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Valentina G. Erashova. Position. Academic Qualifications. Professional /academic career. Academic Area and Research Topics. Course Involvement. Awards. Publications

Valentina G. Erashova


Senior Lecturer of the department (French)


Academic Qualifications


Professional /academic career

1979 - 1997 Researcher at the Center for Sociological Research of the Belarusian State University;

1997-1998 Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal "Sociology" (BSU);

1994 - 2001 Teacher and methodologist in the Belarusian lyceum under the БКЦ;

1999 - 2000 Teacher of the Department of Romance Languages at MSPU M. Tanka;

2001 - 2009 Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Faculty "Linguistic Support of Intercultural Communications (specialty - International Tourism) PEI "Institute of Modern Knowledge" A.I. Shirokov".

Academic Area and Research Topics

Development of communicative competences of students studying foreign languages.


Course Involvement

Practice of oral and written speech for students of specialties: Management (in international tourism), Customs Affairs, International law, International relations, International Economic Relations.

Practice of oral and written speech for undergraduates.


Gratitude from the FIR BSU - for a long, dedicated and productive work on the preparation of highly qualified specialists - October 2015.



1. Erashova, V. G. Practical work on the culture of verbal communication / V. G. Erashova. — Мn.: CJSC «Modern knowledge», 2006. — 128 p.

2. Erashova, V. G. Culture of France and Belarus: religion and iconography. A guide for regional studies for students of FIR (tourism) / V. G. Erashova, L. P. Yakovleva — Мn.: BSU, 2009. — 76 p.

3. Erashova, V. G. Texts for reading in French: the manual on French for students of the Faculty of International Relations / L. P. Yakovleva, V. G. Erashova — Мn.: BSU, 2011. — 96 p.

4. Erashova, V. G. French: Customs Affairs: the manual for senior students of the Faculty of International Relations / V. G. Erashova, L. P. Yakovleva, N. S. Lavnikevich — Мn.: BSU, 2011. — P. 1. — 92 p.

5. Erashova, V. G. French: Customs Affairs: the manual for senior students of the Faculty of International Relations / V. G. Erashova, L. P. Yakovleva, N. S. Lavnikevich — Мn.: BSU, 2011. — P. 2. — 86 p.

6. Erashova, V. G. French: Customs Affairs: the manual for senior students of the Faculty of International Relations / V. G. Erashova, L. P. Yakovleva, N. S. Lavnikevich — Мn.: BSU, 2011. — P. 3. — 70 p.

7. Erashova, V. G. Theses «Credit-module approach in teaching a foreign language in a non-linguistic university» / V. G. Erashova. — Electronic collection of BSU, 2012. — 2 p.

8. Erashova, V. G. Culture of France and Belarus: architecture: the manual on French for students of the Faculty of International Relations, in 2 parts / V. G. Erashova — Мn.: BSU, 2012. — P. 1: Architecture of France. — 67 p.

9. Erashova, V. G. Culture of France and Belarus: architecture: the manual on French for students of the Faculty of International Relations, in 2 parts / V. G. Erashova — Мn.: BSU, 2012. — P. 2: Architecture of Belarus. — 47 p.

10. Erashova, V. G. Educational-methodical complex for students of the department "International Law" (specialty 1-24 01 01). Foreign language - 1 (French) / V. G. Erashova [and others]. — Minsk: BSU, 2012. — 38 p.

11. Erashova, V. G. Educational-methodical complex for students of the department "International Relations" (specialty 1-23 01 01). Foreign language - 1 (French) / V. G. Erashova, V. V. Cherkas, D. A. Kovalyov. — Мinsk: BSU, 2012. — 41 p.

12. Erashova, V. G. Educational-methodical complex for students of the department "Management" (specialty 1-26 02 02). Foreign language - 1 (French) / V. G. Erashova, V. V. Cherkas. N. S. Lavnikevich. — Мinsk: BSU, 2012. — 38 p.

13. Erashova, V. G. Educational-methodical complex for students of the department " International Economic Relations" (specialty number 1-25 01 03). Foreign language - 1 (French) / V. G. Erashova, V. V. Cherkas, M. I. Dyatchik. — Мinsk: BSU, 2012. — 38 p.

14. Erashova, V. G. Educational-methodical complex for students of the department " Customs Affairs" (specialty 1-96 01 01). Foreign language - 1 (French) / V. G. Erashova, V. V. Cherkas, L. P. Yakovleva. — Мinsk: BSU, 2012. — 36 p.

15. Erashova, V. G. Educational-methodical complex for students of the department "International Law" (specialty 1-24 01 01). Foreign language - 2 (French) / V. G. Erashova, T. V. Kozharina, L. A. Krel. — Мinsk: BSU, 2012. — 30 p.

16. Erashova, V. G. Educational-methodical complex for students of the department "International Relations" (specialty 1-23 01 01). Foreign language - 2 (French)/ V. G. Erashova, V. V. Cherkas, D. A. Kovalev. — Мinsk: BSU, 2012. — 34 p.

17. Erashova, V. G. Educational-methodical complex for students of the department "Management" (specialty 1-26 02 02). Foreign language - 2 (French) / V. G. Erashova, O. L. Litvinenko. — Мinsk: BSU, 2012. — 28 p.

18. Erashova, V. G. Educational-methodical complex for students of the department " International Economic Relations" (specialty number 1-25 01 03). Foreign language - 2 (French) / V. G. Erashova, M. I. Dyatchyk, O. L. Litvinenko. — Мinsk: BSU, 2012. — 28 p.

19. Erashova, V. G. Educational-methodical complex for students of the department " Customs Affairs" (specialty 1-96 01 01). Foreign language - 2 (French) / V. G. Erashova, L. P. Yakovleva. — Мinsk: BSU, 2012. — 27 p.

20. Erashova, V. G. International tourism: the manual on French for students of the Faculty of International Relations specialty «Management in international tourism» in 3 parts / V. G. Erashova [and others]. — Minsk: BSU, 2013. — P. 1. — 90 p.

21. Erashova, V. G. International tourism: the manual on the French language for students of the Faculty of International Relations specialty "Management in international tourism in 3 parts «Texts for analysis of international tourism»  / V. G. Erashova [and others]. — Minsk: BSU, 2013. — P. 2. — 60 p.

22. Erashova, V. G. International tourism: the manual on the French language for students of the Faculty of International Relations specialty "Management in international tourism in 3 parts « Thematic dictionary of tourist terms and business correspondence » / V. G. Erashova [and others]. — Minsk: BSU, 2013. — P. 3. — 50 p.

23. Erashova, V. G. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of intercultural communicative competence among students / V. G. Erashova, L. P. Yakovleva // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of VIIst International scientific conference dedicated to 92th anniversary of BSU, October 30, 2013 / editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others]. — Мinsk: Publishing Center of BSU, 2013. — P. 212—214. 

24. Erashova, V. G. Diplomatic service: the collection of texts and exercises for senior students of the Faculty of International Relations / V. G. Erashova [and others]. — Minsk: BSU, 2014. — 94 p.

25. Erashova, V. G. Diplomatic correspondence: the collection of texts and exercises for senior students of the Faculty of International Relations in 2 p. / V. V. Cherkas, V. G. Erashova, D. A. Kovalev.– Minsk: BSU, 2014. — P. 1: Types and rules of diplomatic correspondence. — 88 p.

26. Erashova, V. G. Diplomatic correspondence: the collection of texts and exercises for senior students of the Faculty of International Relations in 2 p. / V. V. Cherkas, V. G. Erashova, D. A. Kovalev.– Minsk: BSU, 2014. — P. 2: Rules of Administrative Correspondence. — 35 p.

27. Erashova, V. G. La société contemporaine menacée de quatrième pouvoir / V. G. Erashova, A. Bezuglaya // Social and economic development of the service sector in the region: materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists and Students of the Branch of SPbSEU, Syktyvkar, May 22, 2014 / SPbSEU Branch: editorial board: Т. А. Kirosova (executive editor) [and others]. — Syktyvkar: Branch of SPbSEU \ in Syktyvkar, 2014. — P. 392—393.

28. Erashova, V. G. French. To help the freshman: teaching materials for students of junior courses at the Faculty of International Relations in 2 parts / V. G. Erashova [and others]. — Minsk: BSU, 2016. — P. 1.

29. Erashova, V. G. French. To help the freshman: teaching materials for students of junior courses at the Faculty of International Relations in 2 parts / V. G. Erashova [and others]. — Minsk: BSU, 2016. — P. 2.

30. Erashova, V. G. Elimination of shortcomings in the formation of students' foreign competencies / V. G. Erashova // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of IXst International scientific conference dedicated to 94th anniversary of BSU, Minsk, October 29, 2015 / editor: V. G. Shadursky [and others].  — Мinsk: RIHS, 2016. — 272 p.

31. Erashova, V. G. Formation of social-personal competences / V. G. Erashova // Intercultural communication and profession oriented teaching foreign languages: conference proceedings of Xst International scientific conference dedicated to 95th anniversary of BSU, Minsk, October 27, 2016  / editor: V. G. Shadursky (chm) [and others]. — Мinsk: Publishing Center of BSU, 2016. — P. 211—212.


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