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Complete the comparative and superlative adjective chart below.



1) Exercise

Complete the comparative and superlative adjective chart below.


1. Sweet



2. Long



3. Fast



4. Old



5. Expensive



6. Large



7. Tall



8. Rich



9. Hard



10. Warm



11. Nice



12. Bad



13. Young




2) Exercise       Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).

  1. This is the (interesting) _____________________book I have ever read.
  2. She is ______________________ (happy) now than he was last year.
  3. I always tell the _______________________ (fun) jokes.
  4. They are not going to the__________________(bad) hotel.
  5. He was the (clever) _______________________ boy of all.
  6. Sara is 13 years old. Ana is 5 years old. Sara is (old)__________________Ana.
  7. The weather is not good today - it's snowing. I hope the weather will be (good) _______________ next week.




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