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Travelling: means of transport
   People started traveling many years ago. The first travelers were explorers. They traveled because they wanted to become wealthy and famous, to find adventures or something else. Their trips were extremely dangerous, but they kept on going to discover the new lands.
   Today traveling isn`t so dangerous, and it is more convenient.
   There are hundreds of tourist companies. They take care of tickets and make all the necessary reservations. If you don't speak the language of the country you want to go to, there are interpreters who can help you.
   While traveling around the world you can choose different means of transport: trains, ships, plains or bicycle. You can also travel hiking.
    The fastest and the most convenient way of traveling is by air. However, it is the most expensive. Trains are slower than plains, but this way of traveling has its advantages.
    Modern trains are very comfortable, besides, you can see the interesting places of the country you are traveling through. Dining cars and sleeping cars make even the longest journey enjoyable. The main advantages of plains and trains are safety, comfort, and speed. That the reason why most people prefer them to other means of transport.
    Nowadays traveling by sea has become very popular. You can visit other countries or various places of interest within the country when you travel by ship or boat.
    My favourite way is traveling by car. I believe it is very convenient. I don`t need to make any reservations or carry heavy suitcases. I can stop wherever I wish, and spend as much time as I wish at any place.

2.Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения:

1. Путешествуя по миру, вы можете выбирать различные виды транспорта: поезда, корабли, самолеты или велосипед.
2. Можно путешествовать пешком.
3. Вы можете посмотреть достопримечательности страны.

4. Главными преимуществами самолетов и поездов являются безопасность, комфорт и скорость.

5. Самый быстрый и самый удобный способ путешествовать – по воздуху.
6. Вы можете выбирать различные виды транспорта: поезда, корабли, самолеты или велосипед.

7. Вы можете посещать другие страны, а также разные интересные места своей страны, путешествуя на кораблях или лодках.
8. Мой любимый способ - путешествие на автомобиле.


2. Выпишите названия видов транспорта.

3. Придумайте к тексту 6 вопросов.

My Travel to Great Britain

Millions of people in the world spend their holidays travelling. Luckily, there are many companies today, which can organize your tour and leisure time whenever or wherever you like.

As for me, I am curious to know more about new places and countries, to explore their sights and to learn about other people’s culture. Most of all, I’m interested in English-speaking countries.

Last year, my parents decided to arrange a tour to Great Britain for me. It was supposed to include two teachers and ten children. I can’t tell you how happy I was. It was during autumn holidays and I was planning to stay for a week. The only problem was weather. At this time of the year Britain is rainy and humid. Although, compared to the great time I was going to have there, it was nothing. So I packed my bags and prepared for the voyage.

We arrived to London by plane. At the airport we were greeted by our host families. I was going to stay at my penfriend’s place in a village not far from Bristol. The view there was breathtaking. It was a small settlement with a number of neat houses and several farmyards. There were some stores and a pub. When we wanted to experience city rush, we drove to Bristol. I liked this city. It was full of light, spacious stores, various restaurants, malls with cinema theatres, cute bridges and castles. There was even an adventure park for kids in Bristol surroundings, which we visited on the third day of our stay.

We spent a day in London. I should say I fell in love with this city once I saw it. Our friends showed us around. We managed to visit the Museum of Madame Tussauds, the Trafalgar Square, the Westminster Abbey. In the evening we went to the Piccadilly Circus, which seemed even more beautiful than on pictures. It’s a pity we didn’t stay there longer, because there is much more to see in London. When I returned home, I was full of positive emotions. If I get a chance I will visit this country again


2. Ответьте на вопросы.

· Do you like travelling?

· Do you prefer travelling alone or in a group?

· Have you been to many foreign countries?

· Which countries would you like to visit?

· What are the best places to visit in your hometown?


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