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< variant >163 < variant >116 < variant >178 < variant >196 < variant >136 <question 1>Choose the correct answer: What is the antonym of the word “friendly”? < variant >unfriendly < variant >young < variant >interesting < variant >old < variant >beautiful <question 1>Complete the sentence: … has three parts: the City, the West End and the East End. < variant >London < variant >Moscow < variant >Chicago < variant >New York < variant >Mexico <question 1>Choose the right variant: … husband is a travel agent. < variant >Her < variant >Mine < variant >His < variant >he's < variant >their <question1>Choose the right variant: Baiterek is situated in …. < variant >Astana < variant >Chicago < variant >Boston < variant >Washington < variant >Los-Angeles
<question 1>Choose the right variant: … brother is a travel agent. < variant >Her < variant >Mine < variant >Hers < variant >he's < variant >theirs
< question 1 >Choose the right variant: …sister is a travel agent. < variant >Her < variant >Mine < variant >Hers < variant >he's < variant >theirs
<question1>Choose the right variant: Khan Shatir is situated in …. < variant >Astana < variant >Chicago < variant >Boston < variant >Washington < variant >Los-Angeles
<question1>Choose the right variant: Aquanarium is situated in …. < variant >Astana < variant >Chicago < variant >Boston < variant >Washington < variant >Los-Angeles
<question1>Choose the right variant: Your grandparents’ parents are: <variant > great-grandparents <variant > brothers <variant > sisters <variant > cousins <variant > stepmother
<question1>Choose the right variant: A child who doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. <variant >an only child <variant >stepfather <variant >half-brothers <variant >half-sisters <variant >adult children
<question1>Choose the right variant: Families where the mother or father is bringing up the children on his/ her own. <variant >single-parent families <variant >divorce <variant >in-laws <variant >couple <variant >relatives
<question1>Choose the right variant: Your uncle’s or aunt’s children. <variant >cousins <variant >brothers <variant >sisters <variant >half-brothers <variant >half-sisters
<question1>Choose the right variant: The family of your husband / wife. <variant >in-laws <variant >single-parent families <variant >divorce <variant >couple <variant >relatives
<question1>Choose the right variant: All your relatives including aunts, grandparents, etc. <variant >generation <variant >stepfather <variant >half-brothers <variant >half-sisters <variant >adult children
<question1>Choose the right variant: Your grandparents’ grandparents. <variant >great-great-grandparents <variant >in-laws <variant >single-parent families <variant >half-sisters <variant >adult children
<question1>Choose the right variant: Boys who have the same father as you but a different mother. <variant >half-brothers <variant >cousins <variant >brothers <variant >sisters <variant >half-sisters
<question1>Choose the right variant: The new wife of your father. <variant >stepmother <variant >great-grandparents <variant >brothers <variant >sisters <variant >cousins
<question1>Choose the right variant: To give or pay money for something. <variant >spend <variant >greedy <variant >loan <variant >mall <variant >mortgage
<question1>Choose the right variant: Money that a person or a bank lends you. <variant >loan <variant >greedy <variant >mall <variant >mortgage <variant >spend
<question1>Choose the right variant: To have enough money to buy something. <variant >afford <variant >blow <variant >broke <variant >credit card <variant >earn
<question1>Choose the right variant: A shopping center (US). <variant >mall <variant >greedy <variant >loan <variant >mortgage <variant >spend
<question1>Choose the right variant: Having no money (informal). <variant >broke <variant >afford <variant >blow <variant >credit card <variant >earn
<question1>Choose the right variant: A small plastic card you use to buy things. <variant >credit card <variant >afford <variant >blow <variant >broke <variant >earn
<question1>Choose the right variant: To get money by working. <variant >earn <variant >afford <variant >blow <variant >broke <variant >credit card
<question1>Choose the right variant: Wanting more money, etc. than you really need. <variant >greedy <variant >mall <variant >loan <variant >mortgage <variant >spend
<question1>Choose the right variant: To spend a lot of money on something(informal). <variant >blow <variant >afford <variant >broke <variant >credit card <variant >earn
<question1>Choose the right variant: The money a bank lends you to buy a house. <variant >mortgage <variant >blow <variant >broke <variant >credit card <variant >earn
<question1>Choose the right variant: I paid... the dinner last night. <variant >For <variant >To <variant >At <variant >Out <variant >During
<question1>Choose the right variant: When can you pay me … the money I lent you? <variant >Back <variant >For <variant >To <variant >At <variant >Out
<question1>Choose the right variant: Would you like to pay … cash or …. credit card? <variant >In/by <variant >For/at <variant >To/in <variant >At/out <variant >Out/to
<question1>Choose the right variant: I spend 50 TL …. books yesterday. <variant >For <variant >Back <variant >To <variant >At <variant >Out
<question1>Choose the right variant: I don’t like lending money …. friends <variant >To <variant >Back <variant >For <variant >At <variant >Out <question1>Choose the right variant: I borrowed a lot of money … the bank. <variant >From <variant >For <variant >To <variant >At <variant >Out
<question1>Choose the right variant: A piece of paper money. <variant >Note <variant >loan <variant >mall <variant >mortgage <variant >spend
<question1>Choose the right variant: A piece of money made of metal. <variant >Coin <variant >loan <variant >mall <variant >mortgage <variant >spend
<question1>Choose the right variant: Money a person gets for the work he\ she does. <variant >Salary <variant >loan <variant >mall <variant >mortgage <variant >spend
<question1>Choose the right variant: Money that you pay to the government. <variant >tax <variant >greedy <variant >loan <variant >mortgage <variant >spend
<question1>Choose the right variant: Money that somebody lends you. <variant >loan <variant >greedy <variant >mall <variant >mortgage <variant >spend
<question1>Choose the right variant: Money that you borrow from the bank to buy a house. <variant >Mortgage <variant >afford <variant >broke <variant >credit card <variant >earn
<question1>Choose the right variant: A machine where you can get money. <variant >Cash machine <variant >blow <variant >broke <variant >credit card <variant >earn
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