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Практическое занятие № 103-104.


Практическое занятие № 103-104.

Тема: Достопримечательности Великобритании.

Цель: активизация лексики по данной теме; употребление и понимание новых слов в речи, формирование умения самостоятельно работать с текстом, развивать навыки изучающего чтения, монологической речи.

Время выполнения работы: 90 мин

Перечень оборудования для проведения работы: тетрадь, письменные принадлежности, словарь, учебник «Английский язык для учреждений СПО 10 класс» Г.Т. Безкоровайная.


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The Empire State Building is the tallest building in New York. It is 443 metres high and has 103 floors. It was built in 1930, and took one year and forty-five days to complete. The ESB is one of the largest office spaces in the world, but it also has many shops and restaurants inside. The Empire State Building has 73 super fast lifts. The fastest of these travel from the ground to the 80th floor in only 45 seconds! If you choose to walk to the top, you need to climb 1860 steps. At the Empire State Building most visitors go straight to the Observatory on the 86th floor. The view is amazing. On a clear day you can see for miles around. Looking at the Empire State Building from a distance is also great. The top floors are decorated with beautiful lights. These change colours every day. Depending on the occasion, the building can be white, green, blue, purple, red or orange! If you are ever in New York, don't forget to visit the Empire State Building. It offers the best view of New York, and it is one of the city's most historic buildings.

 2.Read the statements and mark them (R) for Right, (W) for wrong and (DS) for Doesn't Say.


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