Ukraine produces the fourth largest number of academic graduates in Europe. 

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Ukraine produces the fourth largest number of academic graduates in Europe.


6. For Ukraine participation in the Bologna process is a chance of realizing Eurointegration strategy, assisting to improving education quality, solving the problem of recognition of the Ukrainian diplomas abroad. The primary goal is to introduce the system of academic credits stipulated by the Bologna declaration which is similar to ЕСТS (European credit- transfer system). It is considered as a means of students' mobility increase for transition from one curriculum to another, including programs of postgraduate education, as well as reforming curriculums and transfer of credits to higher educational establishments of other countries. An important point of introducing accumulative credit system is the possibility to take into account all student's achievements, not just an academic load, for example, participation in researches, conferences, subject Olympiads, etc.

7. The further actions for achievement of the Bologna process purposes are as follows: adoption of clear and adequate degrees system; inclusion of the two-cyclic education system (two-stage and subsequent training); introduction of the credits' system, i.e. system of credits accruing (ECTS) or its other joint systems which are capable to provide both differential-distinctive and accruing functions; contribution to students and teachers' mobility (elimination of barriers to free students and teachers' moving); provision of higher education high-quality standards; assistance to the European higher education approach (introduction of curricula, courses, modules with the "European" contents); long life training; common work of higher educational establishments and students as competent, active and constructive partners in establishment and formation of the European higher education area.




Modernization of the structure of the system of education in Ukraine in accordance with the Bologna requirements


Ex.1. Find where in the text it is said about the points given below. Put down the number of the paragraph.

1. The purpose of the Bologna Process.

2. The history of the process

3. The basic framework.

4. Themain goals of the Bologna Process.

5. Ukraine participation in the Bologna process.


Ex.2. Give the meaning of the following abbreviations:





Ex.3. Say if the following statements are true or false:

1. The purpose of the Bologna Process is the creation of the European Higher Education Area by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe..

2. The basic framework adopted is of two cycles of higher education qualification.

3. Before the signing of the Bologna declaration, the Magna Charta Universitatum had been issued in 1988.

4. Ukraine joined the Bologna process in 2008.

5. For Ukraine participation in the Bologna process is a chance of realizing Eurointegration strategy.

6. The post-graduate system (Aspirantura) has been reformed.

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the main aim of Bologna process?

2. What is the origin of this name?

3. How must higher education systems in European countries be organized in accordance with the Bologna process?

4. What are the main benefits for Ukraine in participating the Bologna process?

5. What are the actions for achievement of the Bologna process purposes?


Ex. 5. Describe the development of the Bologna process.

Ex. 6. Explain the way in which the structure of the system of education in Ukraine must be modernized.

Ex. 7. Prove the necessity and importance of the implementation of the Bologna process.

Ex. 8.Make up a plan covering the main ideas. Discuss the text according to the plan.

Ex. 9. Discussion points:

1. Think over the prospectives of globalization and European integration in the sphere of education. Give your reasons and ideas.

2. What elements of Bologna process are introduced at our University?


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