Text 3. Earthquakes (землетруси) 

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Text 3. Earthquakes (землетруси)


It was early morning of April 18, 1906, and the mist had just cleared from the streets of San Francisco. Few inhabitants were up, after all, it was just 5:13 a.m. Then the ground shuddered. Beneath the streets a deep rumble began, the herald (провісник) of an earthquake that smashed much of the city. California is not alone in suffering from earthquakes. Throughout history, many citics have been destroyed by them.

Seismology, the study of earthquakes, is a relatively new science. Among the pioneers in this field was John Milne who invented an accurate seismograph while working as a professor of geology and mining in Tokyo between 1875 and 1895. He discovered that earthquake shocks actually consist of waves - both transverse and longitudinal. In 1935, Dr. Charles Richter devised a scale to register the intensity of an earthquake. The scale is so constructed that each increase (збільшення) of one unit in the scale indicated a ten-fold (десятикратне) increase in the intensity of the earthquake.

Today we have a great deal of accurate knowledge about earthquakes. We can hope that this knowledge will be used to accurately forecast earthquakes and to design structures that can better withstand these violent events.



Grammar: 1. The Subjective Infinitive complex.

Texts: 1. Ukraine.

2. Constitution of Ukraine

3. Sound as a Longitudinal wave.

4. A.G.Bell


I. Define which of these verbs introduce into the sentence the Nominative + Infinitive construction. Group these verbs into four categories: a) verb-predicate in the Passive voice; b)verb-predicate in the Active voice; c)verb in compound nominal predicate.; d) no correct answer.

to know, to begin, to expect, to take, to seem, to observe, to bring, to report, to cut, to suppose, to believe, to rumour, to elect, to cost, to calculate, to determine, to urge, to assume, to say, to mean, to appear, to be sure, to think, to feel, to turn out, to write, to go, to prove, to understand, to find, to chance, to be certain, to fetch, to define, to allow, to consider, to leave, to happen, to regard, to estimate, to hear, to force, to declare, to require.

II. Define the type of the verb-predicate in the sentences containing the Nominative + Infinitive construction. Analyse these verbs in groups: (A) - literary style, (B) - newspaper style and (C) - scientific style and say, which verbs prevail (переважають) in each of the styles.

A. 1. Dick was seen coming up the village. 2. The Plato Academy was reported to be the intellectual heart of Europe, a university and a world-exploring expedition. 3. He was rumoured to be in New-York. 4. She was believed to be a highly educated woman. 5. Then we went up past the old fort, where the bus was supposed to start from. 6. Several of her colleagues were said to oppose her return. 7. He was supposed to have a man to help him with all his problems. 8. People are known to drown in this place. 9. The weather is likely to change. 10. He’s supposed to be a very brave man, very competent.

B. 1. One person was reported to be dead and several wounded according to the police information 2. Workers at this plant are believed to be strongly opposed to this decision. 3. One of the engine combustion chambers is thought to have caused the accident. 4. One hundred hotels used by the British tour agencies were found to have safety standards far below British standards. 5. Tens of people were reported wounded in the confrontation. 6. The Pentagon is said to be particularly eager to gain access (отримати доступ) to Japanese research into laser production. 7. He is said to have telephoned the police. 8. This visit is expected to be a successful one. 9. Crowds of people are supposed to arrive there for the opening ceremony.

C. 1. The transport properties seem to be strongly dictated by tellurium. 2. Some of these particles seem to be emitted as a result of the direct action of the photons and some seem to be emitted as evaporation fragments from an excited nucleus.3. The di poles were assumed to be positioned at the cores. 4. This investigation proves to be helpful in understanding the process by which the particle emission takes place. 5. The fields are believed to be strong enough to perturb (збурювати, хвилювати) the energy band. 6. This experiment appears to have interesting consequences (наслідки). 7. In principle D may be considered to be almost zero since there is very little probability of a carrier absorbing a succession of optical phonons without losing any energy. 8. High-energy photons are known to eject mesons, nucleons and heavier nuclear fragments from nuclei. 9. This change appears to be partially due to a decrease in the V intensity. 10. This appears to be a general feature of the crystal structure.

III. Define the form of the Infinitive in the complex and translate the sentences. Use the answers: 1. Indefinite Active 2. Indefinite Passive 3. Perfect Active 4. Perfect Passive 5. Continuous Active

1. He seemed to have forgotten all familiar things. 2. They didn’t seem to be talking about the engine at all. 3. They didn’t seem to have progressed at all. 4. Her eyes seemed to be filled with tears. 5. No notice seems to be taken of the performance. 6. Discussions are likely to have concentrated on the Palestinian question. 7. She appeared to have seen this film. 8. They are likely to be swimming in the river now. 9. For the first time he seemed to be paying attention to what was going on.

IV. Translate these sentences into English using the Nominative + Infinitive complex.

1. Вважають, що цей метод має певні переваги. 2. Здається, він вже зробив цю роботу. 3. Відомо, що вони вже провели цей експеримент. 4. Він, напевно, вже опублікував результати свого дослідження.5. Малоймовірно, щоб цю гіпотезу можна було довести. 6. Доведення цієї теореми виявилося досить простим. 7. Здається, він використовує цей пристрій у своїх експериментах. 8. Відомо, що цей експеримент вже проведено в їхній лабораторії. 9. Вважається, що вони проводять дослідження в галузі фізики твердого тіла. 10. З’ясувалося, що цей елемент має дуже високу температуру плавлення.

Section 2


Geographical Position

Ukraine is a sovereign state in the central part of Europe. Scientists once figured out that the geometrically exact geographical centre of Europe is located in the Western part of Ukraine. A monument marking «the centre of the continent» was put up during last century in Rakhiv district, Transcar- pathian region.

The total area of Ukraine is about 604,000 square kilometres. It stretches for almost 900 kilometres from North to South and for over 1,300 km from East to West. Its territory is greater than any of the European countries. Such states as Belgium, Great Britain, Austria, Albania, The Netherlands, Portugal and Switzerland taken together could be placed within the borders of Ukraine. It borders on the Russian Federation, Moldova, Byelorussia, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Rumania.

95% of its territory is flat, the Ukrainian Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains making up the rest 5 % of its territory. It is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The major rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Bug and others. The Dnieper is a shi p-going river. The climate in Ukraine is rather continental. We have cold, frosty winters and sometimes rainy summers.

The population of the country amounts to 51 million people, most of them being Ukrainians (about 32 million). Besides, many people of other nationalities live there: Russians, Byelorussians, Poles, Jews, Bulgarians, Slovaks and others.

Ukraine has many industrial raw materials, it is rich in iron, metals, coal, oil, gas, different ores and other natural resources. It has a modern industry and rather developed agriculture. The leading industries are power engineering, machine building and chemical production. Ukraine produces planes and ocean liners, tractors and combines, excavators and cars, TV sets, computers and many other goods. Warm climate and black earth of Ukraine make it possible to obtain good harvest of wheat, maize, sunflower seeds, sugar beet, our sugar beet yield being the largest in the world.Political Structure

Ukraine was proclaimed independent and sovereign on August 24, 1991. It has higher and local bodies of state power, its own government, national emblem, state flag and anthem and, what is most important, its own Constitution, which was adopted on June 28, 1996. There are 24 administrative regions and the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea within its territory.

The political system of Ukraine is really democratic. The president, who is the head of the state and the government, is elected for a period of 5 years by Ukrainian people. The legislative power belongs to the Parliament. The executive power is exercised by the president and the Cabinet of Ministers, the latter being headed by Prime Minister

Now Ukraine establishes new relations with countries throughout the world. It sets direct contacts with them signing agreements and treaties. Ukraine is one of the founding members of the United Nations Organization and participates in the work of many international organizations.


I. Give Ukrainian equivalents of these word-combinations:

to cover an area; to place within the borders, to put up a monument, to adopt a declaration, to be rich in smth, sugar beet yield, to exercise, natural resources, leading industries, a sovereign state, power engineering, sunflower seeds, local bodies, legislative power, executive power, to set contacts, founding member.

II. In group B find synonyms to the words in group A.

A. to number; to inhabit; to comprise; to obtain; various; yield; up-to-date; bodies; team; rapidly; border; to increase.

B. quickly; limit; to amount to; group; organizations; to make up; different; harvest; modern; to live; to get; to make greater.

Vocabulary notes

aspiration прагнення
enterpreneurial підприємницька діяльність
conscience ['konJa:nsj совість
to ensure access забезпечити доступ
to execute виконувати
vocational education професійно-технічна освіта
on competitive basis на конкурсній основі
graduate education освіта після закінчення вузу
national minorities національні меншини
term термін; строк; умова
in compliance відповідно до закону
extraordinary message надзвичайне повідомлення
annual = happening every year
suffrage by secret таємне голосування
to conduct negotiations вести переговори
to conclude treaties укладати договори
inviolability непорушність


I. In list B choose synonyms to words in list A:

A. 1. aspiration, 2. to be realized, 3. to own, 4. to conduct, 5. to prohibit, 6. association, 7. grant, 8. to obtain, 9. municipal, 10. minority, 11. to devote, 12.in compliance with.

B. 1. to possess, 2. to get, 3. to dedicate, 4. group, 5. fellowship, stipend, 6. desire, 7.according to, 8. local, 9. to come true, 10. small part, 11. to forbid, 12. to carry out.

II. Answer the questions on the text:

1. When was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted? 2. What are the rights of all people of Ukraine? 3. What forms of education are secured in Article 53? 4. In what higher educational establishments have our citizens the right to obtain free education on a competitive basis? 5. What in Chapter V of the Constitution devoted to? 6. What term is the President elected for? 7. Who may be elected President of Ukraine?


Imagine that you are participating at some international conference, and in private conversation you are asked by your new colleagues about your native land. What would you tell them? Make up some dialogues.

Section 3


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