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Работа выполняется по вариантам!!!

1 Вариант:Васильев В., Вылегжанин Д., Зуев К., Курочкин С., Сюткин И.

2 Вариант:Ватлин А., Жмур И., Кагелев Н., Сафин Р., Чирков Д.

1 вариант

Инструкция: Вам предстоит выполнить тест, состоящий из 33 заданий. За каждый правильный ответ в заданиях 1-22, 26-32 вы получаете 1 балл, в заданиях 22-25 - 2 балла; за безошибочное выполнение задания 33 - максимально 5 баллов. Для получения отметки «5» вам необходимо набрать 41-38 баллов, отметки «4» - 37-30 баллов, отметки «3» - 29-22 балла. За 21 балл и менее выставляется отметка «2». Будьте внимательны.

Выберите один правильный вариант из четырех предложенных.

1. If you have left a dictionary at home, you may take ________.

a) our;                

b) mine;
c) she;

d) him.

2. It often rains in autumn.

a) It often rains in autumn?                      

b) Does it often raining in autumn?
c) Do it often rained in autumn?

d) Does it often rain in autumn?               

3. Our brother ___________ to the exhibition next Sunday.

a) go;                

b) goes;

c) will go;                 

d) going.

4. _____ Mississippi river is in _______ United States.

a) the, the;                        

b) the, ____;

c) ____, ____;                  

d) ___, the.

5. Don’t send a letter. It’s ______ to phone him.

a) easy;             

b) easier;

c) more easy;

d) the easiest.

6.  You _________ take this book: I don’t need it.

a) should;             

b) need;

c) have;                  

d) may.

7. The train always __________ on time.

a) come;                   

b) is coming;

c) are coming;

d) comes.

8. Last week she __________ a funny story about her pet.

a) wrote;

b) write;
c) writes;           

d) written.

9. As he went on, the box became _______ and _______.

a) heavy, heavy;

b) heavier, heavier;                       

c) heaviest, heaviest;                          

d) the heaviest, the heaviest.

10. You ______ work hard to pass your exam.

a) have;                   

b) can;

c) may;                    

d) must.

11. I know very _____ about this writer. It is the first book I am reading.

a) many;

b) much;

c) little;                              

d) few.

12. There ________ twenty students in my group.

a) are;                            

b) isn’t;

c) is;                    

d) was.

13. We all learn foreign languages.

a) Does we all learn foreign languages?

b) Do we all learn foreign languages?

c) Did we all learn foreign languages?

d) Do we all learnt foreign languages?

14. I can’t go out tonight. I haven’t got ______ money.

a) many;                     

d) little;

c) few;

d) much.

15. Look _____ this man. He looks strange.

a) in;

b) for;

c) at;                  

d) on.

16. My sister speaks French _______ than I do.

a) bad;                       

b) worse;

c) the worst;                       

d) the worse.

17. I want to light the candles. I need some ______ .

a) matches;

b) match;

c) the matches;

d) a match.

Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами:

18. It is an exercise which doesn’t make you stronger but it makes you more ________ to stress.

19. Besides some websites are packed with ________, games and competitions, it’s all you need for hours of fun on your computer.

20. This is spring, the time when all the ________ awakes from its winter sleep.

21. This gas is also _________ in the process of burning.

(The words: nature, quizzes, resistant, educed)


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