EXERCISE 5.2 Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Translate the sentences into Russian. 

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EXERCISE 5.2 Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Translate the sentences into Russian.


Heating oil

Gas lift

Flowing well



Crude oil



Natural gas


EXERCISE 5.2 Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Crude oil is a mixture of petroleum liquids and gases in various combinations.

2. Colloquially throughout the world the basic unit of oil remains in barrel.

3. All of the oil world is divided into three:1) the "upstream" comprises exploration and production; 2) the "midstream" are the tankers and pipelines that carry crude oil to refineries; 3) the "downstream" which includes refining, marketing, and distribution, right down to the corner gasoline station or convenient store.

4. By generally accepted theory, crude oil is the residue of organic waste — primarily microscopic plankton floating in seas, and also land plants — that accumulated at the bottom of oceans, lakes, and coastal areas.

5. "Gushers" resulted from resulted from failure (or, at the time, inability) to manage the pressure of the rising oil.

6. Virtually all crude is processed in a refinery to turn it into useful products like gasoline, jet fuel, home heating oil, and industrial fuel oil.

7. The first step in refining is to separate the crude into constituent parts. This is accomplished by thermal distillation — heating.

8. When a drill bit penetrates the reservoir, the lower pressure inside the bit allows the oil fluid to flow into the well bore and then to the surface as a flowing well.

9. Crude oil and refined products alike are today moved by tankers, pipelines, barges, and trucks.

10. By 1866 Pennsylvania producers confirmed as standard the 42-gallon barrel.

11. In Europe, oil is often officially measured in metric tons, in Japan in in kiloliters.

12. A company that includes together significant upstream and downstream activities is said to be "integrated".

EXERCISE 6 Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. Для того, чтобы сэкономить сталь для трубопроводов, необходимо, чтобы она обладала свойствами прочности, и трубы имели оптимальные геометрические параметры.

2. Теперь нефть найдена не только на суше, но и в море. Чтобы добыть нефть из морских областей, специальные платформы различных типов должны быть построены.

3. Для того, чтобы удовлетворить рост потребления энергии, возобновляемые источники энергии должны развиваться.

4. Чтобы искать и найти нефть, знание таких наук как геология, физика, химия, математика и некоторые другие должно быть применено.

5. Нам нужна нефть, чтобы привести наши фабрики в действие, управлять нашими автомобилями, судами, самолетом и железными дорогами, чтобы нагреть и осветить наши дома и офисы - ее использование неограниченно.

6. Использовать сложное оборудование геофизиками при геофизических исследованиях не только на земле, но также и в воздухе.

7. Чтобы транспортировать нефть от нефтяных месторождений до потребителей, можно использовать трубопроводы, танкеры, баржи, автоцистерны и ж/д цистерны.

8. Чтобы признать присутствие нефти в пласте, необходимо использовать различные методы исследования, такие как отображение на карте и различные типы рассмотрения.

9. Для того, чтобы извлечь как можно больше нефти из существующих залежей и ловушек, нефтяные компании прибегают к использованию современных вторичных и третичных методов воздействия.

EXERCISE 7 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Oil is sent to the refineries to receive different types of fuel.

2. It is necessary to use modern materials considerably to reduce the cost of pipelines.

3. It is possible to tell, the petrochemical industry arose during World War II to make synthetic rubber for tires.

4. It is necessary to carry out prospecting drilling to prove oil presence.

5. The wide network of pipelines is necessary to export oil and gas.

6. Cooperation of designers, operators, laying contractors, and also producers of pipes is necessary to find the optimum solution at a construction of modern pipelines.

7. Very difficult mechanisms and the equipment are required to construct offshore pipelines.

8. It is necessary to establish a tower with a necessary drilling equipment to drill a well.

EXERCISE 9 Translate the text below into English in writing. Use the active vocabulary from the first and second texts from Chapter I.

Oil production is conducted by mankind with ancient times. At first primitive ways were applied: collecting oil from a surface of reservoirs, processing of the sandstone or limestone impregnated with oil by means of wells. But it is considered to be the beginning of development of oil industry time of emergence of mechanical drilling of wells in 1859 in the USA, and all oil which now is almost extracted in the world is extracted by means of boreholes. In more than hundred years of development one fields were exhausted, others were open, efficiency of oil production increased.

In Russia the first written mention of receiving oil appeared in the XVI century. Travelers described how the tribes, which were living at river banks Ukhta in the north of the Timano-Pechorsky area, collected oil from a surface of the river and used it in the medical purposes and as oils and greasings. The oil,which was collected from the river Ukhta for the first time was delivered to Moscow in 1597.

In 1702 the tsar Peter I issued the decree on establishment of the first regular Russian newspaper "Vedomosti". In the first issue of the newspaper article how oil on the river Sok in the Volga region was found was published, and in later releases there was information on petromanifestations in other regions of Russia. In 1745 Fedor Pryadunov got permission to begin oil production with a river bed Ukhta. Pryadunov also constructed primitive oil refinery and delivered some products to Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Petromanifestations were also observed by numerous travelers in the North Caucasus. Locals even collected oil by means of buckets, taking out it from wells up to one and a half meters in depth. In 1823 Dubinina's brothers opened oil refinery in Mozdok for the oil refining collected from nearby oil field Voznesensky.

Oil and gas-manifestations were recorded in Baku, on the western slope of the Caspian Sea by the Arab traveler and the historian in the tenth century. Marco Polo described later how people in Baku used oil in the medical purposes and for carrying out church services. Since the XIV century the oil collected in Baku was exported to other countries of the Middle East. The first oil well in the world was drilled on Bibi-Aybat field near Baku in 1846, more than a decade earlier, than the first well in the USA was drilled. The beginning of modern oil industry is connected with this event.



EXERCISE 1 Read the text below and match the headings to the paragraphs of the text. There is one extra heading.

A2, B7, C1, D6, E4, F5

EXERCISE 2 Give the English equivalents to the following word combinations.

Temperature and pressure, from layer (formation), the remains of tiny plants and animals, insignificant quantity, a difficult chemical compound, components of mix, differ from … to, a deposit, mixes contain, can settle down, on smaller, nitrogen, for production of other materials, for many years, fine-grained slate, porous limestone, organic chemistry, impermeable rock, a way of connection of atoms.

EXERCISE 3 Give the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations.

Много различных свойств, оставшийся смолистый остаток, оставленный после, различные глубины на том же самом месторождении нефти, проявили высокие давления и температуру, сложная смесь углеводородов, от светлых до густых, быть измененным в форме, ловушка между, в зависимости от числа, органический материал, смешанный с, дистиллированный в.


Heating oil

Gas lift

Flowing well



Crude oil



Natural gas


EXERCISE 5.2 Fill in the gaps with the correct words. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. Crude oil is a mixture of petroleum liquids and gases in various combinations.

2. Colloquially throughout the world the basic unit of oil remains in barrel.

3. All of the oil world is divided into three:1) the "upstream" comprises exploration and production; 2) the "midstream" are the tankers and pipelines that carry crude oil to refineries; 3) the "downstream" which includes refining, marketing, and distribution, right down to the corner gasoline station or convenient store.

4. By generally accepted theory, crude oil is the residue of organic waste — primarily microscopic plankton floating in seas, and also land plants — that accumulated at the bottom of oceans, lakes, and coastal areas.

5. "Gushers" resulted from resulted from failure (or, at the time, inability) to manage the pressure of the rising oil.

6. Virtually all crude is processed in a refinery to turn it into useful products like gasoline, jet fuel, home heating oil, and industrial fuel oil.

7. The first step in refining is to separate the crude into constituent parts. This is accomplished by thermal distillation — heating.

8. When a drill bit penetrates the reservoir, the lower pressure inside the bit allows the oil fluid to flow into the well bore and then to the surface as a flowing well.

9. Crude oil and refined products alike are today moved by tankers, pipelines, barges, and trucks.

10. By 1866 Pennsylvania producers confirmed as standard the 42-gallon barrel.

11. In Europe, oil is often officially measured in metric tons, in Japan in in kiloliters.

12. A company that includes together significant upstream and downstream activities is said to be "integrated".


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