Содержание книги

  1. Introductory Text. A Table Talk about Professions
  2. Text 2. The Career of a Lawyer
  3. Task 2. Give the Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations. Learn them.
  4. Task 5. Discuss in groups and make a) a list of pros and b) a list of cons of being a lawyer.

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Task 5. Discuss in groups and make a) a list of pros and b) a list of cons of being a lawyer.

Task 5. Discuss in groups and make a) a list of pros and b) a list of cons of being a lawyer.


Speak on the situation “Choosing a career of a lawyer” using the following plan.

1. Is it an easy thing to choose an occupation? Why? Do people from the early childhood know what they would be in future?

2. What did you want to be when you were a child?

3. When did you decide to be a lawyer? Who helped you to make this choice?

4. What other ways can a person choose a profession?

5. What University do you study at? What is your specialty? What other professions can one get at this University?

6. How can law be defined? What is its scope?

7. Prove that the profession of a lawyer is one of the most important nowadays. How can a lawyer help people? What is his main duty?

8. What qualities and traits of one`s characters does a profession of a lawyer require? Which of them are your strongest?

9. What kind of knowledge is needed to be a good specialist in the field of law? What subjects do you study at University? What do you like best/least?

10. Prove that the profession of a lawyer is quite diversified. In what spheres will you be able to find a job after the graduation from University?

11. Why is the career of a lawyer so popular nowadays?

12. Is it an easy thing to find a job of a lawyer? Prove your answer.

13. Conclusion.



o occupation: 1) a job or profession people in professional occupations; 2) a way of spending time

o profession: a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification

o trade: 1) the action of buying and selling goods and services; 2) a job requiring manual skills and special training

o career: an occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress

o job: 1) a paid position of regular employment; 2) a task or piece of work, especially one that is paid


[1] за

[2] против

[3] aptitude tests - тесты на способности (cтандартизованные тесты, проводимые для определения способностей испытуемого к решению определенных задач; широко используются при поступлении в высшие учебные заведения и найме персонала (в некоторых компаниях)

[4] выступать в суде


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