Summary 2-56. Structure. Translation. Example. Both / Both of <…>. Both <…> and <…>   . Either <…> or <…> 

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Summary 2-56. Structure. Translation. Example. Both / Both of <…>. Both <…> and <…>   . Either <…> or <…>


  Summary 2-56



1) О нем думают каждый день He is thought about every day.2) Я не ел торт сто лет (for ages) – Я тоже! I haven’t eaten the cake for ages! – Neither have I/Me neither.3) Как давно ты учишь английский? – 5 лет. – Я тоже. How long have you been learning English? – For 5 years – So have I.4) Как долго, ты думаешь, это предложение (offer) будут обдумывать? How long do you think this offer will be thought over?5) Когда я добрался до дома, все ели, и она тоже. When I got home everyone was eating and so was she.6) Сейчас поют песню про Чебурашку! Cheburashka song is being sung now!7) Этот ужин был мной приготовлен голыми руками! This dinner has been cooked with my bare hands!8) Он постоянно опаздывает! – Она тоже! He is always (constantly) late! – So is she!9) Он не захотел становиться главой компании, хотя проработал там 7 лет. He didn’t want to become head of the company although he had worked there for 7 years.10) Я не стесняюсь говорить по-английски! – Я тоже! I am not ashamed of speaking English! – Neither am I!







 Both / Both of <…>


NB!Both” is NOT used in negative sentences. Instead, we use “neither”.

Оба / Оба из…


# Both dresses are beautiful / Both of these dresses are beautiful

# We both are smart / Both of us are smart

 Both <…> and <…>   


NB!This structure is NOT used in negative sentences. Instead, we use “neither…nor”.

И…и… / Как…так и…


# He is both strong and handsome

# Both Mary and Katy were late

# He can both swim and dance


 Either / Either of <…>

Любой / Любой (один) из…


# You can take either bus, they will both take you to East side.

# Take either of these books!

# Either car is available / Either of the cars is available.


1NB! When the subject consists of two elements and they are both singular, the verb is singular too.


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