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Assets, liabilities and the balance sheet↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5 Содержание книги Поиск на нашем сайте
29 Getting paid 1. Invoice- is a document asking for payment for something and showing the amount to pay 2. invoicing or billing-the activity of producing invoices and sending them to customers 3. chases an invoice- ask for payment because it has not been paid on time 4. trade credit – a period of time, usually 30 or 60 days, before they have to pay 5. a discount-a reduction in the amount they have to pay. 6. Upfront- pay before they receive the goods 7. payment terms – rules on when and how customers should pay 8. cashflow– the timing of payments coming into and going out of the business 9. asset- is value or the power to earn money for a business 10. current assets – money in the bank, investments that can easily be turned into money, money that customers owe, stocks of goods that are going to be sold 11. fixed assets – equipment, machinery, buildings, land 12. goodwill – the value that a company has through its reputation with existing customers – and brands, because an established brand allows its owner to earn money from it, rather than having to build up a brand from nothing 13. going concern-is sold as a functioning operation. 14. depreciation or amortization-Assets, such as machinery and equipment, lose their value over time because they wear out, or are no longer up to date 15. charge-s is shown in the financial records: the value of the equipment is reduced or written down each year over that period. 16. written off completely – shown as having no value at all – at the end 17. book value- The value of an asset at a particular time as shown in a company’s accounts 18. liabilities- are its debts to suppliers, lenders, the tax authorities 19. balance sheet gives a picture of its assets and liabilities at a particular time. This is usually at the end of the 12-month period of its financial year
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