Make the following sentences interrogative and negative. 

Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.


1. We were working at 4 o’clock yesterday. 2. She was leaving the house at that time. 3. My friends were walking in the street at 10 yesterday. 4. She will be cooking dinner at 10 o’clock tomorrow. 5. I am reading now. 6. I go to the cinema very often. 7. They will go to Moscow next summer. 8. We are cooking now. 9. I will explain that task to him. 10. He played tennis yesterday.

Open the brackets using the verbs in the proper Tense- forms (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Continuous).Translate the sentences.

1. It (to take) me forty minutes to get to school yesterday. 2. Hello, Pete, where you (to go)? — I (to hurry) to school. 3. When your lessons (to begin) on Mon­day? — They (to begin) at nine o'clock. 4. Where your sister (to be)? — She (to do) her homework in the next room. 5. It usually (to take) me an hour to do my written exercises. 6. Where Boris (to be)? I (to look) for him. – He (to have) dinner. 7. I (to go) to see my friends tomorrow. 8. Yesterday we (to play) chess. 9. Andrew (to get) up very early as he (to live) far from school, He (to be) never late. 10. It (to be) six o'clock in the evening now. Victor (to do) his homework. His sister (to read) a book. His mother and grandmother (to talk). 11. I (to write) a letter to my grandmother tomorrow.




1 He go skating because he broke his leg.

2 Many children in Britain wear school uniforms.

3 I'm not sure but Jane come to visit me this afternoon.

4 Didn´t you see the sign? You drive more than 30 miles.

5 He speaks a lot of languages but he speak Chinese.

6 It snow. It looks like it.

7 You drive on the right in Britain.

8 He is a good boxer. You be careful.

9 You to smoke in the office.

10 This test will be very difficult. So you learn a lot.

11 You eat more vegetables because they are healthy.

12 I don't the car. You can take it.

13 He does everything himself. He no help.

14 It`s going to rain. You shut the window.

15 You start a fire in the forest.

III. Робота на текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

1.See Dinos Demetriades. Information Technology, Unit 27 “Men, women and IT”,

Ex. 1 - 6).


Практичне заняття № 5

Тема: Кухня світу.

How the Sandwich Came to the World

In 1762 there was a very famous English politician. Everybody knew about him because he enjoyed playing cards very much. One night he stayed at the card table for 24 hours, and he ate nothing but slices of bread with pieces of meat inside. His name was John Sandwich. The English name for a sandwich comes from this man.

Sandwiches were great favourites in Victorian England. It was the custom to "take" afternoon tea at about four o'clock, and many rich families ate sandwiches at this time.

Cucumber sandwiches were very popular. The servants always cut the edges of the bread, so the sandwiches were very small and delicate.

Sandwiches are less elegant now and often much bigger.

The English eat millions of sandwiches every day. They are a typical "snack" meal because they are easy and quick to prepare. You can buy sandwiches if you don't want to make them yourself. There are thousands of "sandwich bars" and cafes and even some restaurants that sell them.

The Hamburger is not so Young as We Sometimes Think

An American cook, Louis Lassen, made and sold the first hamburgers in 1895. He gave them this name because sailors from German port Hamburg gave him the recipe.

The story of this popular food comes back to the Middle Ages. In the Hamburg area the Tartars first made a sort of hamburger then. They used to sit on pieces of meat when they rode horses; so the meat came out flat!

Kenneth Lassen, Louis' son, still sells hamburgers in Connecticut.

Today you can buy this food in many places of the word. Except 'classic hamburgers' there are also cheeseburgers, fishburgers, beefburgers, eggburgers... in fact anythingburgers!


Граматичний матеріал:

Ex. 1. One of the words in each list does not fit. Which is it?

1) lion, tiger, panther, monkey, snake; 2) lily, rose, poplar, tulip, lilac; 3) house, flat, villa, factory, cottage; 4) ink, water, milk, chalk, wine; 5) New York, Rome, London, Tokyo, Madrid.

Ex. 2. Choose the word (a, b) that best completes the sentence. Write the number of the sentence and the letter of the answer, e.g. 1b, 2a, 3b.

1. What time did you … up yesterday? a) get b) got c) gets. 2. I will … to the cinema tomorrow a) go b) went c) gone. 3. He came into the room, switched on the light and … to do his homework a) begin b) began c) begun. 4. Be quiet. The girl has just … asleep a) fall b) fell c) fallen. 5. My aunt has … beautiful roses this year a) grow b) grew c) grown. 6. The children like milk and … it every morning a) drink b) drank c) drunk.

Ex. 3. Choose the word (a, b) that best completes the sentence. Write the number of the sentence and the letter of the answer, e.g. 1b, 2a, 3b.

1. Have you … the new film? a) see b) saw c) seen. 2. I have … to a concert this week a) be b) was c) been. 3. The children have … their homework. They can go to the cinema a) do b) did c) done. 4. She has … this engineer since she began to work at the plant a) know b) knew c) known. 5. We have already … them our picture gallery a) show b) showed c) shown. 6. They haven’t yet … to the South a) go b) went c) gone.


ІІІ. Робота над текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

1. See Dinos Demetriades. Information Technology, Unit 24 “Netiquette”,

Ex. 1 - 6).

Модуль самостійної роботи:

1. Модальні дієслова.

2. Написати твір «Україна сьогодні: падіння та злети».

3. Індивідуальне читання за фахом (мінімальний обсяг – 0,5 сторінки друкованого тексту, шрифт – Times New Roman, розмір – 14). Зробити письмовий переклад тексту. Підготувати словник за спеціальністю (на основі тексту).

Модальні дієслова.

Питання (відповіді готувати у письмовій формі):

  1. Що таке модальні дієслова? Які модальні дієслова ви знаєте? Як утворюються питальна та заперечна форма теперішнього та минулого часу модальних дієслів?
  2. Після яких модальних дієслів інфінітив вживається без частки to, а після яких – з цією часткою?
  3. Яке словосполучення вживається у майбутньому часі замість дієслова can?
  4. Як за допомогою модального дієслова can можна виразити сумнів, здивування (невже?), невіру (не може бути)?
  5. За допомогою якої форми з модальними дієсловами can, may можна виразити, що дія могла відбутися, але не відбулася?
  6. За допомогою якого модального дієслова виражають можливість, припущення?
  7. За допомогою якого модального дієслова можна виразити обов’язок, необхідність?
  8. Які дієслова виражають пораду, рекомендацію?
  9. В яких ситуаціях вживаються модальні дієслова to have і to be? Як утворюються часові форми цих модальних дієслів?
  10. Що ви можете сказати про модальні дієслова need i dare?

Вправа 1. Оберіть потрібне модальне дієслово:

  1. (Can, may, must) you play the piano?
  2. (Can, may, should) I watch TV before going to bed?
  3. I am sure I (can, may, need) do the work myself.
  4. Mary (can, must) finish the work at once.
  5. (Have, may, can) you start working immediately?
  6. I (can, am, may) to come to the examination at 9 o’clock.
  7. (must, can, may) I trouble you for a glass of water?
  8. He (have, has, must) to learn English.
  9. You (must, can, may) follow my advice. There is no way out for you.
  10. (Am, must, may) I have a look at your painting?
  11. (Have, can, may) you play the piano?
  12. You (can, may, must) stay a little longer if you like.
  13. I (may, can, have) not hear you. Speak louder.
  14. You (have, must, can) return this book to the library. We all need it.

Вправа 2. Перефразуйте речення, вживаючи Perfect Infinitive (дивись модель):

a) Model: I could prepare the report but I didn’t do it. – I could have prepared the report.

  1. They could help him but they didn’t do it.
  2. She could pass her examination in chemistry but she failed.
  3. She could buy this book but she didn’t buy it.
  4. Our football players could win the match but they lost it.
  5. I could learn the poem by heart but I had no time for it.

b) Model: I nearly lost my way. – I might have lost my way.

  1. He nearly broke the window.
  2. I nearly forgot about it.
  3. She nearly fell asleep.
  4. The news nearly killed him.
  5. I nearly caught cold.


  1. Верба Л.Г., Верба Г.В. Граматика сучасної англійської мови. Довідник: Київ, ТОВ «ВП Логос», 2002. – 352 с.
  2. Голицынский Ю.В. Граматика: сборник упражнений. – СПб.: ИПЦ «Каро», 2000. – 506 с.

Індивідуальна робота за семестр:

1. Підготувати доповідь «Відомі люди країни».

2.І ндивідуальне читання за фахом (мінімальний обсяг – 0,5 сторінки друкованого тексту, шрифт – Times New Roman, розмір – 14).

3. Словник-мінімум (за професійним спрямуванням).



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