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  1. Put the verb into the correct form.
  2. Review all Conditionals Rules, Conditional Trainer 1-19
  3. Put the verb into the correct form.

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Review all Conditionals Rules, Conditional Trainer 1-19

1. Review all Conditionals Rules, Conditional Trainer 1-19

2. Learn the I wish rules

3. Find 8 mistakes in the text:

What would happen to the women if all the men in the world would disappear? What would happen to the men when there were no women?

Philip Wiley's 1951 science-fiction novel, The Disappearance, addresses these intriguing questions. The answers show us how society has changed since the 1950s. According to Wiley, if men and women live in different worlds, the results would be catastrophic. In Wiley's vision, men are too aggressive to survive on their own, and women are too helpless. If women didn't control them, men will start more wars. If men aren’t there to pump gas and run the businesses, women wouldn't be able to manage.

If Wiley is alive today, would he write the same novel? Today, a lot of men take care of their children, and a lot of women run businesses. If Wiley were here to see these changes, he learned that men are not more warlike than women, and women are not more helpless than men. I think if all people, both men and women, learned to cooperate more, the world will be a much better place.

4. Translate: 1. Как жаль, что я не худой! На меня вещи не налазят! 2 Как бы ей хотелось, чтобы ее родители жили ближе! 3 Ты слишком быстро едешь! Мне бы хотелось, чтобы ты ехал медленнее. 4 Когда же дождь закончится! Я хочу прогуляться. 5. Бен носит одну и ту же одежду годами! Купил бы новую!



Second Conditional


We use 2nd Conditionalsentences to talk about unreal conditions and their results. A condition and its result may be untrue, imagined, or impossible.

If I had more time, I would read fairy tales to my children.

(But I don't have time, so I don't read fairy tales to my children.)

The sentence can be about:

a. the present

If I lived in a palace now, I would give parties all the time. (But I don't live in a palace now, so I don't give parties all the time.)

b. the future

If I moved next month, I would buy new furniture. (But I'm not going to move next month, so I won't buy new furniture.)


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