flight leave 12 o’clock tomorrow morning 

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flight leave 12 o’clock tomorrow morning



8 o’clock

I think

The Thunder

win the game

flight leave 12 o’clock tomorrow morning

do my hw now so I can watch TV later

go camp this summer for 2 weeks

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Which future tense for buses, trains, and planes?

win the gold medal in the downhill

What’s the negative form of will?

Which future tense if I decide now.

Roll again

Name 2 things you can plan for

future words for predictions

be in 20 years time

3 things you are planning to do

finish League of Legends tomorrow

Future tense for a doctor’s appointment

When use the future continuous?

Skip 5 spaces

Roll again

We use will after what phrases?

When do we use will? 2 reasons.

Skip 4 spaces

travel around the world at age 20




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