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The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 13 из 13 Содержание книги
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The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture was created in I 1917 on the initiative of outstanding scientists, cultural workers - the first president of Ukraine, academician M. Grushevsky; scientists –D. Antonovich and G. Pavlutsky; artists - M. Boychuk, F. Krychevsky, V. Krychevsky, G. Narbut, M. Burachek, M. Zhuk, A. Manevych, 0. Murashko. In 1922 the Academy was transformed into the Institute of Plastic Arts and after the amalgamation with Kyiv Institute of Architecture in 1924 took another title Kyiv Institute of Fine Arts. Kyiv Institute of Fine Arts was famous not only in Ukraine; it became the main institute that started training personnel for Ukrainian Fine Arts and Architecture. The world-famous art schools of M. Boychuk, G. Narbut, and F. Krychevsky were created there. Creative activities of institute graduates such as O. Pavlenko, Padalka, V. Sedlyar, O. Sakhnovska, M. Rokytsky, V. Zabolotny, A. Kostetsky, K. Eleva, F. Nirod, T. Yablonska, G. Melikhov, S. Grigoryev, V. Boroday, V. Puzyrkov, M. Vronsky, O. Lopukhov, V. Shatalin, G. Yakutovych, O. Kovalyov, I. Selivanov, O. Danchenko and many others became a heritage of Ukrainian culture. In December, 1922 in connection with the 75-th year of the institute, it was returned its first name - The Ukrainian Academy of Fine Arts. In 1998 it became the Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, in 2002 the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture. Nowadays, the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture is the only institution in Ukraine which trains professionals in painting, sculpture, graphic arts, architecture and art criticism. The Academy also improves the level of training by creation post-graduate course. Structural divisions of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture are: 40. The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (19-th century)
a) departments - Fine Arts, architecture, theory and history of Fine Arts; b) specializations - Fine Arts, architecture, design, restoration; c)(sub)departments - drawing, painting and composition, sculpture, graphic arts, design, architectural projects, techniques and restoration of paintings theatre set design and screen arts, theory and history of Fine Arts, culture and the humanities, history and theory of architecture, architecture, architectural constructions, foreign languages, physical training; d) additional subdivisions: a library, methodical laboratories for studying ((sub)departments of painting, plastic anatomy, drawing, composition, graphic arts, sculpture, techniques and restoration of paintings, theory and history of art, theory and history of architecture, architectural constructions, architectural projection), a laboratory of computer video graphic, a methodical photo laboratory for studying, gallery. The National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture trains experts according to the following specializations and qualifications. The name of profile and specialization qualification: Painting Specializations: - easel painting; - monumental painting; Graphic Specializations: - free graphic arts; - decorative book design and book illustrations; - graphic design; Theatre set design and screen arts Sculpture Specializations: easel and monumental sculpture; Art Criticism Specializations: theory and history of art; art management Architecture: architecture of building; Specializations on Restoration, Conservation and Preservation of Works of Art - restoration, conservation and preservation of works of art (easel and monumental painting); - restoration, conservation and preservation of sculpture and works of decorative applied modification (metal, stone, ceramics and glass). Studying process is made according to the measures and plans of the Academy that concerns separate characteristics of specialists. The term of studying (day form) to degrees 'Specialist', 'Master' in painting, graphic art, sculpture, restoration, conservation and preservation of works of art - 6 years. The term of studying to degree 'Specialist', 'Master' of art criticism (day form) - 5 years; by correspondence - 6 years. The normative term of studying (day form) to degree bachelor of architecture -4,5 years; degree level 'Specialist', 'Master' with the qualification architect -artist - 6 years. The main principle of education in the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture was and still is special education in individual educational-creative studios which are the parts of graduation departments. The leadership of these studios belongs to famous artists-teachers. The switch-over to educational-creative studios comes after the second year of studying. The system of post-graduate education and probation period was formed in order to train scientific personnel of teachers in the field of Fine Arts and architecture and to remain teaching personnel with youth. Post-graduate department trains experts in: - Art criticism; - Theory and history of architecture and restoration of architectural monuments. The activities of probation period train experts of high qualification in; - Painting; - Graphic Arts - Sculpture; - Restoration; - Theatre Stage Design and Screen Arts The Specialized Defense of a Thesis Council was created in order to provide post graduate department with successful functioning. Thesis specializations are: - Fine Arts - Theory and history of architecture and restoration of architectural monuments. Taking into account the achievements of the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in training high-qualified experts in Fine Arts and architecture, scientific and teaching personnel and according to the decisions of specialized councils in architecture, culture and Fine Arts and accrediting examination in July, 1997, the National Academy of Fine Arts Architecture was accredited with the fourth level of education.
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