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Упражнения "Времена группы Past"

Упражнения "Времена группы Past"


1. Выберите верный вариант глагола и переведите предложения.



  1. She looked tired. She … (planted/was planting/had been planting) flowers all morning.
  2. I … (was playing/played/had played) volleyball when the ball hit my head.
  3. His clothes were smudgy because he … (finished/had finished/was finished) painting the walls.
  4. When I was five my parents … (were buying/bought/had been buying) a piano for me.
  5. Kim … (was dancing/danced/had danced) when her husband opened the door.


2. Поставьте глагол в форму Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous.

to take


  1. Greg didn’t answer the phone because he … a shower.
  2. I couldn’t find my umbrella, but then I remembered that my sister … it to school.
  3. Frank … the candle and walked downstairs.
  4. We … the exam for 2 hours when a policeman entered the room.

Упражнения "Времена группы Simple"


1. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в Present Simple, Past Simple или Future Simple.


  1. We … (go) roller-skating last Saturday.
  2. Our granny … (bake) meat-pies every weekend.
  3. We … (write) an essay tomorrow.
  4. I really … (enjoy) the opera yesterday.
  5. Where your husband … (work) five years ago?


2. Поставьте глагол to be в одну из форм Simple.


  1. … your girlfriend Italian?
  2. I … afraid of spiders.
  3. There … a lot of tourists in our café yesterday.
  4. Peter … in Africa next winter.
  5. We … never late for our Drawing classes.




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