Mrs. Claydon: Thank you very much. I see you love your relatives. Let's sing a song "A Happy Family". (Дети поют хором). Mrs. Claydon: I know that you have got some pets and also that you have hobbies. Let's talk about them. Беседа в форме: P-1, P-2, P-3 Û P-1, P-2, P-3. Возможные варианты вопросов: Have you got a cat (a dog)? How old is it/ What is it's name? Have you got a bicycle (a camera)? Is it new (big, small)? Mrs. Claydon: Now let's speak about ourselves. Terry, tell us about yourself, would you? Terry: I'm nine. My birthday is.... I was born in Oxford. My hobby is photography. I have got a nice camera. I like to take photographs. My favourite sport is cricket. I can skate very well too. I like Maths and History. I have to go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday. I'd like to have oranges, ham sandwiches and chocolate in my school lunch box every day. For breakfast I usually have juice, cereal, cheese. I can make toasts, scrambled eggs, scones and tea. I have got a hamster and a dog Meg. I love my dog very much. I have got a room upstairs. There is a bed, two chairs and a stereo in my room. I should switch off the stereo and the light when I go out. Mr. Smirnov: Thank you very much. Vera, could you tell us about yourself, please. (Девочка рассказывает о себе). Situations: At Table. Breakfast Time. Mrs. Claydon: Now, it is time to have tea. Mike, Terry, Barbara, help me to lay the table. Bring cups and saucers and put them on the table. Bring plates with scones and toasts. Реплики учащихся за столом: Would you like a cup of tea? Can I pour you some more tea? Could you pass me the jam, please? Help yourself to some scones. Would you like a slice of bread? Yes, please. No, thank you. With pleasure. Oh, thank you. No, thanks. Mrs. Claydon: Do you like tea? Дети отвечают: "It's very nice". Mr. Smirnov: Linda, could you tell us how to make English tea? Linda: Yes, certainly. (Рассказывает о том, как приготовить чай). Mr. Smirnov: Thank you, it was interesting. Linda: My pleasure. Alexander: I've brought a present from Russia. It's a teapot. Here it is. Mrs. Claydon: Thank you. What a nice teapot! English people like teapots very much. Look! There is a collection of teapots here. (Показывает картинки, на которых нарисованы разные формы чайников). Mrs. Claydon: Let's sing a song "I'm a Little Teapot". (Учащиеся хором исполняют песню). Mr. Smirnov: Thanks, how good of you. Mrs. Claydon: Now it's time to take our picture. Terry has got a nice camera. Take our picture, Terry, would you, dear? Julia: I've got my camera with me too. Terry: That's nice. Let's go to the garden. Barbara, you've got your nice hat. Put it on. Inna, take your sunglasses off, please. OK, say "cheese". Now comes Julia's camera. The photos are ready. Thanks a lot. IV. Домашнее задание. V. Подведение итогов урока. T.: Thank you very much. Our lesson is over. Sit down, please. Now, your marks. Mike, your English is very good. Your mark is.... Terry, your pronunciation is very good. Your mark is.... Barbara, you know the Claydon family very well, but pay attention to pronunciation. Your mark is... И т.д. Урок разрабатывался совместно с учащимися. Сценарий составлен так, чтобы каждый ученик в группе получил роль.
Английский язык: Учебно-методический комплект для 9 и 10-11 классов общеобразовательных учебных учреждений. Авторы: В.П. Кузовлев, Н.М. Лапа, Э.Ш. Перегудова, И.П. Костина, О.В. Дуванова, Е.В. Кузнецова, Ю.Н. Балабардина.
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