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  1. Circle the letter of the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

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Circle the letter of the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

Summary 3-44

11th level Training test        Upper-Intermediate level     

1. Circle the letter of the correct word(s) to complete each sentence.

1. If I earn lots of money, I ___ buy you a very big car as a present.


(a) would  (b) will (c) am

2. If I hadn't fallen in love with flying, I ___ a pilot.   


(a) would become (b) became (c) wouldn't have become

3. If you ___ got that job, would you have been able to move to a new house?

(a) have (b) had (c) will have

4. I would want very much to move to a new house if I ___ that job.

(a) have   (b) having (c) had

5. What would you have done if you ___ the lottery last week?        

(a) win (b) ’d have won

(c) 'd won

6. Will you come to dinner with us if we ___ a babysitter for you?

(a) had found (b) will find

(c) find

7. If I ___ you, I would work very hard so that I could earn more money.

(a) am (b) were (c) are

8. I'm so busy these days. I wish I ___ more free time.

(a) had  (b) have (c) had had

9. If I ___ very hard, I would have been able to stop smoking.


(a) try   (b) would have tried (c) had tried



2. Correct mistakes

1. When we will get a long holiday, my family takes a trip.

2. We always went camping if we don't get a lot of time off.

3. Unless we had gone to Florida last year, I wouldn't had known how great Disney World was.

4. If I am older, I would try to get a job in Florida.

5. We would had seen more if the lines bad been shorter.

6. I wish my friend came with us when we went last year.

7. If you stay for a week, you would have more time to do things.

3. Translate

1. Она здорова. Если бы она была больна, ее брат сказал бы мне об этом.

2. Если бы у него вчера не было денег, он бы не пошел на вечеринку.

3. Если ты пошлешь это письмо сейчас, Толян будет дома к понедельнику.

4. Если бы ты послал это письмо на прошлой неделе, Толян был бы дома к понедельнику (прошлому).

5. Что бы ты сделал, если бы мама испекла пирог?

6. Жаль, что ты не слышал музыку Рахманинова. Если бы вы ее слышали, вы бы уже давно знали, какой это замечательный композитор.


Training test answers

1. If I earn lots of money, I ___ buy you a very big car as a present.

(a) would (b) will (c) am

2. If I hadn't fallen in love with flying, I ___ a pilot.          


(a) would become (b) became (c) wouldn't have become

3. If you ___ got that job, would you have been able to move to a new house?

(a) have (b) had (c) will have

4. I would want very much to move to a new house if I ___ that job.

(a) have (b) having (c) had

5. What would you have done if you ___ the lottery last week?    

(a) win (b) ’d have won        

(c) 'd won

6. Will you come to dinner with us if we ___ a babysitter for you?

(a) had found (b) will find

(c) find

7. If I ___ you, I would work very hard so that I could earn more money.

(a) am (b) were (c) are

8. I'm so busy these days. I wish I ___ more free time.

(a) had (b) have (c) had had

9. If I ___ very hard, I would have been able to stop smoking.


(a) try (b) would have tried (c) had tried


2. Correct mistakes

1. When we will get a long holiday, my family takes a trip.

2. We always went go camping if we don't get a lot of time off.

3. Unless we had gone to Florida last year, I wouldn't had have known how great Disney World was.

4. If I am were older, I would try to get a job in Florida.

5. We would had have seen more if the lines bad been shorter.

6. I wish my friend came had come with us when we went last year.

7. If you stay stayed a week, you would have more time to do things.

1.Она здорова. Если бы она была больна, ее брат сказал бы мне об этом. She is well. If she were ill, her brother would tell me about it.

2. Если бы у него вчера не было денег, он бы не пошел на вечеринку. If he hadn't had money yesterday, he would not have gone to the party.

3. Если ты пошлешь это письмо сейчас, Толян будет дома к понедельнику.If you mail this letter now, Anatole will have come home by Monday

4. Если бы ты послал это письмо на прошлой неделе, Толян был бы дома к понедельнику (прошлому). If you had mailed this letter last week, Anatole would have been/come home by Monday

5. Что бы ты сделал, если бы мама испекла пирог? What would you do if mom baked a pie?

6. Жаль, что ты не слышал музыку Рахманинова. Если бы вы ее слышали, вы бы уже давно знали, какой это замечательный композитор.I wish you had heard Rakhmaninov's music. If you had heard it, you would have known for a long time what a wonderful composer he was.



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