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The main elements of landscape design


Landscape Design Styles


Popular styles:

The regular style is distinguished by strict geometry, straight paths and perfectly trimmed trees.

The French style is based on the symmetry of forms and gives the appearance of the garden harmony with regular lines.

English style, here all decor elements are located freely. Naturalness is the main rule of such a garden.

Oriental style is distinguished by colorful shades and exotic details. The basic requirement is a sufficient amount of penetrating sunlight.

The Japanese style creates an atmosphere of calm, which is conducive to philosophical reflection and contemplation. Each element of decor is symbolic.

Country style forms a rural setting. The garden is filled with many beautiful flowers that give it the look of a colorful village meadow.

Ecodesign is chosen by wildlife lovers. In its naturalness, it is more radical than the English style.



The lawn emphasizes the aesthetics of the surrounding space and saturates the air with oxygen.

Trees and shrubs - create open and closed spaces.

To move around the garden lay decorative paths.

Stones give the garden elements of wildlife. An alternative or addition to stones is small architectural forms. These are sculptures, garden furniture, animal figures, fountains, etc.

A variety of shades and shapes of flower beds allows you to choose a harmonious solution for any style. In some cases, pergolas and trellises are installed to visually divide the garden vegetation into separate zones.

To make the site look more natural, an artificial pond is placed in it.

The gazebo is a bright element of the landscape. It is possible to arrange a meal in the family circle or barbecue.



This was general landscape design information. Thank you for attention!




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