The inspiration for the Winter School 

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The inspiration for the Winter School



Online Winter School of the Faculty of Political Science, Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Center for Crisis Society Studies

“Sustainability of Political Systems in Eurasia”

14-18 December 2020



The ongoing coronavirus pandemic proved to have deep political, economic and social consequences for nation-states. While being a global issue, when applied to the local contexts of World regions and individual states, the crisis, caused by the pandemic creates a demand for a thorough understanding and strong political expertise on all levels of decision-making.


During the course, we will focus on the concept of “political stability” in the former USSR states. Serving as a starting point of our session, the concept of “political stability” will be used to analyze the key political risks, posed by the ongoing pandemic.


The participants will be able to:

- analyze the latest theories of political stability and resilience, developed by the researchers from the Russian Academy of Sciences;

- examine challenges, produced by the instability, caused by the pandemic and apply their findings, while analyzing the current state of energy markets in Russia;

- discover the impact of digital transformations and climate change issues on the development of the Eurasian countries.


The classes will be delivered by scholars from Russia (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration), Italy (EURAC research center), Serbia (Belgrade University) and Bulgaria(University of Plovdiv Paisii Hilendarski).



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