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Explain what was happening up to the point when the following events took place. Use because + the past continuous.


Task 2

Explain what was happening up to the point when the following events took place. Use because + the past continuous.


1. He decided to see a doctor …

because he wasn’t feeling well.

2. Peter handed in his resignation…


3. They gave Jane a new company car…


4. We offered our agents an extra 5% discount…


5. Helen phoned the service engineer …



Task 3

Write a short paragraph about one of the following events. Say what you were doing when it happened, and what you did next.


Write about the time…

1. when you had or saw a car crash

2. when you got your present job

3. when you had to go to hospital

4. when you were stopped by the police

5. when you lost some money

6. when you met your partner








Task 4

Translate these words and word combinations into Ukrainian.

Canteen, to engage the phone, reply, to brake down, artwork, to accept, check-in desk, to land, vacancy, to take over, a to leave a message, chauffeur, chemical tank, to announce, to interrupt, security guard, to hand in resignation, expansion, to finalize arrangements, fire alarm, to cancel, terms and conditions, company, to do some filing, to fetch an invoice, marketing trip, to stand in the queue, removal man, to close down, to come straight to the office, unauthorized withdrawal, an extra 5% discount.

Task 5

Find the English equivalents.

Упорядковувати папери, принести рахунок-фактуру, завершувати підготовку, незаконне вилучення грошей, виставка, регістрація, експансія, оголошувати, залишити повідомлення, стояти в черзі, пожежна сигналізація, відміняти, відповідь, їдальня, терміни і умови, приймати, закрити, поїздка з питань торгівлі, займати телефонну лінію, приземлитися, вакансія, прибиральник, виходити з ладу, додаткова знижка на 5%, подати заяву про відставку, перебрати на себе керівництво компанією, водій, охоронець, перебивати , хімічний резервуар.


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