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Let’s speak about family and family relations. What’s your idea of a close-knit family?
I. Family Let’s speak about family and family relations. What’s your idea of a close-knit family? In my opinion, every person dreams of having a close-knit family. In a close-knit family people help each other in difficult situations, support and respect each member of the family, get on well with each other and spend a lot of time together. I can say that my family is friendly and close-knit. My parents are frank and honest with me; they respect me and always listen to my opinion. I love being with my family. I think it’s nice to have someone you can rely on and share all your experiences with. Do you agree that a perfect family is the one with many children? Most people think so and I absolutely agree (but I doubt it). It’s great to feel that there are so many people who can help you sort out your problems. Besides, I think that people who have a strong family behind them feel more secure and confident and can deal with life better. (But it’s more important to have a close-knit family that sticks together. In my opinion family should consist of two parents (both successful) and two children (healthy and happy).) 3. Imagine you are talking to a teenager from England about his\her family relationships. What questions will you ask him\her? (Ask 3 questions.) Give some advice how to cope with family problems. To my mind in a family people should get on well with each other and treat each other with respect. To avoid problems and misunderstanding the family members should work through problems and discuss them. They should avoid conflicts not to hurt each other. The fathers-and-sons problem is eternal. What do you think of it? I say all this talk about this problem is a lot of nonsense. There have always been quarrels between parents and their children about when they should get home and what they should wear. But I can talk to my parents and grandparents about everything and get a lot of advice from them. I say, if you speak politely you’ll have no trouble with your parents.
II. Choosing a career Let’s talk about your future career. What’s your idea of an ideal job? Choosing the right profession isn’t easy. The choice should depend on what you are most interested in. For me interesting and creative work is the most important thing. I want to enjoy my work and get satisfaction from it. I think you agree with me it’s not a pleasant thing to stay all your life in the job which you don’t like. And if it’s well-paid at the same time then it looks even more desirable and attractive. Is there any profession you wouldn’t like to go into? Why? In my opinion, all jobs are good and honorable. The main factor is the man’s attitude to his work. Society needs people to work in different spheres of life. I’m an active person so I wouldn’t like to work in an office and do the paper work. I’d like to communicate with people at my work. (I’m a phlegmatic person so I prefer a quiet job in an office doing some paperwork.) Imagine that you are applying for a job. What questions will you ask your future employer? (Ask 3 questions.) Give some advice how to behave at a job interview to create a positive impression on the employer At a job interview you should show the employer that you aren’t nervous, you’re well-prepared for this job, well brought-up and responsible. First of all, you should dress smartly according to the formal occasion. Besides, you should enter the room with a friendly smile, look at the person you are talking to, speak confident. And don’t forget to switch your mobile phone off before the interview. Some people think that having computer skills is necessary to get a good job. Do you agree? I quite agree with it. Computer skills are becoming requirements for most jobs. Computers become more and more important in most workplaces. In fact, having computer skills will give people better chances of getting a job and will help them do better in their career. Besides, it will also help them be more organized with notes and other things.
III. Learning Foreign Languages Let’s speak about foreign languages and their importance. Is learning foreign languages important nowadays? Learning foreign languages has become a vital necessity nowadays as it opens big prospects to people. Those who speak foreign languages have many more job opportunities as all sorts of diplomatic, business and cultural contacts use foreign languages. Knowing foreign languages you can understand new people, it gives you a chance to get acquainted with new literature, different culture and to broaden your knowledge. Can you prove that English is one of the most important languages in the world? I think the most fashionable language in the world nowadays is English. English is spoken by 750 million people. It’s the official language in 44 countries and in numerous countries it is used as a second language. It’s a way in which people who have different languages communicate with each other. Besides, English has become the language of different spheres of life. Imagine you are talking to a polyglot. What questions will you ask him? (Ask 3 questions) Give some advice how to communicate English well. Learning English is a hard job. To communicate English well you should read, listen, watch, write and communicate a lot. You should talk more and more to your mates, your teachers and even to native speakers which is the best thing of all. And the key thing in this is not to be afraid to make mistakes. A modern teenager can’t do without English. Do you agree with it? I quite agree with it. (Yes, that’s right.) English plays an important role in a teenager’s world and it is the language in which teenagers across the world can communicate with each other. They are learning English from their friends on the Internet and from the songs. Most young people are fond of computers and they need English for this hobby because many programmes and manuals to them are in English. IV. Who Governs Britain 1. Let’s talk about the political system of the United Kingdom. Who has the greatest power in the UK? What does the term ‘parliamentary monarchy’ mean? The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy and the King or the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice the country is ruled by the government which is formed by the Parliament. Officially, the Queen summons and dissolves the Parliament, but in practice the Parliament has the greatest power in the UK. Do you agree that not all members of the British Parliament are elected? I quite agree. As you know the British Parliament consists of two Chambers or “Houses” – the House of Lords and the House of Commons. British people elect members of Parliament only to the House of Commons while the membership of the House of Lords is inherited from generation to generation by British aristocracy. But the House of Commons is more important of the two Houses. Imagine you are interviewing the British Prime Minister. What questions would you ask him? Imagine you are a public policy analyst. Give advice to me on how to win local elections. First of all, you should be politically active. You should know everything about problems of your local area and develop the project of some changes to decide these problems. Besides, you should meet with a lot of people from your area and persuade them to vote for you. What aspects of a British political system appeal to you most? As I know the British political system is conservative. Though the Queen is the head of the state, she cannot act independently; she reigns (царствовать) but doesn’t rule. The Parliament plays a leading part in the political life of the state, it has unlimited power. There is no written constitution in Great Britain except rules of law and rules of custom by which the country is governed.
I. Belarusian Statehood Imagine you are interviewing the Belarusian Prime Minister. What questions would you ask him? V. Healthy Way of Life Ask 3 questions to a professional sportsman I. Family Let’s speak about family and family relations. What’s your idea of a close-knit family? In my opinion, every person dreams of having a close-knit family. In a close-knit family people help each other in difficult situations, support and respect each member of the family, get on well with each other and spend a lot of time together. I can say that my family is friendly and close-knit. My parents are frank and honest with me; they respect me and always listen to my opinion. I love being with my family. I think it’s nice to have someone you can rely on and share all your experiences with.
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