Which sentences are true and which are false? 

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Which sentences are true and which are false?


True or false

Which sentences are true and which are false?


  1. Lydia spends Christmas at home with her family
  2. Natasha describes her Christmas as a ‘small celebration’
  3. Kayleigh describes her dinner as massive
  4. Kamilla’s family eat goose for dinner
  5. Kamilla’s family dance around the dinner table
  6. This dance is a Dutch tradition
  7. Patrick usually has his breakfast at 10ish
  8. Lydia usually has turkey for Christmas
  9. Kayleigh’s least favourite thing about Christmas is shopping for presents Kamilla’s least favourite thing about Christmas is getting all the presents organised


Find the difference

Find and underline the differences between the text below and the video.

Natasha:I come from a very small family and my parents are from Guyana and in Guyana Christmas is a big thing. Lights, presents, food, food and more food.

Kayleigh: Traditional Christmas for me is a huge dinner, lots of friends and family, a fair amount of alcohol, presents.

Kamilla: So, we do a duck for Christmas and we have friends round or we go and see friends and we also dance around the Christmas tree because that’s a Danish tradition.

Patrick:OK, so usually it starts with breakfast about 11ish and smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and coffee. After that, a bit of a break, some present opening and then a long spread out Christmas lunch from 3 till 6 and then the drinking starts.

Lydia:We normally have a goose, a roast goose and chocolate pudding, and all the trimmings.

Natasha:I don’t like the fact that Christmas is started so early. I mean October you go into the shops and Christmas is in-your-face.

Vocabulary lesson

Match the expression to its meaning.

1. It’s a big thing

2. massive

3. ...ish

4. trimmings

5. a major gripe

6. in your face

a. very big

b. the traditional accompaniments to a meal

c. a big dislike

e. something that is impossible to ignore

f. something which is important

g. you use this to talk about an approximate age or time



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