Содержание книги

  1. Native Americans, cowboys and horses.

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Native Americans, cowboys and horses.


My sister Sandy likes love films. She always watches them. Her favourite film is ТPretty WomanТ. I never watch love films. I think they are very boring.

I like detective films best. They are exciting

because there«s a lot of action. I never watch TV

in the morning.

Mum likes music programmes. The pop group she

likes best is the Jonas Brothers. I like them

too. I sometimes watch ТHits of the WeekТ with


My brother Tommy only watches the news. He says it«s very interesting. He doesn«t like the other programmes.

My second brother, Ken, loves westerns. He thinks Native Americans, cowboys and horses are wonderful.


1. Which films does Sandy like?


Love films.

2. Whose favourite programme is
about nature?

Tina«s mum.

3. What does Tommy watch?

The news.

4. Which pop group does Paul«s mum
like best?

The Jonas Brothers.

5. When does Sam watch the
ТMuppet SowТ?

On every Sunday afternoon.

6. What does Paul think about
detective films?

He thinks they«re exciting.

7. Which prgrammes are boring for

Sports programmes.

8. What can you see in westerns?

Native Americans, cowboys and horses.

9. When does Paul never watch TV?

In the morning.

10. When are there football
matches on TV?

Every Wednesday.

11. Which programme does Tina like





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