Содержание книги

  1. Слова-указатели. Маркеры времени.
  2. My birthday is on August the 26th.

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My birthday is on August the 26th.

 1) My birthday is on August the 26th.


On the 22d of September (twenty-second)

on September the 22d

2) On my birthday I usually go out with friends in the evening.

have a cake

have a party

see best friends

have a few friends

have a quiet day

have dinner

celebrate with …

spend with …

have an evening meal

get nice presents

I have three parties – one with my family, one with friends and one at work.

3) My last birthday I was in Italy on holiday.

in the countryside

at home having a wonderful meal with …

on holiday

on the beach

at home

I had dinner, I had a cake etc.


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