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Main types of sedimentary structures


Main types of sedimentary structures

1. Depositional Structures

Bedding and lamination:

- Graded bedding

- Horizontal/Planar bedding/lamination

- Cross-bedding (Tabular or Planar, Low-angle, Trough)

- Wave ripples

- Current ripples

- Climbing-ripple lamination

- Flaser bedding

- Wavy bedding

- Lenticular bedding

- Bioturbation

2. Post-depositional Structures

Deformation Structures

- Ball and Pillow structures

- Convolute bedding

- Slump structures

- Flame Structures

Diagenetic Structures

- Nodules, concretions

- Stylolites

Plates and tables for description


1. Measure: (a) set thickness, (b) coset thickness, (c) cross-bed/cross lamina thickness, (d) maximum angle of dip of cross-strata, (e) direction of dip of cross-strata for palaeocurrent analysis.

2. Ascertain whether


- set thickness <6 cm, cross laminae less than a few millimeters thick

Or Cross-bedding

- setthickness usually >6 cm, cross-beds more than a few millimeters thick



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