III. Content of practical sessions 

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III. Content of practical sessions

Topic 1. Warm-ups in Football. Means and Methods of Warm-ups – 4 hrs

- Significance of warm-up;

- Warm-up structure;

- Means and methods of warm-up;

- Warm-up forms;

- Dependence of warm-up on the tasks of training session.


Topic 2. Development and Improvement of Physical Qualities in Football. Strength Development and Improvement – 4 hrs

- Strength as physical quality of the athlete;

- Types and forms of physical quality manifestation in football;

- Means and methods of strength development and perfection in football;

- Strength fitness control in football players.


Topic 3. Development and Improvement of Speed Qualities in Football - 4 hrs

- Quickness as physical quality of the athlete;

- Types and forms of quickness manifestation in football;

- Means and methods of quickness development in football;

- Speed quality control in football.


Topic 4. Forms, Methods and Means of Special Fitness Development in Football Players - 6 hrs

- Characteristics of special fitness in football players;

- Special fitness development forms;

- Means and methods of special fitness development in football players.


Topic 5. Development and Improvement of Speed-Strength Qualities in Football – 4 hrs

- Types and forms of speed-strength quality manifestation in football;

- Means and methods of speed-strength quality development and improvement in football;

- Speed-strength fitness control in football players.


Topic 6. Specialized Training of Players. Its Features in Professional Teams – 4 hrs

- Characteristics of specialized player training;

- Types and forms of specialized player training;

- Means and methods of specialized player training.


Topic 7. Specificity of Training for Top Level Players - 4 hrs

- Characteristics of specialized training for top level players;

- Types and forms of specialized training for top level players;

- Means and methods of specialized training for top level players.


Topic 8. Planning Different-Value and Direction Loads at Various Training Stages for Top Level Players – 4 hrs

- Planning different-direction training sessions with low load;

- Planning different-direction training sessions with average load;

- Planning different-direction training sessions with high load;

- Training sessions planned for different preparation stages.


Topic 9. Modeling Individual, Group and Team Tactical Actions in Top Level Players - 6 hrs

- Modeling individual tactical actions;

- Modeling group tactical actions;

- Modeling team tactical actions.


Topic 10. Development and Improvement of Endurance in Football – 4 hrs

- Types and forms of endurance manifestation in football;

- Means and methods of endurance development and improvement in football;

- General and special endurance control in players.


Topic 11. Development and Improvement of Agility in Football – 2 hrs

- Types and forms of agility manifestation in football;

- Means and methods of agility development and improvement in football;

- Agility control in players.


Topic 12. Development and Improvement of Flexibility in Football – 2 hrs

- Types and forms of flexibility manifestation in football;

- Means and methods of flexibility development and improvement in football;

- Flexibility control in players.


Topic 13. Different-Direction Programs in Educational and Training Process of Top Level Players – 4 hrs

- Planning technology of training process with usage of different-direction programs;

- Buildup technology of training process with usage of different-direction programs;

- Training process means and methods with usage of different-direction programs.


Topic 14. Specifics of Goalkeeper Training in Football – 6 hrs

- Significance of specialized goalkeeper training in football;

- Forms of specialized goalkeeper training in football;

- Means and methods of specialized goalkeeper training in football.


Topic 15. Teaching Methods of Team Technical and Tactical Actions – 4 hrs

- Principal forms of team tactics;

- Team tactical actions in defense;

- Team tactical actions in attack;

- Teaching means and methods of team technical and tactical actions.


Topic 16. Teaching Methods of Group Technical and Tactical Actions – 4 hrs

- Principal forms of group tactics;

- Group tactical actions in defense;

- Group tactical actions in attack;

- Teaching means and methods of group technical and tactical actions.


Topic 17. Teaching Methods of Individual Technical and Tactical Actions – 4 hrs

- Principal forms of individual tactics;

- Individual tactical actions in defense;

- Individual tactical actions in attack;

- Teaching means and methods of individual technical and tactical actions.


Topic 18. Creative Approach to Training Problems in Professional Clubs. Teaching Styles and Features – 4 hrs

- Teaching problems in professional clubs;

- Teaching styles and features;

- Creative element manifestation when training problems are solved in professional clubs.


Topic 19. Technical and Tactical Training of Top Level Players – 6 hrs

- Significance of technical and tactical training;

- Forms of technical and tactical training in football;

- Means and methods of technical and tactical training in football.


Topic 20. Standard Positions in Football. Learning and Perfection – 6 hrs

- Significance of standard positions in football;

- Learning and perfection of direct free kicks;

- Learning and perfection of corner kicks;

- Learning and perfection of indirect free kicks;

- Learning and perfection of throw-in.


Topic 21. Testing Physical Fitness in Players – 4 hrs

- Strength development level control;

- Speed development level control;

- Endurance development level control;

- Speed-strength quality development level control;

- Agility and flexibility development level control.


Topic 22. Pre-Match Training Session – 2 hrs

- Significance and necessity of pre-match training sessions;

- Forms of pre-match training sessions;

- Means and methods of pre-match training sessions.

Topic 23. Preparation for the Game, Set Play, Coaching in the Game – 4 hrs

- Preparation for the game;

- Set play;

- Coaching in the game.


Topic 24. Match Analysis, Rehabilitative Measures – 4 hrs

- Video analysis of the match;

- Significance of rehabilitative measures;

- Forms of rehabilitative measures in top level football teams.


Topic 25. Training Session of Rehabilitative Type – 2 hrs

- Significance of rehabilitative training sessions;

- Forms of rehabilitative training session;

- Means and methods of rehabilitative training sessions.

Total Practical Hours: 100


During Teaching Practice, the coaches master the skills of theoretical knowledge usage in order to organize modern planning process of player training, selection of necessary means and methods to perform efficiently the tasks set.




Probation Period in football clubs supposes creative usage of acquired knowledge and skills in training process with account of work in the given team as result of sessions and active coaching experience.



1. Preparation of Thesis  
2. Defense of Thesis  
  Total Hours:  

Note: Each participant will receive individual task version (in accordance with the topic of selected thesis).




1. Arestov Yu.M., Godik M.A. Preparation of Top Level Football Players. School-Book. - Moscow: 1980. – 128 p.


2. Benk G. Football Training Program. - New York. - 226 p.


3. Control and Management of Technical Fitness Parameters in Football Players / Zelentsov A.M., Bazilevich O.P., Lobanovskyi V.V. et al. - K.: KSIPC, 1975. – P. 12 - 21.


4. Czanadi A. Football. Strategy: Translated from Hungarian. - Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1981. - 208 p.


5. Czanadi A. Football. Training: Translated from Hungarian. - Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1984. - 263 p.


6. Czanadi A. Football. Technique: Translated from Hungarian. - Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1984. - 247 p.


7. Football Player Training. / V.I. Kozlovskyi (Ed.) Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1977. - 171 p.


8. Football: Textbook for students of physical culture institutes / P.N. Kazakov (Ed.) - Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1978. - 256 p.


9. Godik M.A. Control of Training and Competitive Loads. - Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1980. - 136 p.


10. Godik M.A., Popov A.V. La preparation del futbolista. - Barcelona, 1992. - 397 p.


11. Grindler K. Technical and Tactical Training for Football Players. – Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1989. – 243 p.


12. Heddergott K.-H. New Football School. - Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1976. - 239 p.


13. Hews Ch. Football. Tactical Team Actions: Translated from English. - Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1979. - 144 p.


14. Kachalin G.D. Football Tactics. – Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1986. - 128 p.


15. Lisenchuk G.A., Loos V.G., Dogadailo V.G. Football Tactics. – K.: Republican Scientific-Methodical Office, Ministry of Ukraine in Youth Affairs and Sport, 1991. – 88 p.


16. Liukshinov N.M. Competitive Activity Model Characteristics Formation in Football Players Based on the Analysis of World Cup Games. – Author’s Abstract. Sci. Degr. Cand. Ped. Sci. - Leningrad, 1989. - 21 p.


17. Maranda P. Wzorcowa praca z młodzieżą w Ajaxie Amsterdam. Trener, 2. - Warszawa, 1992. - S. 24 - 26.


18. Oliva A. Manuel del entrenodor de futbol moderno. - Barcelona, 1994. – 197 p.


19. Platonov V.N. General Theory of Athlete Preparation in the Olympic Sports. K.: Olimpiyskaya Literatura, 1997. - 583 p.


20. Przybylski W i in. Aktualne tendencje i przyszłe wymagania gry w piłke nożną. - “Sport Wyczynowy”, 1998. S. 5 - 6.


21. Romanenko A., Jus O., Dogadin N. Book for Football Coach. - K.: Zdorovya, 1988. - 253 p.


22. Romanenko A., Jus O., Dogadin N. Football Player Training. - K.: Zdorovya, 1979. - 285 p.


23. Romanenko A., Jus O., Dogadin N. Football Player Training. Ed. Revised and supplemented. – K.: Zdorovya, 1984. - 264 p.


24. Shamardin V.N., Savchenko V.G. Football: School-Book. - Dniepropetrovsk: Porogi, 1997. - 238 p.


25. Simakov V.I. Football: Combinations in Pairs. - Moscow: Fizkutura i Sport, 1980. - 119 p.


26. Simakov V.I. Football: Elementary Combinations. - Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1987. - 144 p.


27. Solomonko V.V., Lisenchuk G.A., Solomonko O.V. Football // Textbook for students of higher institutions in physical education and sport. - K.: Olimpiyskaya Literatura, 1997. - 288 p.


28. Stuła A. Nowoczesna piłka nożna. Materiały z konferencji naukowo-metodycznej. - Gorzów Wlkp., 1999. - 200 s.


29. Szyngiera W., Żmuda W. Systemy gry obronnej w świetle aktualnych rozwiązań. Trener, 1. - Warszawa, 1996. - S. 19 - 22.


30. Talaga J. Taktyka piłki nożnej. - Sport i Turystyka. Warszawa, 1989. - 156 s.


31. Torreles A.S., Frattarde C. Alkay Entrena - miento en el futbol base. - Barcelona, 1993. - 414 p.


32. Tsirik B.Ya., Lukashin Yu.S. Footbal. 3rd Ed. Revised and supplemented. - Moscow: Fizkultura i Sport, 1988. - 208 p.


33. Vikhrov K.L., Dogadailo V.G. Pedagogical Control in Football. – School-Book. - Kiev: 2001. – 138p.


34. Winkler W. A new approach to the video analysis of tactical aspects of soccer. - W: Science and Football, London: E. & F.N. Spon Ltd., 1992. P. 368 - 372.


35. Zelentsov A.M., Lobanovskyi V.V. Modeling Football Training. - K.: Zdorovya, 1986. - 212 p.


36. Zelentsov A.M., Lobanovskyi V.V., Tkachuk V.G., Kondratiev A.I. Tactics and Strategy in Football - K.: Zdorovya, 1989. - 192 p.


37. Zelentsov A.M., Lobanovskyi V.V. Modeling Football Training. 2nd Ed. Revised and supplemented. - K.: Alterpress, 1998. - 216 p.


38. Żmuda W. Zadania i obowiązki zawodników w systemie 1+3+5+2. Trener, 3. - Warszawa, 1993. - S. 5 – 7.


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