Содержание книги

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PresentPerfect или PastSimple.
  2. Active Voice – Passive Voice.

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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в PresentPerfect или PastSimple.


Задание по английскому языку для учащихся 7 классов





Задание 1. Задай вопрос:


1.___________ is this bag? - Paula’s. 

A.Which    B.Whoose C.Who

2.___________ are you laughing? – Because the joke was funny.

A.Why       B.How       C.Who

3.___________ did you move to this town?

A.How       B.Where    C.When

4.___________ is your house? – The one with the blue door.

A.Which    B.What      C. Where

5.___________ is this jacket? – 25 pounds.

A.How       B.How many C.How much

6.___________ is your name? – Amanda.

A.What      B.Which     C.How















Задание 2. Подбери ответ к вопросу (только к восьми вопросам есть подходящие ответы):


1.What’s your job?                                    A. I’m fine, thank you.

2.Are you sure?                                          B. 15 pounds.

3.How can I help you?                               C. Martha.

4.Where do you come from?                     D. I’m from London.

5.What’s the matter?                                  E. It was great! I met so many nice people!

6.What does it mean?                                    F. I’m a sales manager.

7.Are you serious?                                     G. It’s half past seven.

8.Are you okay?                                         H. It’s sunny.

9.Are you joking?                                       I. I’m 26.

10.What shall I do?                                    J. Not really!

11.What’s your real name?                        K. Start again!

12.How did you like it?                              L. Not very sure, I’m afraid.



























Задание 5. Сomplete the letter: (степени сравнения прилагательных)


Dear Chris,

I’m having a lovely time here in Spain. Last week it was warm, but this week it’s ___1_____

(hot). Everything here is __________2____________ (beautiful) than I imagined and Spanish food is __________3_________ (tasty) I have ever eaten. The beaches are lovely, but they’re much________4_________(busy) than beaches in England. At the moment I’m sitting at the hotel swimming pool. It’s ________5________ (big) I’ve ever seen. This is probably ________6_________ (good) holiday I’ve ever had.


See you next week,


                                                                                                                                               - 3 -









                                                                                                                       - 4 -

Задание 7. Read the text and say if the sentences are “True” or “False”:


                                                 Forks and Finger




Inconvenient – неудобный

Indignant – возмущенный

Artificial – искусственный

Lace-trimmed collars – воротники, окаймлённые кружевом

Hindered – мешали, препятствовали


In 1608 an Englishman, Thomas Coryate by name, visited Italy. When he came back to England he brought little forks the Italians used to eat meat with. His friends looked at the forks and laughed. They thought the Italians were fools because the forks were very inconvenient.

Thomas Coryate argued with them and explained to them that it was not good to eat meat with one’s fingers because people’s hands were not always clean.

The Englishmen were indignant at this.

“Do you think that people in England don’t wash their hands before eating?” one of his friends asked.

“Isn’t it enough to have ten fingers for eating? Must we add two artificial fingers to eat meat?” asked the second friend.

Then the host decided to show how easy it was to use the fork. But the first piece of meat he picked up off his plate slipped off the fork to the tablecloth.

His friends couldn’t stop laughing and joking about it, so the poor host had to put his fork back into his pocket.

Now listen to the story why people began to use forks. The story says that forks came into use when people began to wear lace-trimmed collars. Those collars hindered them when they ate. They held the chin up in the air and kept one from bending the head. It looked as if the head was on a bog round plate.

With such a collar it was more convenient to eat with a fork than with fingers.




An Englishman visited Italy in 1608.



He brought little forks the Italians used to eat meat with.



His friends liked the forks he had brought.



They thought the Italians were clever people.



The forks were convenient.



Thomas Coryate argued with his friends.



He explained to them how to eat with one’s fingers.



Everyone was indignant at this.



The first piece of meat he picked up didn’t slip off the fork.



His friends joked about it.



Lace-trimmed collars hindered people to use forks.



People stopped wearing lace-trimmed collars.



 1.I (to see) Pete today

 have seen      


 have see                                                                                          


2. I (to read) this book last year.               

 have read                                                                                                          




3. I (to read) this book this week


 has read        

 have read


4.I never (to be) to Washington.

 never have been        


 have never been


5. You ever (to be) to New York?

 Did you ever be        

 You have ever been  

 Have you ever been  


6.You ever (to see) the eruption of a volcano?

 Have you ever seen  

 Have you ever see    

 Have you seen ever  


7.He (not to eat) yesterday.

 didn't eat      

 didn't ate      

 hasn't eaten   


8.You (to play) the piano yesterday?

 Have you play          

 Did you play 

 Did you played


9.You (to play) the piano today?                                  

 Did you play 

 Have you played      

 You have played      


10. Where you (to put) my pen? I cannot find it?         

 Have you put

 Did you put  

 you put         




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