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Ex. 3. Listen and choose the best word.






       Ex. 1. Listen and write the missing word.


I'm standing on a _______

I'm _______ in the dark
I thought that you'd be here by _______
There's nothing but the _______
No footsteps on the _______
I'm _______ but there's no sound



Ex. 2. Listen and number the lines.

..... Take me somewhere new

..... Isn't anyone trying to find me?
..... It's a damn cold night

..... Won't somebody come take me home?

..... I don't know who you are
..... Trying to figure out this life
..... Won't you take me by the hand?


But I... I'm with you
I'm with you


Ex. 3. Listen and choose the best word.


I'm looking for a place/palace
I'm searching for a pace/face
Is anybody here I know/now
'Cause nothing's going right/bright
And everything's a mess/miss
And no one likes to be alone/along



Ex. 4. Listen and put the words in the correct order.

confusing - oh - is - why - so - everything
out - just - of - maybe - my - I'm - mind


Yeah-he-yaa, yeah-he-yah, yeah-he-yah, yeah-he-yah, yeah!



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