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  1. Иностранный язык             группа 9 – пк - 18     27. 04. 2020

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Иностранный язык             группа 9 – пк - 18     27. 04. 2020



                                                                   замдиректора по УПР

_________ Караваева Ю.А.



Иностранный язык             группа 9 – ПК - 18     27.04.2020

 Тема: Природа – наш дом.

Цель: активизировать лексику; закрепление грамматического материала по теме; тренировать учащихся в употреблении слов и выражений по теме урока; ознакомить учащихся с новой информацией познавательного характера об экологии родного края; воспитывать культуру общения, стремление и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе.

 Тип урока: комбинированный

          It is very important to keep the world healthy and strong. Every kid can do something to help nature. It is a wise rule – to keep the country tidy, to water flowers and trees, to keep dogs under control. Never break plants and baby trees. We must always put rubbish in a rubbish bin. We should remember the three Rs: reuse, reduce, and recycle. Today the environmental question is very actual. The water and air are polluted, the forests are cut down. We should help the Earth. We should keep the planet healthy. I also can do all my best to save the Earth. I can feed the birds, plant trees. I always put rubbish in a rubbish bin. I help my parents to water flowers and trees, plant in our garden.


«Put the right word – should or mustn’t?»

«Put the right word – should or mustn’t?»

1. We….water flowers and trees.

2. Children…..break baby trees.

3. We….clean pavements.

4. We….grow trees and plants.

5. We …..pollute water and air.

6. People….put rubbish in a rubbish bin.

7. We….pull our rare flowers.

8. We…. take litter home.

9. People….kill birds and animals.

1. People….respect the life and work of the countryside.

2. We….recycle old paper and metal.

3. We….throw rubbish on the ground.

4. People…keep country tidy.

5. Children….paint walls, trees.

6. We….keep dogs under control.

7. We…pollute air and water.

8. We…protect wild animals.

9. People…interfere with nature.

Задание для самостоятельной работы:

1. Описать картинку (устно).

2. Выполнить упражнение (письменно).

Преподаватель :                                                      О.Н. Бутенко







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