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  1. Up-coming conference at the Presidential Library named after B. Jelzin

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Up-coming conference at the Presidential Library named after B. Jelzin


Up-coming conference at the Presidential Library named after B. Jelzin

Save the date: June 15th, 2017. From 10am to 5pm Science has no borders: Swiss Polar Research and the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE)

Researchers, scientists and students interested in polar research and in particular in the related fields of climatology, glaciology, oceanography, biology and biochemistry have the unique opportunity to discover the groundbreaking international Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE), to learn about its challenges and to engage with scientists who took part in this adventure.

The Consulate General of Switzerland in St. Petersburg, in cooperation with the Swiss Polar Institute and the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, is organising a one-day conference at the Presidential Library, Senatsquaia Sq. 3, St. Petersburg, on June 15th, 2017, from 10 am to 5 pm, on Swiss Polar Research and the Antarctic Circumnavigation Expedition (ACE). This research expedition took place from December 20th, 2016 to March 20th 2017 aboard the Russian Ice Class research vessel «Akademik Treshnikov».

ACE is the first project of the Swiss Polar Institute, a newly created entity founded by EPFL, the Swiss Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape research WSL, ETHZ, the University of Bern and Editions Paulsen. It aims to enhance international relations and collaboration between countries, as well as to spark the interest of a new generation of young scientists and explorers in polar research.

From December 2016 to March 2017, 22 scientific teams from all over the world boarded the Akademik Treshnikov for an unprecedented expedition around Antarctica which took them in three legs from Cape Town to Hobart, to Punta Arenas and back to Cape Town. From biology to climatology to oceanography, researchers worked on a number of interrelated fields for the future of this Continent.

On the Akademik Treshnikov’s way down from Bremerhaven to Cape Town, 50 young scientists were on board following lectures doing practical work and oceanographic work. The “ACE Maritime University” was conducted under the auspices of the Russian Geographic Society and took place between Nov. 19th and December 17th 2016.

Attendance is free but prior registration is imperative. For more information, please contact the Consulate general of Switzerland in St. Petersburg by mail at the following address:



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