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  1. Задание для группы «202»22 февраля 2022

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Задание для группы «202»22 февраля 2022

Задание для группы «202»22 февраля 2022

Дата: The 22ndofFebruary

Тема: Лексическая тема «Сердце». PresentSimple.


Task 1. Сделайте письменный перевод данных предложений.


1) The circulatory system is composed of three major parts: the heart, the vessels and the blood.

2) The sac that surrounds the heart is called the pericardium.

3) The heart has three layers: epicardium, myocardium, endocardium.

4) The myocardium is the central muscular area.

5) An artery is a blood vessel that carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to the body tissues.

6) Veins do the opposite. Veins carry blood towards the heart. And with one exception veins carry deoxygenated blood.

7) Finally, we have the capillaries which go in between the two. They are very small vessels. They are one cell thick.

8) Capillaries exchange oxygen, nutrients, and wastes between blood plasma and tissue cells.

9) It’s within the capillaries that oxygen and nutrients are transported to tissues, and carbon dioxide and waste products are carried away from tissues.

10) The veins carry the waste products back towards the heart.


Task 2.Прочитайте диалог «У кардиолога».


Doctor: Mr. Robinson, your blood pressure is really high. You’re at increased risk for a heart attack.

Patient: Could you explain exactly what happens during a heart attack?

Doctor: Certainly. Usually, an artery inside the heart gets blocked by fatty acids.

Patient: That doesn’t sound good.

Doctor: No, it’s not. When that happens, blood can’t get through. That can lead to permanent damage or death.

Patient: Oh my! What are the symptoms?

Doctor: Sudden chest pain or difficulty breathing. Call the hospital immediately if you have them.

Patient: I will. Thank you, Doctor.


Task 3. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме.
1. Не (be) a good footballer. 2. We (be) at school. 3. The roses (be) very beautiful. 4. I (have) an interesting book. 5. The sun (be) very hot. 6. I (do) my lessons carefully (тщательно). 7. Elizabeth (have) a new dress. 8. The students (do) English lessons three times a week. 9. I (have) a camera. 10. Harry (be) a tennisplayer.


Выполненное задание принести на следующую пару.

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