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  2. What do you know about Remembrance Day?

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What do you know about Remembrance Day?


What do you know about Remembrance Day?

Circle the correct answer.

1. Remembrance Day is a memorial day observed in many countries:

a. To remember members of the armed forces who have died in the line of duty since WWI.

b. To remember all the people who have died in wars since WWI.

c. To celebrate the end of WWI.

2. Remembrance Day is also known as:

a. Armistice day

b. Veteran’s day

c. Poppy Day

d. All of the above

3. On November 11th, 1918:

a. World War I officially ended;

b. Fighting formally ended at11 a.m.

c. Germany signed the Armistice (agreement which ended the WWI)

d. All of the above

4. Remembrance Day is:

a. A holiday is all countries where it is observed.

b. Marked by special ceremonies by politicians and veterans at war memorials.

c. Marked by observing 2 minutes of silence at 11a.m.

d. Answers b & c.

5. The emblem of Remembrance Day the red poppy is :

a. sold by veterans for a fixed price

b. sold for donations to raise money for veterans

c. given out at no charge

6. The first remembrance poppy was worn in

a. The U.K.

b. The U.S.

c. Canada

7. The poppy became an emblem of Remembrance Day due to

a. The poem In Flanders Fields (by John McCrae)

b. The poem We Shall Keep the Faith (by Moina Michael)

Remembrance Day Quiz


Answer Key

1. a

2. d

3. d

4. d

5. b

6. b

7. a




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