Заголовочный файл MyConvert.h 

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Заголовочный файл MyConvert.h


#pragma once

using namespace System;

using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

class MyConvert




static int copyto(char** ss,char buf[]);

static int copyto(int* i,char buf[]);

static int copyto(double* d,char buf[]);

static int copyto(char* buf,String* S,int count=-1);

static int copyto(char** str,String* S);

static int copyto(TextBox* m[],String* s[],int count,int first_s=0,int first_m=0);





2. Файл реализации MyConvert.cpp

#include "StdAfx.h"

#include "MyConvert.h"

#include "validator.h"

int MyConvert::copyto(char** s,char buf[])

{ delete [](*s);

*s=new char[strlen(buf)+1];


return 1;}


int MyConvert::copyto(int* i,char buf[])



else return 0;

return 1;}

int MyConvert::copyto(double* i,char buf[])

{return 1;}


#using <mscorlib.dll>

#include <windows.h>



int MyConvert::copyto(char* buf,System::String* S,int count)

{int i, state;

for(i=0;i<S->Length && i<count;i++){

wchar_t t=S->Chars[i];

state=WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, &t, 1, &buf[i], 1, NULL, NULL);



return state;}


int MyConvert::copyto(char** str,System::String* S)

{ delete [](*str);

*str=new char [S->Length+1];

return MyConvert::copyto(*str,S);


int MyConvert::copyto(TextBox* m[],String* s[],int count,int first_s,int first_m)

{ if(s==0)return 0;



return 1;









3. Заголовочный файл "exeptions.h"

#pragma once

void ExeptionLetters(char* str);

void ExeptionInt(char* str);

void ExeptionFloat(char* str);

void ExeptionRange(double d,double min,double max);

void ExeptionFopen(char* str);

void ExeptionFound();

void ExeptionEmpty();

void ExeptionInvalidValue(char* str);

Файл реализации exeptions.cpp

void ExeptionLetters(char* str)

{String* s=new String(str);

s=String::Concat(S"\nString\t",s,S"\t must include inglish letters\n");

MessageBox::Show(s,S"ExeptionInt ");}


void ExeptionInt(char* str)

{String* s=new String(str);

s=String::Concat(S"\nString\t",s,S"\t must include letters of digits\n");

MessageBox::Show(s,S"ExeptionInt ");}


void ExeptionFloat(char* str){}


void ExeptionRange(double d,double min,double max)

{String* s1=d.ToString();

String* s2=min.ToString();

String* s3=max.ToString();

s1=String::Concat(S"\n Value\t",s1,S"\t must be latter then ",s2,S"and must be greater then",s3);


void ExeptionFopen(char* str)

{String* s=new String(str);

s=String::Concat(S"\nFile\t",s,S"\t open error\n");


void ExeptionInvalidValue(char* str)

{String* s=new String(str);

s=String::Concat(S"\nValue\t",s,S"\t Invalid \n");

MessageBox::Show(s,S"Invalid Value");}

void ExeptionFound()

{MessageBox::Show("Просмотр закончен. Искомый элемент не найден"


void ExeptionEmpty()

{MessageBox::Show("Поля ввода не должны быть пустыми"


5. Заголовочный файл "validator.h"

#pragma once

#include "exeptions.h"

int IsLetters(char* s);

int IsInt(char* s);

int IsFloat(char* s);

int InRange(double d,double min,double max);

Файл реализации validator.cpp

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "validator.h"

int IsLetters(char* s)

{if(s==0)return 0;

for(;*s!='\0' && toupper(*s)>='A' && toupper(*s)<='Z';s++)


if (*s!='\0') {ExeptionLetters(s); return 0;}

return 1;}


int IsInt(char* s)

{if(s==0)return 0;

for(;*s!='\0' && *s>='0' && *s<='9';s++)


if (*s!='\0') {ExeptionInt(s); return 0;}

return 1;}


int IsFloat(char* s){if(s==0)return 0;

return 1;}


int InRange(double d,double min,double max)

{if(d<min|| d>max)

{ExeptionRange(d,min,max); return 0;}

return 1;}

Заголовочный файл io.h

#pragma once

typedef FILE* File;

int eof(File fp);

int eof();

void clear(File fp);

void clear();

int input(File fp,char* s);

int input(File fp,char* s,int lim);

int input(File fp,char** s);

int input(File fp,int* i);

int input(File fp,double* i);

int input(char* s);

int input(char** s);

int input(int* i);

int input(double* d);


int output(char* s);

int output(File fp,char* s);


using namespace System;

using namespace System::Windows::Forms;

int input(TextBox * t,char* s,int count);

int input(TextBox * t,char** s);

int input(TextBox * t,int *i);

Файл реализации io.cpp

#include "stdafx.h"

#include "io.h"

#include "MyConvert.h"

#define MAX 256

char buf[MAX];

using namespace std;

int eof(FILE* fp){return feof(fp);}

int eof(){return feof(stdin); }

void clear(FILE* fp){rewind(fp);}

void clear(){rewind(stdin); }


int input(File fp,char* s)

{int state=fscanf(fp,"%s",s);

return state && state!=EOF;


int input(FILE* fp,char** s)

{ return input(fp,buf) && MyConvert::copyto(s,buf); }


int output(FILE* fp,char* s)

{return fprintf(fp,"%s\n",s);}


int input(FILE* fp,int* i)

{return input(fp,buf) && MyConvert::copyto(i,buf);}


int input(FILE* fp,double* i)

{return 1;}


int input(char* s) {return input(stdin,s);}

int input(char** s) {return input(stdin,s);}

int input(int* i) {return input(stdin,i);}

int input(double* d){return input(stdin,d);}

int output(char* s) {return output(stdout,s);}


int input(FILE* fp,char* s,int lim)

{ int c;

while((c=getc(fp))!=EOF && isspace(c))


if(c==EOF) return 0;


while(--lim>0 && (c=getc(fp))!=EOF &&!isspace(c))



return (c== EOF||lim==0)? 0:1;


using namespace System;

using namespace System::Windows::Forms;


int input(TextBox * t,char* s,int count)

{return MyConvert::copyto(s,t->Text,count);


int input(TextBox * t,char** s)

{ return input(t,buf,MAX) && MyConvert::copyto(s,buf); }


int input(TextBox * t,int *i)

{return input(t,buf,MAX) && MyConvert::copyto(i,buf);}

Заголовочный файл MyDate.h

# pragma once

#include "io.h"

class MyDate

{ int day,month,year;

static int daytab[2][13];

static char* MonthName[13];

static char* DayNames[8];



int get_day(){return day;}

int get_month(){return month;}

int get_year(){return year;}

int get_day()const

{return day;}

int get_month()const

{return month;}

int get_year()const

{return year;}



MyDate(int d,int m,int y);

MyDate (char* s);

MyDate (const MyDate&);

void assign (const MyDate& t);

void dispose ();

MyDate* copy();

int validate();

static int vis(int y)

{ return ((!(y%4))&&(y%100)||(!(y%400))); }

char* ToPchar();

String* ToString();


int equal(const MyDate& t);

int cmp(const MyDate& t);


int input(File fp);

int input();

int output(File f);

int output();

int input(TextBox * t1, TextBox * t2, TextBox * t3);




Файл MyDate.h

#include "StdAfx.h"

#include "MyDate.h"

#include "exeptions.h"

int MyDate::daytab[2][13]={{0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31},{0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}};

char* MyDate::MonthName[13]={"Wrong month","January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"};

char* MyDate::DayNames[8]={"Wrong day","Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"};






{ }

MyDate::MyDate(int d,int m,int y)





if(!validate()) ExeptionInvalidValue("MyDate");



int MyDate::validate()


return (year>0&&month>0&&month<=12&&day>0&&day<=daytab[vis(year)][month]);


MyDate::MyDate (char* s){}

MyDate::MyDate (const MyDate& d)




void MyDate::assign (const MyDate& d)




void MyDate::dispose (){}

MyDate* MyDate::copy()

{return new MyDate();}

char* MyDate::ToPchar()

{char s[256],buf[256],*s1;


itoa(day,buf,10); strcat(s,buf); strcat(s,".");

itoa(month,buf,10); strcat(s,buf); strcat(s,".");

itoa(year,buf,10); strcat(s,buf);

s1=new char[strlen(s)+1];


return s1;}

String* MyDate::ToString()

{return new String(ToPchar());}


int MyDate::equal(const MyDate& d)

{return day==d.day && month==d.month && year==d.year;}


int MyDate::cmp(const MyDate& d)

{if(year!=d.year)return year-d.year;

else if(month!=d.month)return month-d.month;

else return day-d.day;



int MyDate::input(File fp)

{int state=1;

state&=::input(fp,&day); if(eof(fp)) return 0;

state&=::input(fp,&month); if(eof(fp)) return 0;

state&=::input(fp,&year); if(eof(fp)) return 0;

return state;}

int MyDate::input()

{int state=1;


state&=::input(&day); if(eof()) return 0;


state&=::input(&month); if(eof()) return 0;


state&=::input(&year); if(eof()) return 0;

return state;}

int MyDate::output(File f)

{return fprintf(f,"%d\t%d\t%d\n",



int MyDate::output()

{return output(stdin);}

int MyDate::input(TextBox * t1, TextBox * t2, TextBox * t3)

{int state=1;




return state;}


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