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I. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в past Perfect Progressive. Переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.



Past Perfect Progressive.


I. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в Past Perfect Progressive. Переведите полученные предложения на русский язык.

  1. They (to live) in this city for almost three years when their son came back to England.
  2. We were very wet when we came home because we (to walk) in the rain for a long time.
  3. Bob tried to stop Dan who (to shout) for the last ten minutes.
  4. Angela rose from the arm-chair in which she (to sit) at least for two hours.
  5. David saw that Mary (to cry) because her eyes were wet and red but didn’t say anything.
  6. I thought we had to come to talk about this problem which we (to discuss) for hours already.
  7. She (to learn) French for five years before she could speak fluently.
  8. How long she (to wait) before he came?
  9. When I met James, he (to open) a new bank account.
  10. Miss Burn (to work) only for about half an hour when she heard it.
  11. The children (to go) to school by bus for three months, when they cancelled the school bus service.
  12. When the parents arrived, he (to play) computer games since 3 o’clock and hadn’t done his homework.
  13. (to cook) you the cake for long enough when you took it out?
  14. Sam (not to talk) very loudly so in the end I couldn’t understand him at all.
  15. It was lunchtime and Tom (to work) for four hours when his boss came.


II. Прочитайте ситуацию, переведите на русский язык и составьте предложение, используя Past Perfect Progressive и выражения из рамочки.

  1. Mary woke up suddenly. She was frightened. She_____
  2.  Jim came home. He was tired. His hands were dirty. He _____
  3. When parents entered the room, but there was a strong smell of cigarettes. Someone____
  4. When the test was over, the students looked really tired. They_____
  5. Ann came from the beach. Her skin was red. She______
  6. When the children came home, dinner was ready, but mother was tired and couldn’t eat at all. She_____
  7. I really had to go to the dentist because one of the teeth_____
  8. When the company went bankrupt, nothing could change the situation. I ____
  9. Henry was stopped by the police. He ____
  10. He started to play football at about three. Somewhere about half past three it began to rain. We _____


  • to drive too fast
  • to smoke in the room
  • to cook since morning
  • to lose money for months
  • to play football for about half an hour
  • to dream a nightmare
  • to work in the garden
  • ache for weeks
  • to write for two hours
  • to lie in the sun too much


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