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7. Project work. Choose one type of design and make a presentation. Follow the plan: 1) Choose a type of design. 2) Speak about special features of this type. 3) Tell about the sphere where this type is used. Supplements Supplement1 Model for Curriculum Vitae Personal details Full name _______________________________________________ Address_________________________________________ Tel.:____________________ E-mail:_________________ Nationality: Date of birth:_____________ Place of birth: _______________ Marital status:_______________
Personal profile I am reliable, well-organized, and used to work on my own initiative. I am able to prioritize my workload. I am comfortable working on my own or as part of a team. Key skills Familiar with Microsoft Word and Excel Self-motivated Good problem-solver Confident communicator Clean driving licence Work Experience or Professional Experience 200_- present
Education or Qualifications Date Surgut State University Date school Languages Hobbies and Interests Football, reading, landscape painting References(рекомендации) Available on request Notes on Curricular Vitae Name: e.g. Maria Ivanova or Ivanova Maria. Date of birth: write the month, e.g. 11 January 1990 Nationality: Always begin with a capital letter: Russian. Marital status: Single or Married Personal profile: your personal qualities and abilities Key skills: Working knowledge of Microsoft Office, (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), to be communicative, well-organized, tolerant, etc. Work experience: Give dates and name of employer. Put the most recent first. Education: List this in reverse order, e.g. 2007- 20… specialist in Technology and Business, Surgut State University 1997- 2007 Secondary school Hobbies and Interests: It is preferable to list hobbies that demonstrate qualities that are relevant to the job you are seeking. Languages: Russian (mother tongue), good at English/good knowledge of German /some knowledge of French/ fluent in Spanish. References: The name and address (and phone numbers, fax numbers or e-mail addresses) of two referees are often required.
Supplement 2
Supplement 3 Rendering an article I. Introduction § The article comes up from § The article was published in § The newspaper “” carries an article about § The article under study”” was published in the magazine
§ The article is headlined “” § The title of the article is “”
§ The author of the article is …..(popular, well-known, unknown) § The name is absolutely strange to me, but judging by the article he is well-informed about….
§ It is just an interview/ editorial/ report
II. An article as a whole § The main idea of the article is… § The article touches upon/ highlights the question of/ the problem of/ § The article deals with a burning problem/ a question of paramount importance/ some debatable questions/ controversial questions
III. Monitoring the structure of the article § The article opens in a description/ an explanation/ a discussion/ a general statement § The author says that…. § At the beginning of the article the author informs us/ focuses on § Further on, the author… § Then….. § After that….. § This can be seen in the following § For instance…. § As an example…. § Perhaps…. § In conclusion, the author….. § The article ends….. § Summing it up…. VI. Your opinion § I find it interesting/ informative/ thought-provoking/ suggestive/ boring § The article is intended for…… Literature 1. Hutchinson, Tom. Hotline Intermediate./ Student’s Book. Oxford University Press. 1996.- 126 p. 2. MacKenzie,Ian. English for Business Studies. A Course for Business Studies and Economics students. Student’s Book. CambridgeUniversityPress.2002-208p. 4. Mascull, Bill. Key Words in Business. Ключевые слова в бизнесе: пособие по англ. яз. / Билл Мэскалл; русское предисл. Т.Б. Назаровой. – М.:Астрель: АСТ, 2005. – 224p. 5. Smith, Tricia. Market Leader. /Business Law. Business English. Longman. Pearson Education Limited, 2000. – 234 p. 6. Soars, L.J, New Headway English Course./ L.J.Soars.- Oxford University Press, 1997. – 159 p. 7. Speegle, Roger. WilliamB. Giesecke. /Business World. A collection of readings on contemporary issues. Oxford University Press, 1983. – 184 p. 8. Stuart Redman./ English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate& intermediate. Cambridge University Press, 1997. – 270 p. 9. Dictionary of English Language and Culture./Longman Group UK Limited, 1992. – 1528 p. 10. The Oxford Dictionary of Art./ Oxford University Press,1994. – 548 p. 11. www.britannica.com 12. www.wikipedia.com
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