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Past Simple / Past Continuous?


1. As I (to drive) to work this morning, I (to see) a deer by the side of the road.

2. When we (to arrive) at the resort (курорт), it (to rain) heavily.

3. He (to go) to visit Pam but she (not/to be) at home.

4. While I (to run) downstairs, I (to trip-споткнуться) over my trousers.

5.  When Jacob (to find) Maggie, she (to play) cards with Kevin.

6. They (to sit) in the garden when they (to hear) Debora’s voice.

7. My Mum (to start) to shout while we (to discuss) our plans for the weekend.

8. I (to have) breakfast quite early, then I (to go) to the bus stop and (to catch) the bus.

9. I (to see) a nice dress in the shop window as I (to pass) by.

10. When John (to wash) his dog it (to jump) out of the bath and (to start) barking.

11. Ted (to make) lunch, while Mary (to lay) the table.

12. She (to fry-жарить) fish when the pan - сковорода (to catch) fire.

13. She (to go) to put on her red skirt but it (to be) dirty.

14. He (to ski) when he (to fall) over and (to break) his leg.

15. At midnight we still (to discuss) our plan.

16. They (to fly) over the Andes when the storm (to begin).

17. She (to open) her cupboard, (to take) out her dress and (to put) it on.

18. Simon (to read) out the text while Linda (to write) it down.

19. When I (to come) in all of them (to have) tea, so I (to think) that they (not/to be) in a hurry.

20. That white Mercedes (to follow) us all the morning.

21. When Eugene (to surf) the Internet for the news, the baby (to wake) up.

22. The boys (to talk) quietly when Nancy (to rush) into the room.

23. The bird (to be) shot when it (to fly) above the lake.

24. When she (to hear) the news she (to begin) to cry.

25. We (to enjoy) the film when suddenly the electricity (to go) off.

26. Samantha (to sleep) the whole day yesterday. 

27. Edwin’s dog always (to bark) at the milkman when he (to come).

28. What you (to do) at this time yesterday?

29. When Arthur (to get) up it (to rain) heavily.

30. Terry (to go) downstairs when we (to meet).

31. Herbert (to rest) in the garden all day because he (to be) ill.

32. When Mr. Davidson (to live) in that house he (to have) 3 servants.

33. I (to see) you yesterday. You (to sit) outside a cafe.

34. Oscar (to want) to go to the sea last year but he (not/can) afford it.

35. Olivia (to live) in London when the war (to begin).


Put up all the possible questions to the sentences:

1. My Mum gave a 2-hour interview to our local youth magazine yesterday.

2. My parent were writing a complaint letter (жалобу) to the Internet shop manager the whole evening yesterday.




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