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Use the plan to talk about a famous person:


 «5» Use the plan to talk about a famous person:

1. Introduction (name, date of birth, place of birth, family)

2. Yearly years (education, family, children )

3. Later years, achievements

4. Current status or date-place of death, comments

«4» Use the information below to write a text about the famous person.

Full name

William Henry Gates III


28 October, 1955, in Seattle, USA


the world’s largest computer software company, the youngest billionaire at the age of 31

Early Life

· very intelligent, especially good at Maths and Science

· parents sent him to Lakaside, a private school

· he and his friend, Paul Allen, spent all their time writing programmes

· finished school in 1973

Later Life

· went to Harvard

· he and his friend , Paul, wrote an operating programme for the Altair

· started Microsoft in 1975 (with Paul Allen) , left Harvard

· married Melinda French, his colleague, in 1995

· wrote The Road Ahead in 1995


ambitious, hardworking, generous


puzzles, golf, reading about science


to give away almost all of his wealth


«3» Rearrange the text in order to get a biography. Then fill the gaps with the appropriate words from the list.

died                 admire                           formed                           spent               became                          returned produced                   married                          born                studied                          received            learned

(1) At the beginning of World War I, Kandinsky ____________ to Russia and became a teacher. It was then that he ______________ 16-year-old Nina de Andrejevski.


(2) After the war, Kandinsky returned to Germany and ___________ professor at the ‘Bauhaus of Weimar.’ Kandinsky _______________German nationality in 1928 but he moved to France and settled there with his wife. He ___________ there in 1944 at the age of 78. Many people _________ Kandinsky’s beautiful paintings to this day and recognise him as one of the first explorers of abstract art.


(3) In 1886, however, he ____________ Law and Economics, at Moscow University. It wasn’t until 1896 that he went to Munich to study art. In 1911, along with other German painters, he _____________ an art group called ‘Der Blauer Reiter.’ He _____________ many abstract paintings during this time, full of brilliant colours and complex patterns.


(4)  Wassily Kandinsky was____________ in Moscow on December 4, 1866. He ____________ his early childhood in Odessa and ____________the piano and cello at an early age. He would become one of the most influential artists and theorists of the 20th century.


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