Unit 1     kyiv Polytechnic Institute 

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Unit 1     kyiv Polytechnic Institute


I.        Read and memorize the following words and word-combinations:

higher educational institution

вищий навчальний заклад

examination board

екзаменаційна комісія





in spite of

незважаючи на

to train engineers

готувати інженерів

to allocate money

виділяти кошти


випускник вищого учбового закладу

electric welding


artificial  satellite

штучний супутник





to commission

призначати, доручати

market-oriented reforms

ринкові реформи

in the vanguard of

в авангарді

full professor                               професор      

associate professor                      доцент

liberal arts faculty                                 гуманітарний факультет

II. Read the text. Use dictionary if necessary.


The National Technical University of Kyiv (Kyiv Polytechnic Institute) is one of the oldest and biggest higher educational institutions in Ukraine. At the time of its foundation it was a leading technical school in Eastern Europe.

Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was founded on August 31, 1898 and its first rector was Professor I.Kirpichev. At that time it had only four faculties (mechanical, chemical, agricultural, civil engineering) with 360 students enrolled. The Polytechnic graduated its first 84 engineers in 1903. The head of theexamination board was Dmitry Mendeleev, an outstanding chemist known for bringing into prominence the periodic system of classification of chemical elements.

In spite of the fact that Kyiv had by the end of the 19th  century two big seats of learning - St. Volodymyr University and Kyiv Mohyla Academy (the oldest educational establishment of higher learning in Eastern Europe, founded in the early 17th century) - the rapid economic growth required a new-type of technical school for training engineers and for being a technological and scientific research centre. The state did not allocate any money from the budget and the funds raising campaign was launched. The money was donated by wealthy businessmen and public organizations.

The prominentarchitect I. Kitner was commissioned to design the buildings of the new school. And he built an impressive architectural complex in Shulyavka, one of the suburban areas of the then Kyiv.

From the very outset KPI operated not only as a students training institution but as a research centre as well, turning out scientists and researchers who played aprominent role in the development of science and technology in Ukraine. Among the graduators of KPI one finds Academician Y.Paton who made an important contribution to the theory and practice of electric welding, S.Tymoshenko, one of the world's leading scientists in the studies of resistance of materials, S. Korolyev, the designer and promoter of rockets and artificial earth satellites, M.Konovalov, a well-known chemist, I.Bardin, the greatest metallurgist in the country, A.Lulka, the chief designer of aircraft engines.

Now KPI  is one of the biggest universities of its kind in Europe.

Its students enrolment is about 30 thousand people. 2,000 full and associate professors provide a high-quality tuition. In the last decade KPI has been turned into a technical university that meets all the sophisticated requirements of today.

A lot of young people from different countries get their education at the Technical University in Kyiv. The University has close economic relations with foreign partners. The most active international scientific and technological cooperation is carried out by the University departments with partners from China, Germany, Turkey, Vietnam, Jordan and others.

 Kiev Polytechnic, in spite of being a hundred year old establishment, is keeping abreast with the changing times. In recent years a number of new faculties have been setup: aviation and space systems, management and industrial marketing, linguistics, law, sociology. The introduction of liberal arts faculties makes it possible for students to receive two degrees within the period of studies.

The State Polytechnic Museum of Ukraine was opened in one of the oldest buildings of KPI and some pieces of KPI old-time equipment used for teaching purposes were placed there as museum exhibits.

Sports activities are flourishing at KPI as well. Cultural life at KPI is not lagging behind either with numerous cultural events involving hundreds of students. KPI maintains close contacts with research and industrial centres in order to provide its students with good training grounds and its graduators with opportunities for finding good jobs. At present the Ukrainian economy is going through market-oriented reforms. Thus, it needs a lot of well-trained engineers and managers to promote these reforms and to meet the stringent requirements of our times.                                                                                                                                               -

The KPI graduators now as well as many years ago feel proud to have studied at the Polytech. They are as always in the vanguard of the technological progress in Ukraine.



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