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a) Read the text and complete the family tree.



The Simpson Family


1. a) Read the text and complete the family tree.






1. b) Read the text again. True (T) or False (F).

a) The Simpsons family is small.


b) Marge has one brother and one sister.


c) Ling is the daughter of Selma.


d) Homer and Marge have 3 children.


e) Homer and Marge have 2 sons and 1 daughter.

1) Jackie is the ___________________ of Lisa.

2) Ling is the ______________ of Bart and Lisa.

3) Maggie is a ______________.

4) Herb is the ______________ of Lisa.

5) Homer is the ______________ of Marge.


6) Marge is the ______________ of Patty and Selma.

7) Maggie is the ______________ of Marge and Homer.

8) Bart is the ______________ of Lisa.

9) Marge is the ______________ of Homer.

10) Abraham is the ___________________ of Bart.

5) Patty is the ______________ of Maggie.


2. Complete the sentences.

3. Write about you and your family.






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