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Составьте предложения, совместив их части из колонок а и В. Пишите только цифру и букву.

Выполните упражнения

1. Составьте предложения, совместив их части из колонок А и В. Пишите только цифру и букву.

Column A


Column B

While I was driving home,


as he was chopping wood.

We were watching the children


he was sleeping in his bed.

He cut his finger


while they were playing.

At eight o’clock yesterday morning


she slipped and fell.

As she was crossing the street,


I ran out of petrol.

While they were talking,


the doorbell rang.



2. Закончите предложения, поставив глаголы в скобках в правильную форму (один из них – в Past Progressive (Continuous), другой – в Past Simple (Indefinte)).

The children … (play) hide-and-seek when the storm … (begin).- The children were playing hide-and-seek when the storm began.

1). John … (repair) his motorbike when his mother … (arrive).

2). I … (eat) my lunch when the phone … (ring).

3). He … (ride) his bicycle to school when he … (drop) his bag.

4). We … (see) a bad accident as we … (drive) to the airport.

5). Tom … (watch) the match when the TV … (break down).

6). We … (talk) when she … (come) into the room.



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