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daffodils buds glad worms wipe  yard mud splash



1. Match the words to the pictures

daffodils buds glad worms wipe  yard mud splash


1.  2.    3.

4.   5.     6.

7.     8.

It rains a lot in the spring. The trees are full of 1)______________________ and the flowers are starting to bloom. My favourite spring flowers are tulips and 2)_______________________. The birds come back from the south. I can always tell that the spring is here when I see my first robin of the season. The robins pull 3)___________________ from the wet ground. When it isn’t raining my friends and I go outside and toss a ball around. We look forward to the summer but we are  4)____________________to get outside after the long winter. The air smells so fresh in the spring. My mother always tells me not to track 5)_____________________ into the house. It’s very muddy in our yard in the spring time. I 6)________________________ my muddy feet before I enter the house. There are a lot of puddles in my yard. I sometimes 7)_____________________ in the puddles and I get wet and cold. So I have to go into the house. I like it when the snow has melted, the rain has stopped and the sun comes out. On sunny days I always get together with my friends. On those days we ride our bikes or play a ball. My parents like to go for walks in spring evenings. They also like to clean up the 8)______________________ in the spring. Everyone seems to be outside. The springtime brings people out of their houses.


2. Let’s talk about spring

1. What are the spring months?

2. What’s the weather like usually in spring?

3. What do you usually wear in spring?

4. When does real spring usually come to your city?

5. What celebrations do you and your family have in spring?

6. What are your favourite spring activities?

7. Do you like spring? Why\ why not?



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