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Internal structure of the EarthСодержание книги Поиск на нашем сайте
Inside, the Earth is similar to the other terrestrial planets. It has an outer, solid rock layer called the crust. The crust has two different parts. One is the continental crust (under the land) and the other is oceanic crust (under the ocean). The continental crust is thicker, and the oceanic crust is thinner. On land the average thickness is between 30–50 kilometers. Under the oceans in some places the crust is only 6 kilometers thick. The crust is made up of different types of rocks; igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. About 75% of the Earth's crust is composed of two elements, oxygen and silicon. These usually occur in combination with common metals such as aluminium and iron. The Earth's crust is less than 1% of Earth's volume. The temperature of the crust increases with depth. Where the crust meets the mantle, the temperatures can be between 200 °C (392 °F) to 400 °C (752 °F). Below the crust there is a layer of thick, semi-liquid rock called the mantle. The upper part of the mantle is made up of peridotite, a rock denser than rocks common in the crust. The crust and the upper mantle make up the lithosphere. There are two types of lithosphere: 1. Oceanic lithosphere is associated with oceanic crust and exists in the ocean basins. Oceanic lithosphere is typically about 50–100 km thick. 2. Continental lithosphere, which is associated with continental crust. Continental lithosphere has a range in thickness from about 40 km to perhaps 200 km, of which about 40 km is crust. The lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates, which can move. They move gradually relative to one another. Below the lithosphere is the asthenosphere. Although solid, the asthenosphere can flow like a liquid on long time scales. Large convection currents in the asthenosphere transfer heat to the surface, where plumes of less dense magma break apart the plates at the spreading centers. The deeper mantle below the asthenosphere is more rigid again. This is caused by extremely high pressure.
Schematic view of the interior of Earth. 1. continental crust; 2. oceanic crust; 3. upper mantle; 4. lower mantle; 5. outer core; 6. inner core; A: Mohorovičić discontinuity; B: core–mantle boundary (Gutenberg discontinuity); C: The outer-core–inner-core liquid–solid transition once called the Lehmann discontinuity. Under the mantle lies a thin liquid layer called the outer core and then the solid iron inner core. The inside of the Earth is very hot, the temperature of the outer core may be as high as 7,000 °C (12,630 °F). Memorize the words: average – середній, середня величина igneous – магматичні sedimentary – осадові metamorphic -- метаморфічні oxygen – кисень silicon – кремній iron – залізо to increase – зростати, збільшувати(ся) semi-molten – напіврозплавлений mantle – мантія dense – густий, щільний associated – пов'язаний range – ряд, пасмо (гір) although – хоч, незважаючи на те, що to flow – текти, литися, струменіти scale – шкала, ступінь, рівень convection – конвекція current – течія to transfer – переносити, передавати plume – плюмаж, султан rigid – твердий, негнучкий discontinuity – переривчатість, розрив boundary – межа, границя, кордон core – ядро tectonic plates – тектонічні плити volume -- об’єм, кількість, маса Answer the questions: 1. What layers does the inside of the earth consist of? 2. What is the earth’s crust? 3. What parts does the crust consist of? 4. What layers make up the lithosphere? 5. Where is the asthenosphere? What is its characteristic feature? 6. Why is the deeper mantle more rigid than the asthenosphere? 7. What layers does the core consist of?
The layers of the Earth The crust is the outer hard layer of the Earth. The crust is the part of the lithosphere. The crust is made up of different types of rocks: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Below the crust is the mantle. The upper part of the mantle is made up of peridotite, a rock denser than the rocks common in the crust. The crust and the upper mantle make up the lithosphere. The lithosphere is broken up into tectonic plates that can move. The Earth’s crust is less than 1% of Earth’s volume. The crust has two different parts. One is the continental crust (under the land) and the other is oceanic crust (under the ocean). The continental crust is thicker and the oceanic crust is thinner. The thickness of the crust can be anywhere from 5 to 70 km. The temperature of the crust increases with depth. Where the crust meets the mantle the temperatures can be between 200oC and 400oC. About 75% of the Earth’s crust is composed of two elements – oxygen and silicon. These usually occur in combination with common metals such as aluminium and iron. (% by weight: oxygen, silica, aluminium, iron, and all others).
Lesson 5 Plate tectonics A map showing the Earth's major tectonic plates. Plate tectonics is a theory of geology. It has been developed to explain large scale motions of the Earth's lithosphere. This theory builds on older ideas of continental drift and seafloor spreading. Dissipation of heat from the mantle is the original source of energy driving plate tectonics. Exactly how this works is still a matter of debate. The driving forces of plate motion continue to be active subjects of on-going research. The key principle of plate tectonics is that the lithosphere exists as separate and distinct tectonic plates, which float on the fluid-like (viscous-elastic) solid asthenosphere. The relative fluidity of the asthenosphere allows the tectonic plates to undergo motion in different directions. This map shows 15 of the largest plates. The tectonic plates of the world were mapped in the second half of the 20th century.
Memorize the words: Continental drift – дрейф континентів seafloor spreading – розсування морського дна dissipation – розсіювання driving force – рушійна сила on-going – існуючий, той, що триває distinct – виразний, чіткий fluid-like – рідиноподібний viscous – в’язкий, тягучий to undergo – зазнавати Answer the questions: 1. What is the driving force of plate movements? 2. How does the lithosphere exist? 3. What do the lithosphere plates float on? 4. What allows the tectonic plates to undergo motion? 5. When were the tectonic plates of the world mapped?
Lesson 6
Movement of plates The lithosphere consists of tectonic plates. There are eight major and many minor plates. The lithospheric plates ride on the asthenosphere. These plates move at one of three types of plate boundaries: constructive, destructive and transform.
In other words, when tectonic plates move: a) together = mountains; volcanoes. For example: the Andes mountain range in South America, the Himalayas, also the Pacific Ring of Fire. b) away = earthquakes, trenches. The Mid-ocean Ridges are examples. c) side to side = earthquakes. The San Andreas Fault in California is an example of a transform boundary. The lateral movement of the plates varies from:
Memorize the words: to ride – їхати верхи divergent – що розходиться convergent – що сходиться transform – видозміна, перетворення rift – розлом, розколина to grind – молоти, розмелювати lateral – горизонтальний, латеральний to vary – мінятися, змінюватися Answer the questions: 1. What are the three types of boundaries at which tectonic plates move? 2. What is a divergent boundary? 3. What is a convergent boundary? 4. How do plates move at a transform boundary? 5. How quickly do tectonic plates move? Lesson 7
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