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Management process of development of investment projects




Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

This master's  thesis examined issues related to managing the development of investment  projects and efficient capital investment to increase profits. The success of investment depends on the detailed design and analysis of investment projects. This is particularly true of investment in construction. This master's thesis deals with theoretical and practical bases of development and investment projects. In particular, the chapter deals with the meaning of „investment projectˮ, methods of evaluating investment projects and analysis of regulatory and legal framework for planning in Ukraine. The second section - provides general information on development projects in the architectural office PC „Chaplinsky and partnersˮ, analyzes the feasibility of investment alternatives to the construction site, composed and calculated estimates of revenues and costs and estimated effectiveness of the investment project. The third section analyzes the possible ways of optimizing the funding of the project and the occurrence of risks in the construction site and provides recommendations for improvement of management of investment projects based on consulting and development.

The volume of work is 111 pages divided into 3 sections of the text, contents, introduction, conclusions, list of sources used and applications. This master's thesis contains 7 tables, 12 figures, 91 positions of sources used and 5dodatkiv.

Keywords: investment project, analysis of investment projects, project development, project evaluation, investment development, investment consulting.




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