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Part 2. How to behave during a job interview

Part 2. How to behave during a job interview

Exercise 1. Lexis revision. Translate into English

Работодатель, собеседование, принять на работу, претендент, получить работу, задать вопрос, ответить на вопросы, зарплата, средняя зарплата, получать зарплату, опоздать, прийти вовремя, прийти рано, написать резюме, сильные стороны, слабые стороны, уверенный в себе, энергичный, общительный, ответственный, работоспособный, скромный, пунктуальный, целеустремленный, опыт работы, сотрудники, деловой стиль, требования делового стиля, быть подготовленным.

Exercise 2. Here are some pieces of advice how to behave during a job interview. Which ones are good and which are not? Which of them can help you to get a job?

Model: I think it is a good /(bad) advice because ….

1. Try to appear keen and knowledgeable.

2. Ask questions about the company and the job.

3. Wear clothes suitable for the job.

4. Take a checklist with you so that you can remember what to say.

5. Answer the question as briefly as possible.

6. Arrive late.

7. Speak slowly and clearly.

8. Don’t seem interested.

9. Try to control and direct the interview.

10. Smile a lot.

11. Speak only about your strong points. Never mention your weak points or bad habits even if you have to distort facts for it.

12. Arrive early, 15-20 minutes before the interview.

Exercise 3. Read and translate psychologists’ pieces of advice how to be successful at a job interview.


1. Pay attention to the way you are dressed. When you are properly dressed you demonstrate respect for those with whom you communicate. Your clothing should meet the requirement of business style. It is very important that you feel comfortable in your suit.

2. Be ready to speak about yourself. Your words should contain something to make people notice of you. Describe briefly your experience at previous jobs and the good results you achieved there.

3. A standard question you may be asked – “Why are you looking for a job?” You should be ready to offer reasons which sound convincing.

4. You should organise your thoughts logically, have self – confidence, and never distort facts or try to persuade people to your way of thinking.

5. You must be ready to answer some unexpected questions: “What are your strong points?’’ and “What are your weak points?’’

6. You may be asked what you can do for the company or how you see your future duties. You should learn as much as possible about the company you are dealing with.

7. What salary you are expecting? Think of concrete figures – you should base your answer on the average salary of other employees with your qualification.

8. At the end of the interview, you may ask some questions. You should ask about what your future job will entail what possible difficulties there are in store for you, what the other staff members are like.

Some more tips:

1. Never be late. Even if you come too early it is better to walk around outside than to bother the interviewer about what you should do for the next 15-20 minutes.

2. Be yourself – just speak the way you speak with your friends. Try to overcome your nervousness. Remember it is normal and natural for you to be a little nervous. As you speak, smile and try to change your facial expression to convey the emotions that you feel.

3. Much attention should be paid to eye contact. You should not look at the floor or at the ceiling. Look at the people you are talking to.

4. Your speech is certain to be enthusiastic and lively.  


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