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Complete the sentences using avoid, don’t have to, mustn’t or should.
Для самостійного вивчення) Тема: Робота у сфері туризму. Приклади професій у тур.індустрії. Час, виділений на вивчення теми: 4 г Мета: розвиток навичок перекладу текстів, пов’язаних із темою «Туризм», а саме – із роботою у туристичній індустрії, розвиток навичок самостійного навчання, практикування граматичних навичок, розвиток мовної здогадки та мотивації вивчення іноземної мови.
Методичні рекомендації до виконання самостійної роботи: 1. Спочатку уважно прочитайте завдання, які потрібно виконати, для того, щоб правильно визначити мету виконання завдань і правильно організувати свою подальшу роботу. 2. Перед початком виконання завдань прочитайте і перекладіть вправу № 1.1, пов’язану із темою самостійної. 3. Вправа № 1.2 пов’язана із вправою 1.1 – відповіді на питання – скористатися порадами Амелі і дати відповіді на те, що потрібно, слід або неможна робити. 4. Вправа 1.3 – напишіть, які вислови Амелі пов’язані із порадами, а які – з забов’язаннями. 5. Вправа 2.1 – читання і переклад тексту, виписування незнайомих слів та словосполучень, їх вивчення. 6. Вправа 2.2 – відповіді на питання – дайте письмові відповіді на питання щодо прочитаного. 7. Вправа 2.3 – Складіть свою власну доповідь – ессе – за темою прочитаного і з урахуванням своїх власних роздумів. 8. Вправа 3.1. – Читання і письмовий переклад тексту. 9. Вправа 3.2 – Відповіді на питання до тексту у вправі 3.1 10. Ознайомлення і виписування нового для себе лексичного матеріалу, який може допомогти під час перекладу.
Вправа 1.1 Read and translate: It’s my job By Ameli Destivelle Ameli works in Teigne in the French Alps. Here she gives us her advice for surviving your first season as a ski rep. Check you understand the headings for each tip. What do you think Ameli is going to say about each heading? Read on and fond out.
Tips for surviving the season …
Flirting. A key part of any ski season. Workers should flirt with each other a lot. But don’t forget: ‘the flirting stops when you start taking it seriously.’
Gossip: Remember that gossip is an essential part of the ski rep’s world. Don’t expect to have a ‘private’ life. You may imagine it’s just the two of you in on your little ‘secret’, but do you really know who saw you leave together last night?
Burn-out. At the start of the season, you might want to ski all day and party all night. Doing this on holiday is hard enough, but try doing it when you’ve got to get up at 7.00 a.m. six days a week. Burn-out, often combined with flu, usually hits after New Year. Avoid this by pacing yourself – get an early night at least twice a week.
Day off. There’s only one a week, so most staff use it wisely for either a big ski day or a big sleep day. The ski-hungry should check the forecast before getting drunk – this is your one chance to be first on the snow each week and you don’t want to wake up at 11.00 a.m. to find you’ve missed the best powder day of the season.
Changeover day: There’s no real way to prepare you for this. If you’re working for a tour operator, there’s no doubt this is the worst day of the week. For reps, a twenty-hour day is not uncommon: flight delays, lost luggage, traffic jams, and lost ski-pass photos will all feature.
Вправа 1.2 Ameli’s advice is for new ski reps. But what advice should holidaymakers get?
Complete the sentences using avoid, don’t have to, mustn’t or should. 1.In hot weather, you ……. drink a lot of water and keep the sun off your head. 2…………… lying in the sun too long during the first few days of your holiday. 3. ………….. go swimming after eating a heavy meal or drinking alcohol. 4.You ………jump or dive into the hotel swimming pools. 5.You ………put sunscreen on again after you have been swimming. 6.You ………tell the rep and the hotel staff if you are allergic to anything. 7. In less developed regions, ……….. eating uncooked dairy products, vegetables, and salads.
Вправа 1.3 Which of the expressions give advice and which describe an obligation?
Вправа 2.1 Read and translate: It’s my job By Eduardo Barroso Eduardo was born in a remote village in the Atacama Desert in the North of Chile. Life in the desert is hard, but rural tourism has given Eduardo and his family the chance to make a living from their surroundings. What is there to attract people to the desert? What is there to do there? Where do people stay? Read on and find out. How did you decide to start up in rural tourism? Life here is not easy, so many young people from the villages go to Santiago to find work. I wanted to be with my family, and one day my father read about rural tourism in Europe and decided to do the same with our farm. Why do people visit the Atacama? What’s the attraction? The landscape is the obvious attraction. For people from the city, there’s the shock of how big and empty the desert is. And for people from a temperate climate, there’s the surprise of how beautiful and varied it can be. Is the desert varied? It certainly isn’t just sand, which is the image in most people’s minds. In the Atacama, for example, you have volcanoes, salt lakes, geysers, canyons …It’s much more than just sand. But what can you do here apart from look at the landscape? My family have worked this land as farmers for many years, and we still do, so one of the attractions for our visitors is to experience our daily life. On the first morning, visitors help us around the farm, milking cows or putting the sheep out to graze. We have bees, as well.
Yir are very proud of the accommodation you have. Can you tell us why? All of the buildings are made in traditional style and from local matters. Straw, mud, stone … everything is from the Patta Hoiri. That’s ‘Mother Earth’ in our local language. And all of the food we give visitors is based on ancient recipes and local ingredients. It might not be as sophisticated as in the best restaurants of Santiago, but it is tasty and very healthy. But perhaps the thing our guests enjoy most is that they dine with us. And after every meal there is always time for a tertulia - and after- dinner chat that often goes on long into the night. That’s when they really feel part of our world, and that’s what rural tourism is about for us.
Вправа 2.2 Answer the following questions: 1. What is rural tourism? Try to produce a simple-definition of what tourism is. 2. What do you know about grading systems for rural accommodation?
3. What are the resources for the rural tourism? 4. What sort of accommodation in the rural area is available? 5. What types of activities can visitors do? 6. When the high and low seasons are? 7. Are there any professional associations of rural tourism?
Вправа 2.3 Make a brief report of your findings.
Вправа 3.1 It’s my job Photoventures is owned and operated by Roger Reynolds Hon, FRPS and Peter Morss ARPS and organizes specialist tours with the photographer in mind.
Photoventures is based in England, taking small groups to varied locations in the United States, Africa, South America, India, and other world destinations. All of our tours are aimed at the keen photographer. We cater for all levels of experience from beginner to expert, whatever kind of camera we use. Our tours are always led by either Roger, Peter, or both, who can always offer on-the-spot advice and assistance.
If you want to share a tour with a small and lively group of like-minded people, with the opportunity to practise the art of the photography in some of the most exciting places on the earth, then Photoventure has a tour for you. It does not matter whether you are young or old, male or female – if you are interested in photography, then we are interested in giving you a tour to remember and the opportunity to capture some unforgettable images.
Roger Reynolds: a lecturer, exhibitor, and a guide with an international reputation. He has exhibited internationally for over twenty years and has received hundreds of awards. He prides himself on having a wealth of expertise and experience to pass on to tour members and has travelled extensively in North America and made a number of visits to India.
Peter Morss: a well-known photographic lecturer and judge. His work has been accepted in numerous international and National Exhibitions. He has travelled extensively in the United States and has a wide knowledge of many parts of this vast, beautiful country.
Вправа 3.2 Answer the following questions: 1. What type of tours do ‘Photoventures’ organize? 2. What are the advantages of having experts in the subject organizing and guiding tours? 3. Are there any disadvantages? 4. What other tourism services will groups going on Photoventures tours require? 5. Visit the website www.photoventures.net. Choose a tour. What encounters (between the tour party and tourism professionals) will be involved? 6. Which photo do you like best? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Вправа 4.1 It’s my job By Ludmila (Lucy) Tovchikh How long have you been working as a tour guide? For more than ten years.
Вправа 4.2 Answer the following questions: 1. What job opportunities are there for tour guides in your area (on coach tours, cruise ships, or at visitor attractions)? 2. What qualifications and experience do the companies require? 3. What training do they give – for example, on giving commentaries and presentations, health and safety, dealing with problems? 4. Where is Lucy Tovchikh form? 5. What does Lucy like / dislike about her job? 6. How does she make her tours interesting? 7. What other job does she do? 8. Which of her special tours would you choose to go on?
Для самостійного вивчення) Тема: Робота у сфері туризму. Приклади професій у тур.індустрії. Час, виділений на вивчення теми: 4 г Мета: розвиток навичок перекладу текстів, пов’язаних із темою «Туризм», а саме – із роботою у туристичній індустрії, розвиток навичок самостійного навчання, практикування граматичних навичок, розвиток мовної здогадки та мотивації вивчення іноземної мови.
Методичні рекомендації до виконання самостійної роботи: 1. Спочатку уважно прочитайте завдання, які потрібно виконати, для того, щоб правильно визначити мету виконання завдань і правильно організувати свою подальшу роботу. 2. Перед початком виконання завдань прочитайте і перекладіть вправу № 1.1, пов’язану із темою самостійної. 3. Вправа № 1.2 пов’язана із вправою 1.1 – відповіді на питання – скористатися порадами Амелі і дати відповіді на те, що потрібно, слід або неможна робити. 4. Вправа 1.3 – напишіть, які вислови Амелі пов’язані із порадами, а які – з забов’язаннями. 5. Вправа 2.1 – читання і переклад тексту, виписування незнайомих слів та словосполучень, їх вивчення. 6. Вправа 2.2 – відповіді на питання – дайте письмові відповіді на питання щодо прочитаного. 7. Вправа 2.3 – Складіть свою власну доповідь – ессе – за темою прочитаного і з урахуванням своїх власних роздумів. 8. Вправа 3.1. – Читання і письмовий переклад тексту.
9. Вправа 3.2 – Відповіді на питання до тексту у вправі 3.1 10. Ознайомлення і виписування нового для себе лексичного матеріалу, який може допомогти під час перекладу.
Вправа 1.1 Read and translate: It’s my job By Ameli Destivelle Ameli works in Teigne in the French Alps. Here she gives us her advice for surviving your first season as a ski rep. Check you understand the headings for each tip. What do you think Ameli is going to say about each heading? Read on and fond out.
Tips for surviving the season …
Flirting. A key part of any ski season. Workers should flirt with each other a lot. But don’t forget: ‘the flirting stops when you start taking it seriously.’
Gossip: Remember that gossip is an essential part of the ski rep’s world. Don’t expect to have a ‘private’ life. You may imagine it’s just the two of you in on your little ‘secret’, but do you really know who saw you leave together last night?
Burn-out. At the start of the season, you might want to ski all day and party all night. Doing this on holiday is hard enough, but try doing it when you’ve got to get up at 7.00 a.m. six days a week. Burn-out, often combined with flu, usually hits after New Year. Avoid this by pacing yourself – get an early night at least twice a week.
Day off. There’s only one a week, so most staff use it wisely for either a big ski day or a big sleep day. The ski-hungry should check the forecast before getting drunk – this is your one chance to be first on the snow each week and you don’t want to wake up at 11.00 a.m. to find you’ve missed the best powder day of the season.
Changeover day: There’s no real way to prepare you for this. If you’re working for a tour operator, there’s no doubt this is the worst day of the week. For reps, a twenty-hour day is not uncommon: flight delays, lost luggage, traffic jams, and lost ski-pass photos will all feature.
Вправа 1.2 Ameli’s advice is for new ski reps. But what advice should holidaymakers get?
Complete the sentences using avoid, don’t have to, mustn’t or should. 1.In hot weather, you ……. drink a lot of water and keep the sun off your head. 2…………… lying in the sun too long during the first few days of your holiday. 3. ………….. go swimming after eating a heavy meal or drinking alcohol. 4.You ………jump or dive into the hotel swimming pools. 5.You ………put sunscreen on again after you have been swimming. 6.You ………tell the rep and the hotel staff if you are allergic to anything. 7. In less developed regions, ……….. eating uncooked dairy products, vegetables, and salads.
Вправа 1.3 Which of the expressions give advice and which describe an obligation?
Вправа 2.1 Read and translate: It’s my job By Eduardo Barroso Eduardo was born in a remote village in the Atacama Desert in the North of Chile. Life in the desert is hard, but rural tourism has given Eduardo and his family the chance to make a living from their surroundings. What is there to attract people to the desert? What is there to do there? Where do people stay? Read on and find out.
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